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China Invasion of Taiwan - 6 reason it could happen

This is a recent article on the concerns Taiwan has about a Chinese invasion /takeover of their nation. China has been making provocative moves in that region for some time leading people to believe that a Taiwan invasion is what they are planning. How close is it?


6 Reasons China Would Invade Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
September 03, 2015

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense submitted its 2015 report on mainland China’s military to the Taiwanese legislature yesterday. The report noted a variety of scenarios under which China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) might invade Taiwan, and outlined the possible attack strategy.

The MND report noted that leaders in Beijing are concerned about the 2016 presidential elections in Taiwan. Tsai Ing-wen, the candidate for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is currently leading in the polls, and Beijing has not-so-fond memories of the previous DPP president, Chen Shui-bian. The MND suggested that recent PLA drills seeming to simulate an attack on Taipei, Taiwan’s capital, were a direct result of Beijing’s worries.

The report said that Beijing might decide to invade Taiwan under a number of circumstances: if Taiwan declares independence or takes steps toward de jure independence; if Taiwan obtains nuclear weapons; if foreign troops are deployed in Taiwan; if there is extreme civil unrest or other internal chaos in Taiwan; if foreign forces interfere in Taiwan’s affairs; or if Taiwan delays cross-strait negotiations on eventual reunification.

In 2005, when Beijing was concerned about the possibility of a move toward Taiwanese independence under President Chen, it passed an “Anti-Secession Law,” which made it clear that Beijing will use “non-peaceful means” if it believes that Taiwan is moving toward independence. The law also allows for the use of force against Taiwan if “possibilities for a peaceful re-unification should be completely exhausted.” It’s that last point that has always worried Taiwan’s leaders – the possibility that Beijing could order an invasion simply because it believes talks on reunification are going nowhere.

As for how China would attack Taiwan, the MND said the PLA would probably use a combination of military threats and a blockade against Taiwan to intimidate Taiwanese. Then Beijing would move to use missiles against Taiwan’s military and political centers. According to the MND, the PLA’s Second Artillery Crops currently has 1,500 missiles deployed against Taiwan. After missile attacks, the PLA would use both aircraft and amphibious vehicles to mount an actual invasion.

Nothing new.

Of course China could try to invade Taiwan.

If China really, really wants to destroy its own economy, and watch its Navy get totally trashed.

China might even succeed in taking Taiwan.....but again their economy would be trashed.

Could happen- good thing Taiwan has been expecting it since 1947.

If China has the strongest economy in the world how would invading Taiwan trash their economy?

Forbes Welcome
China's Now The World Number One Economy And It Doesn't Matter
China's economy is as fragile as a fucking fortune cookie.
It teters on a razor edge.
One bad weekand the year's rice crop rots. They have zero infrastructure to stabilize their food production.
We've seen this since Mao.
The only reason China claims it has the largest economy is b/c it has the most people doing business........99% which 'do business' are selling fucking dried insects in food markets.
In fact 'The King Has No Clothes'.
Been threatening Taiwan for decades. Possible? Absolutely. Probable? Yes, eventually. But so what? Wanna threaten a military conflict with a country who could decimate the Us in about 30 minutes when we couldn't defeat a 19th century society of goat herders?

Hmmm what country would that be?

The only country that has the capability to 'decimate' the U.S. in '30 minutes' is Russia. China has far, far less significant nuclear capabilities.

And why would China commit nuclear suicide?

Wow. You don't know shit about military issues do ya? China is every bit the US' military equal, and in some respects superior because they don't pull their military punches for fear of public outcry like we do.


How many aircraft carriers does China have? How many nuclear ballistic submarines?

But since you are the one bringing up nukes- lets compare nukes- shall we?

United States- estimated warheads- 7,000 or so
China- estimated warheads- 200 or so.

Hell France has more nuclear warheads than China.

So tell me exactly how China is every bit the U.S. military's equal?

More bodies? Sure- doesn't do much good if you need to cross water though. More airplanes- again sure- but no way to project them like the United States can.

What China has is less of everything necessary for a successful invasion of Taiwan.

You are living in a dream world and under the misguided belief that we are living in the days of Reagan and a strong military. Those days are long gone. You are not facing reality here or you are but do not want the readers to realize how serious the situation is right now. It's one or the other. If it is the latter what would your motive be? A paycheck? I wouldn't pay you but then again I wouldn't pay RightWinger either and he claims to be on the payroll of someone. So... mediocrity must be in demand. No offense but I cannot find anything spectacular or even noteworthy coming out of either of you. Your arguments are weak.
This is a recent article on the concerns Taiwan has about a Chinese invasion /takeover of their nation. China has been making provocative moves in that region for some time leading people to believe that a Taiwan invasion is what they are planning. How close is it?


6 Reasons China Would Invade Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
September 03, 2015

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense submitted its 2015 report on mainland China’s military to the Taiwanese legislature yesterday. The report noted a variety of scenarios under which China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) might invade Taiwan, and outlined the possible attack strategy.

The MND report noted that leaders in Beijing are concerned about the 2016 presidential elections in Taiwan. Tsai Ing-wen, the candidate for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is currently leading in the polls, and Beijing has not-so-fond memories of the previous DPP president, Chen Shui-bian. The MND suggested that recent PLA drills seeming to simulate an attack on Taipei, Taiwan’s capital, were a direct result of Beijing’s worries.

The report said that Beijing might decide to invade Taiwan under a number of circumstances: if Taiwan declares independence or takes steps toward de jure independence; if Taiwan obtains nuclear weapons; if foreign troops are deployed in Taiwan; if there is extreme civil unrest or other internal chaos in Taiwan; if foreign forces interfere in Taiwan’s affairs; or if Taiwan delays cross-strait negotiations on eventual reunification.

In 2005, when Beijing was concerned about the possibility of a move toward Taiwanese independence under President Chen, it passed an “Anti-Secession Law,” which made it clear that Beijing will use “non-peaceful means” if it believes that Taiwan is moving toward independence. The law also allows for the use of force against Taiwan if “possibilities for a peaceful re-unification should be completely exhausted.” It’s that last point that has always worried Taiwan’s leaders – the possibility that Beijing could order an invasion simply because it believes talks on reunification are going nowhere.

As for how China would attack Taiwan, the MND said the PLA would probably use a combination of military threats and a blockade against Taiwan to intimidate Taiwanese. Then Beijing would move to use missiles against Taiwan’s military and political centers. According to the MND, the PLA’s Second Artillery Crops currently has 1,500 missiles deployed against Taiwan. After missile attacks, the PLA would use both aircraft and amphibious vehicles to mount an actual invasion.

Nothing new.

Of course China could try to invade Taiwan.

If China really, really wants to destroy its own economy, and watch its Navy get totally trashed.

China might even succeed in taking Taiwan.....but again their economy would be trashed.

Could happen- good thing Taiwan has been expecting it since 1947.

If China has the strongest economy in the world how would invading Taiwan trash their economy?

Forbes Welcome
China's Now The World Number One Economy And It Doesn't Matter
China's economy is as fragile as a fucking fortune cookie.
It teters on a razor edge.
One bad weekand the year's rice crop rots. They have zero infrastructure to stabilize their food production.
We've seen this since Mao.
The only reason China claims it has the largest economy is b/c it has the most people doing business........99% which 'do business' are selling fucking dried insects in food markets.
In fact 'The King Has No Clothes'.

Can you sing for your supper?
I count 6 ships...It would take thousands of ships to invade Taiwan

Most of which would be sunk

Why would China suffer so many casualties and suffer from global economic sanctions to take an Island they haven't had for 65 years?

Economic sanctions from whom? America will be destroyed - Russia will do a nuclear strike on us when we respond to the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Exactly who is going to bring global economic sanctions on China? Please name that nation. This ought to be interesting.

LOL. Why would Russia commit suicide on behalf of the Chinese invasion of Taiwan?

Hell if Russia did do that- that alone would destroy China's economy- since it would no longer have the United States as a market.

You are an alarmist, and end of days fanatic and profoundly ignorant of what you spout off about.

Suicide? What in the world are you talking about? The Russians would be committing suicide if they backed China? How so?

You are making no sense! Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker.......... you're out of ammo here. Seriously. (no pun intended)

You are the one making the idiotic claim that Russia would attack the United States with nuclear weapons to support China's invasion of Taiwan.

Why do you think Putin is suicidal? Do you think Putin really despises Moscow and St. Petersburg and every Russian city over 100,000 people?

Mutual assured destruction- we have enough nukes to effectively destroy Russia- and that would happen almost automatically if Russia launched missiles at the U.S.

FYI. There are enough Nuclear fallout shelters provided by the Russians to protect 90% of their population. That is not the case for the U.S. Furthermore, as China is the one who has been selling the computer hardware - chips (which have proven defective again and again) to our Military what makes you think we are going to be able to respond? I do not believe we will be capable of a response. They have done their homework and have made sure that we won't be able to respond. I do not know where you have been living, Syriusly, but the reports on our security having been compromised by the Chinese selling to our Military - is old news.

1.5 billion in fallout shelters?
Are you crazy?

The US Military does not buy chips from China
China has less of a capability to invade Taiwan than they had 50 years ago

Taiwan would destroy their invasion force. They have spent the last 50 years collecting the most advanced anti-ship missiles, aircraft and submarines to send the Chinese fleet to the bottom
"The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) is approaching modernization on a scale unprecedented in its history. China now has two stealth fighter programs- the third and fourth J-20 prototypes, which conducted their first flights in March and July 2014. Further PLAAF developments are anticipated.

China's nuclear arsenal currently consists of 50-60 ICBMs. China is adding more survivable road-mobile systems, enhancing its silo-based systems, and developing a sea-based nuclear deterrent. They are also augmenting more than 1,200 conventional short-range ballistic missiles deployed opposite Taiwan with a limited but growing number of conventionally armed, medium-range ballistic missiles, including the DF-16, which will improve China's ability to strike regional targets. China continues to deploy growing numbers of the DF-210 antiship ballistic missile and is developing a tiered ballistic missile defense system, having successfully tested the upper-tier capability on two occasions."
Statement for the Record: Worldwide Threat Assessment > Defense Intelligence Agency > Article View

Have standing militaries with 900k more active and reserves than the US to boot.

Unlike the US and even Russia, I'm not confident they share our aversion to a nuclear exchange, and if they think they can 'win' might opt for such weapons usage. Have a 'problematic-sized' population. Loosing some with an overall military victory might not pose a big problem for them.

Wow- 50 or 60 ICBMs?

That is less than France or the UK

The United States has 1,000 or so land based ICBM's and around 2000 on submarines.
Economic sanctions from whom? America will be destroyed - Russia will do a nuclear strike on us when we respond to the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Exactly who is going to bring global economic sanctions on China? Please name that nation. This ought to be interesting.

LOL. Why would Russia commit suicide on behalf of the Chinese invasion of Taiwan?

Hell if Russia did do that- that alone would destroy China's economy- since it would no longer have the United States as a market.

You are an alarmist, and end of days fanatic and profoundly ignorant of what you spout off about.

Suicide? What in the world are you talking about? The Russians would be committing suicide if they backed China? How so?

You are making no sense! Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker.......... you're out of ammo here. Seriously. (no pun intended)

You are the one making the idiotic claim that Russia would attack the United States with nuclear weapons to support China's invasion of Taiwan.

Why do you think Putin is suicidal? Do you think Putin really despises Moscow and St. Petersburg and every Russian city over 100,000 people?

Mutual assured destruction- we have enough nukes to effectively destroy Russia- and that would happen almost automatically if Russia launched missiles at the U.S.

FYI. There are enough Nuclear fallout shelters provided by the Russians to protect 90% of their population. That is not the case for the U.S. Furthermore, as China is the one who has been selling the computer hardware - chips (which have proven defective again and again) to our Military what makes you think we are going to be able to respond? I do not believe we will be capable of a response. They have done their homework and have made sure that we won't be able to respond. I do not know where you have been living, Syriusly, but the reports on our security having been compromised by the Chinese selling to our Military - is old news.

1.5 billion in fallout shelters?
Are you crazy?

The US Military does not buy chips from China

You cannot be on a payroll for this. It's like shooting fish in a barrel with you. I simply cannot believe someone pays you to come up with these one liners! Do you even fact check your own answers before firing away? Or is that a novel idea for you?

Counterfeit chips plague Pentagon weapons systems

National Security

Counterfeit chips plague Pentagon weapons systems
Florida case turns up mislabeled parts from China destined for radar, advanced fighters and missiles
Been threatening Taiwan for decades. Possible? Absolutely. Probable? Yes, eventually. But so what? Wanna threaten a military conflict with a country who could decimate the Us in about 30 minutes when we couldn't defeat a 19th century society of goat herders?

Hmmm what country would that be?

The only country that has the capability to 'decimate' the U.S. in '30 minutes' is Russia. China has far, far less significant nuclear capabilities.

And why would China commit nuclear suicide?

You just said in your post # 24 that the Russians would be committing suicide. Now you claim it is the Chinese. Which is it? Russia? China? Or both?

Are you trying to tell us that China and Russia together are no match for the United States? Seriously? You're in some serious denial, Syriusly. Serious denial.

If it comes to a nuclear war- there is no 'match' there is just going to be lots of dead people and cities.

If it were just China and the U.S., we would be hurt and China would be wasteland. If it were just us and Russia- both of our countries would be a wasteland. If it were both China and Russia lobbing nukes at us- both China and Russia would be a wasteland- we could spare 3,000 nukes for each of them.

But what I ask you is why you think either China or Russia would be so suicidal as to launch nuclear weapons?

Because that is what it would be- suicide- exactly as it would be if the U.S. launched nukes at Russia.
He thinks that b/c he's like fifteen years old.
He is on all sorts of 'tin foil hat' websites and believes he is actually (cough) informing us "low information people".
Look where he get's his C&P (cough) information. It's a fucking joke.
Hilarious but you'll get this.

This photo of Chinese chip manufacturing was found in one of the computers at VisionTech’s offices. Government investigators concluded that it likely portrayed the production of counterfeit chips for the company. Addendum to sentencing memorandum written by Assistant U.S. Attorney Sherri L. Schornstein
When a picture is worth a thousand words..............
more bad news...............

Over a four year period ending last year, however, Shannon A. Wren’s nine-employee company brokered the sale of more than $15.8 million in computer parts to government customers and others from a small office in a central Florida business park, including many items labeled as “military-capable” and destined for use in advanced fighters, radar systems, and missiles, according to government documents.

As Navy and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigators eventually learned, almost all of these parts were produced at a single factory in China, using inferior and recycled materials, while being falsely labeled as the products of well-known chip makers such as Intel, Texas Instruments, and Motorola.

Many have been seized, but any that remain in use pose the risk of causing “components to melt, burst, rupture, catch fire or explode, resulting in property damage, personal injury and death,” the government declared in U.S. District Court filing in Washington on Sept. 30. The Naval Air Systems Command, without addressing whether some of the counterfeit chips remain in use or circulation, had warned two weeks earlier that any failures had the potential to ground military aircraft or prompt mistaken shoot-downs of friendly planes.

Wren’s company, VisionTech – now shuttered as part of the first major federal effort to stop the trafficking of counterfeit computer chips to the U.S. military – flourished for years because the Defense Department has largely failed to impose significant controls on the origin and quality of the electronics it buys, according to federal investigators, industry officials, and lawmakers. Wren died in May at the age of 42, prior to his scheduled trial on federal charges.

Counterfeit chips plague Pentagon weapons systems
View attachment 51198

This photo of Chinese chip manufacturing was found in one of the computers at VisionTech’s offices. Government investigators concluded that it likely portrayed the production of counterfeit chips for the company. Addendum to sentencing memorandum written by Assistant U.S. Attorney Sherri L. Schornstein
When a picture is worth a thousand words..............

Oh my- China producing counterfeit chips.

Clearly that means China will invade Taiwan.........LOL
"The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) is approaching modernization on a scale unprecedented in its history. China now has two stealth fighter programs- the third and fourth J-20 prototypes, which conducted their first flights in March and July 2014. Further PLAAF developments are anticipated.

China's nuclear arsenal currently consists of 50-60 ICBMs. China is adding more survivable road-mobile systems, enhancing its silo-based systems, and developing a sea-based nuclear deterrent. They are also augmenting more than 1,200 conventional short-range ballistic missiles deployed opposite Taiwan with a limited but growing number of conventionally armed, medium-range ballistic missiles, including the DF-16, which will improve China's ability to strike regional targets. China continues to deploy growing numbers of the DF-210 antiship ballistic missile and is developing a tiered ballistic missile defense system, having successfully tested the upper-tier capability on two occasions."
Statement for the Record: Worldwide Threat Assessment > Defense Intelligence Agency > Article View

Have standing militaries with 900k more active and reserves than the US to boot.

Unlike the US and even Russia, I'm not confident they share our aversion to a nuclear exchange, and if they think they can 'win' might opt for such weapons usage. Have a 'problematic-sized' population. Loosing some with an overall military victory might not pose a big problem for them.

Wow- 50 or 60 ICBMs?

That is less than France or the UK

The United States has 1,000 or so land based ICBM's and around 2000 on submarines.
You're correct about the submarine ICBM's.....roughly.
You can quadruple the land based ICBMs.......roughly. Roughly a 1000 are in countries other than the US. Putin knows that we know that Putin knows this. China knows everything about everything and they know the US knows they know. This is how 'real life' geopolitics works for you fifteen year old 'experts' out there.
Been threatening Taiwan for decades. Possible? Absolutely. Probable? Yes, eventually. But so what? Wanna threaten a military conflict with a country who could decimate the Us in about 30 minutes when we couldn't defeat a 19th century society of goat herders?

Hmmm what country would that be?

The only country that has the capability to 'decimate' the U.S. in '30 minutes' is Russia. China has far, far less significant nuclear capabilities.

And why would China commit nuclear suicide?

Wow. You don't know shit about military issues do ya? China is every bit the US' military equal, and in some respects superior because they don't pull their military punches for fear of public outcry like we do.

Please do elaborate. We have a couple of arm chair warriors here who are under the illusion that Russia and China would be committing suicide if they were to join forces against the USA. I appreciate your comments on the subject, Delta. You have a better grasp on reality than either of these people who have their heads firmly stuck in the sand.

Jeremiah like 70% of our nuclear arsenal is underwater on subs...they don't know where they are.
It would be pure suicide.......
And this whole thread ignores recent China history.

China has spent the last 30 years developing its economy- carefully cultivating a market based system with a totalitarian government. The bustling economy is the reason why Chinese top leadership can have all of the luxuries that they like- and skim off so much money into their private accounts- China political leadership is very corrupt.

Some on here belief that they would throw that all away- apparently believing Chinese leadership irrational and suicidal.
No nuclear war with another nation is going to happen unless the leadership is totally batshit crazy- North Korea is the only country that comes close.

China could try to invade Taiwan- but it most likely would only do so if China's economy really, really tanked- so that China didn't think it could get any worse and to divert their populations attention from empty stomachs.
Unlike Jesus....China cannot walk on water

Is that why China has built artificial islands in the waters there --> to put their military bases on?


I count 6 ships...It would take thousands of ships to invade Taiwan

Most of which would be sunk

Why would China suffer so many casualties and suffer from global economic sanctions to take an Island they haven't had for 65 years?

Are you telling me that you do not believe the Russians are capable of backing the Chinese in their invasion of Taiwan? Really, R.W.?
I count 6 ships...It would take thousands of ships to invade Taiwan

Most of which would be sunk

Why would China suffer so many casualties and suffer from global economic sanctions to take an Island they haven't had for 65 years?

Economic sanctions from whom? America will be destroyed - Russia will do a nuclear strike on us when we respond to the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Exactly who is going to bring global economic sanctions on China? Please name that nation. This ought to be interesting.

LOL. Why would Russia commit suicide on behalf of the Chinese invasion of Taiwan?

Hell if Russia did do that- that alone would destroy China's economy- since it would no longer have the United States as a market.

You are an alarmist, and end of days fanatic and profoundly ignorant of what you spout off about.

Suicide? What in the world are you talking about? The Russians would be committing suicide if they backed China? How so?

You are making no sense! Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker.......... you're out of ammo here. Seriously. (no pun intended)

You are the one making the idiotic claim that Russia would attack the United States with nuclear weapons to support China's invasion of Taiwan.

Why do you think Putin is suicidal? Do you think Putin really despises Moscow and St. Petersburg and every Russian city over 100,000 people?

Mutual assured destruction- we have enough nukes to effectively destroy Russia- and that would happen almost automatically if Russia launched missiles at the U.S.

FYI. There are enough Nuclear fallout shelters provided by the Russians to protect 90% of their population. That is not the case for the U.S. Furthermore, as China is the one who has been selling the computer hardware - chips (which have proven defective again and again) to our Military what makes you think we are going to be able to respond? I do not believe we will be capable of a response. They have done their homework and have made sure that we won't be able to respond. I do not know where you have been living, Syriusly, but the reports on our security having been compromised by the Chinese selling to our Military - is old news.
That's enough you fucking idiot. I've read enough of your garbage. That's right millions of Russians have to line up for fucking bread every day but the government has provided "Nuclear fallout shelters to protect 90% of the population". Why asshole? So the millions of desperate Russians just needing to fucking eat can stay alive to get out of their fallout shelters (stocked with FUCKING WHAT TO EAT YOU FUCKING MORON!!!!!!! after a year of nuclear winter and then go line up for a fucking loaf of BREAD? You REALLY need to get some addiction counselling pal.

From your link

Additional focus was placed on the region with the Obama administration's 2012 "Pivot to East Asia" regional strategy,[3]whose key areas of actions are: "strengthening bilateral security alliances; deepening our working relationships with emerging powers, including with China; engaging with regional multilateral institutions; expanding trade and investment; forging a broad-based military presence; and advancing democracy and human rights."[4] A report by the Brookings Institution states that reactions to the pivot strategy were mixed, as "different Asian states responded to American rebalancing in different ways."[3]

There has been strong perception from China that all of these are part of US' China containment policy.[5] Proponents of this theory claim that the United States needs a weak, divided China to continue its hegemony in Asia. This is accomplished, the theory claims, by the United States establishing military, economic, and diplomatic ties with countries adjacent to China's borders.

East Asian foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes the "pivot to east asia" has been widely reported.

Bullshit give us links You wrote that wiki link
Stop embarrassing yourself you low info rube:


I am not linking on that down load asshole...quit making shit up....
This is a recent article on the concerns Taiwan has about a Chinese invasion /takeover of their nation. China has been making provocative moves in that region for some time leading people to believe that a Taiwan invasion is what they are planning. How close is it?


6 Reasons China Would Invade Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
September 03, 2015

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense submitted its 2015 report on mainland China’s military to the Taiwanese legislature yesterday. The report noted a variety of scenarios under which China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) might invade Taiwan, and outlined the possible attack strategy.

The MND report noted that leaders in Beijing are concerned about the 2016 presidential elections in Taiwan. Tsai Ing-wen, the candidate for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is currently leading in the polls, and Beijing has not-so-fond memories of the previous DPP president, Chen Shui-bian. The MND suggested that recent PLA drills seeming to simulate an attack on Taipei, Taiwan’s capital, were a direct result of Beijing’s worries.

The report said that Beijing might decide to invade Taiwan under a number of circumstances: if Taiwan declares independence or takes steps toward de jure independence; if Taiwan obtains nuclear weapons; if foreign troops are deployed in Taiwan; if there is extreme civil unrest or other internal chaos in Taiwan; if foreign forces interfere in Taiwan’s affairs; or if Taiwan delays cross-strait negotiations on eventual reunification.

In 2005, when Beijing was concerned about the possibility of a move toward Taiwanese independence under President Chen, it passed an “Anti-Secession Law,” which made it clear that Beijing will use “non-peaceful means” if it believes that Taiwan is moving toward independence. The law also allows for the use of force against Taiwan if “possibilities for a peaceful re-unification should be completely exhausted.” It’s that last point that has always worried Taiwan’s leaders – the possibility that Beijing could order an invasion simply because it believes talks on reunification are going nowhere.

As for how China would attack Taiwan, the MND said the PLA would probably use a combination of military threats and a blockade against Taiwan to intimidate Taiwanese. Then Beijing would move to use missiles against Taiwan’s military and political centers. According to the MND, the PLA’s Second Artillery Crops currently has 1,500 missiles deployed against Taiwan. After missile attacks, the PLA would use both aircraft and amphibious vehicles to mount an actual invasion.

Nothing new.

Of course China could try to invade Taiwan.

If China really, really wants to destroy its own economy, and watch its Navy get totally trashed.

China might even succeed in taking Taiwan.....but again their economy would be trashed.

Could happen- good thing Taiwan has been expecting it since 1947.

If China has the strongest economy in the world how would invading Taiwan trash their economy?

Forbes Welcome
China's Now The World Number One Economy And It Doesn't Matter
China's economy is as fragile as a fucking fortune cookie.
It teters on a razor edge.
One bad weekand the year's rice crop rots. They have zero infrastructure to stabilize their food production.
We've seen this since Mao.
The only reason China claims it has the largest economy is b/c it has the most people doing business........99% which 'do business' are selling fucking dried insects in food markets.
In fact 'The King Has No Clothes'.

Can you sing for your supper?
We all know here when someone can't do any better than a 'one-liner' they have lost the debate.
The best I've read recently was: "OH YA! WELL THEN FUCK YOU!"

From your link

Additional focus was placed on the region with the Obama administration's 2012 "Pivot to East Asia" regional strategy,[3]whose key areas of actions are: "strengthening bilateral security alliances; deepening our working relationships with emerging powers, including with China; engaging with regional multilateral institutions; expanding trade and investment; forging a broad-based military presence; and advancing democracy and human rights."[4] A report by the Brookings Institution states that reactions to the pivot strategy were mixed, as "different Asian states responded to American rebalancing in different ways."[3]

There has been strong perception from China that all of these are part of US' China containment policy.[5] Proponents of this theory claim that the United States needs a weak, divided China to continue its hegemony in Asia. This is accomplished, the theory claims, by the United States establishing military, economic, and diplomatic ties with countries adjacent to China's borders.

East Asian foreign policy of the Barack Obama administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes the "pivot to east asia" has been widely reported.

Bullshit give us links You wrote that wiki link
Stop embarrassing yourself you low info rube:


I am not linking on that down load asshole...quit making shit up....
Dude you're an idiot if you have no knowledge of this.
LOL. Why would Russia commit suicide on behalf of the Chinese invasion of Taiwan?

Hell if Russia did do that- that alone would destroy China's economy- since it would no longer have the United States as a market.

You are an alarmist, and end of days fanatic and profoundly ignorant of what you spout off about.

Suicide? What in the world are you talking about? The Russians would be committing suicide if they backed China? How so?

You are making no sense! Your arguments are getting weaker and weaker.......... you're out of ammo here. Seriously. (no pun intended)

You are the one making the idiotic claim that Russia would attack the United States with nuclear weapons to support China's invasion of Taiwan.

Why do you think Putin is suicidal? Do you think Putin really despises Moscow and St. Petersburg and every Russian city over 100,000 people?

Mutual assured destruction- we have enough nukes to effectively destroy Russia- and that would happen almost automatically if Russia launched missiles at the U.S.

FYI. There are enough Nuclear fallout shelters provided by the Russians to protect 90% of their population. That is not the case for the U.S. Furthermore, as China is the one who has been selling the computer hardware - chips (which have proven defective again and again) to our Military what makes you think we are going to be able to respond? I do not believe we will be capable of a response. They have done their homework and have made sure that we won't be able to respond. I do not know where you have been living, Syriusly, but the reports on our security having been compromised by the Chinese selling to our Military - is old news.

1.5 billion in fallout shelters?
Are you crazy?

The US Military does not buy chips from China

You cannot be on a payroll for this. It's like shooting fish in a barrel with you. I simply cannot believe someone pays you to come up with these one liners! Do you even fact check your own answers before firing away? Or is that a novel idea for you?

Counterfeit chips plague Pentagon weapons systems

National Security

Counterfeit chips plague Pentagon weapons systems
Florida case turns up mislabeled parts from China destined for radar, advanced fighters and missiles

Over a four year period ending last year, however, Shannon A. Wren’s nine-employee company brokered the sale of more than $15.8 million in computer parts to government customers and others from a small office in a central Florida business park

Do you know what $15.8 million is compared to the trillion dollars we have invested in our military? A tiny percentage of what we are buying

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