China is on the March and increasingly threatening to Taiwan

So why would Japan have plutonium and no bombs or delivery systems, that makes no sense?
IMHO Japan needs to show NK and China that they have nukes too.
They can also afford a few nuclear subs to deliver them.
The problem with that idea is the Japanese people dislike nuclear weapons with a passion. Of course they might just hate Chinese rule more than they hate nukes.

China also seems to have Australia in its sights. The Aussies might be wise to consider developing nukes too.

I am not fond of nuclear proliferation but it is happening and it can be an excellent deterrent. What I worry most about is terrorists getting nuclear weapons. Especially Muslim terrorists.
We are not the only nuclear power in....if we start tossing them around it greatly increases the odds someone else will....there is a time and place for them but tora bora was not one.
Nuke Till They Puke

Twenty years wasted on a losing war is what we got by not nuking Bin Laden and his gang of thrill-killing psychos.
Nuke Till They Puke

Twenty years wasted on a losing war is what we got by not nuking Bin Laden and his gang of thrill-killing psychos.
No....the war goes on....Afghanistan was just one theater of the longest war.

We lost nothing until we pulled out except for trillions of dollars wasted on trying to turn Afghanistan into a modern democratic state.

Unfortunately, now the war on terrorism (the actual longest war) will be much more difficult and our chance of another 9/11 type of catastrophic attack on Americas has increased dramatically.

One of Trump's biggest mistakes was to get caught up in that b.s. of Afghanistan being our longest war....though I do not think he would have pulled out and certainly not in a unconditional manner as biden did.

People out of frustration and a poor sense of reality say stuff like....oh just nuke them...I thoroughly understand their frustration but nuking someone is not the answer.

Nuclear weapons are a deterrent from someone nuking us...that is all they are and all they have ever been good for since we nuked which time we were the only nuclear power and thus did not have to worry about anyone retaliating on us with nukes.

The real danger now regarding the use of nukes is number one.....the hermit in it is questionable just how sane the leadership there may or may not be. the possibility some fanatical group of muslims may acquire a suitcase type nuke and smuggle it into one of our larger cities and make incredible demands on us and if we refuse to deliver whatever they want ...they will detonate it.

Not to forget it could just be a so called dirty bomb or some kind of biological attack.

Since we have been successful at preventing another 9/11 catastrophic type of terroist attack on our soil people have grown complacent and seem not to realize we are still in danger and even more so after surrendering Afghanistan.
No....the war goes on....Afghanistan was just one theater of the longest war.

We lost nothing until we pulled out except for trillions of dollars wasted on trying to turn Afghanistan into a modern democratic state.

Unfortunately, now the war on terrorism (the actual longest war) will be much more difficult and our chance of another 9/11 type of catastrophic attack on Americas has increased dramatically.

One of Trump's biggest mistakes was to get caught up in that b.s. of Afghanistan being our longest war....though I do not think he would have pulled out and certainly not in a unconditional manner as biden did.

People out of frustration and a poor sense of reality say stuff like....oh just nuke them...I thoroughly understand their frustration but nuking someone is not the answer.

Nuclear weapons are a deterrent from someone nuking us...that is all they are and all they have ever been good for since we nuked which time we were the only nuclear power and thus did not have to worry about anyone retaliating on us with nukes.

The real danger now regarding the use of nukes is number one.....the hermit in it is questionable just how sane the leadership there may or may not be.
Actually, there are at least three basic types of the deterrence:
1) Deterrence type I - against direct nuclear attack against the USA;
2) Deterrence type II - against other extremely provocative actions;
3) Deterrence type III - Limited nuclear war.

And there is a chance, that Russia and China together can destroy our deterrence.
Actually, there are at least three basic types of the deterrence:
1) Deterrence type I - against direct nuclear attack against the USA;
2) Deterrence type II - against other extremely provocative actions;
3) Deterrence type III - Limited nuclear war.

And there is a chance, that Russia and China together can destroy our deterrence.
The mind must not be born of fornication. The church lied, making fornication to be sex blinding people. Blind people will war. People who are born of fornication are married to a being who is death. It is not good to be married to a being like that. A change in how a person thinks, will change that. Crusts enemies wanted to give death. The Chinese leader is the same way being like Christ's enemies. It will do him well to not be like Christ's enemies. An eternal prize will be won, not being like Christs enemies.
Actually, there are at least three basic types of the deterrence:
1) Deterrence type I - against direct nuclear attack against the USA;
2) Deterrence type II - against other extremely provocative actions;
3) Deterrence type III - Limited nuclear war.

And there is a chance, that Russia and China together can destroy our deterrence.
'Oher extremely provocative actions' very broad term; in fact too broad to have any meaning or significance.

'Limited Nuclear War' .....a contradiction in terms.
'Oher extremely provocative actions' very broad term; in fact too broad to have any meaning or significance.
Yes, this term (as well as 'vital interest') is intentionally broad. For example, nuking one Japan city could be 'extremely provocative action'. Can the USA deter China from doing this?
The deterrence type I depends on how many nukes will survive after a hostile nuclear strike and will it be enough to cause unacceptable losses to him or not.
The deterrence type II depends on how many hostile nukes will survive and our ability to defend ourselves from his retaliation strike and to decrease estimated losses to the acceptable level.

'Limited Nuclear War' .....a contradiction in terms.
Why not? If the enemy will surrender right after a counter-force strike and postattack blackmail should we accept his surrender or to play Daenerys Targaryen burning down King's Landing?

Once again we see a hot current topic being shunted off to a sub-forum prove what?

That some mod can do it and thus gets some satisfaction from demonstrating his great power??? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Or maybe this mod does not want us to understand the threat that China presents to the world?
Yanks can't complain about the mainland Chinese wanting to subordinate Formosa, because Yanks did the same thing to the Southern States via Lincoln & Karl Marx.

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