China lifts 76-day lockdown on Wuhan as city reemerges from coronavirus crisis


China once again outshines the US and the rest of the west in its ability to defeat the virus. Not only did they defeat the virus, but they defeated it without resorting to racist policies like America did with travel restrictions and the illegal internment of Asians in America. China had so few deaths compared to America and the rest of the western world. China truly is the future of humanity, and it makes me relieved to know that we are entering a new era of human prosperity with China at the helm.
Is your Dragon looking for a War.........hmmm

China once again outshines the US and the rest of the west in its ability to defeat the virus. Not only did they defeat the virus, but they defeated it without resorting to racist policies like America did with travel restrictions and the illegal internment of Asians in America. China had so few deaths compared to America and the rest of the western world. China truly is the future of humanity, and it makes me relieved to know that we are entering a new era of human prosperity with China at the helm.
we do not want this in america
I am not Chinese. I am American. I love to watch San Francisco Yankees win world series. Apple pie #1.
I am not Chinese. I am American. I love to watch San Francisco Yankees win world series. Apple pie #1.
Why do chinese have flat heads................
They don't spank their babies when born........

They hit them in the head to get them to cry..........there you go
Wuhan is still in more of a lockdown than the US.

They’re still throwing people into furnaces there.

....and they are throwing people alive....into the furnaces.

what sort of monsters are's almost unconceivable for normal human beings.
Wuhan is still in more of a lockdown than the US.

They’re still throwing people into furnaces there.

....and they are throwing people alive....into the furnaces.

what sort of monsters are's almost unconceivable for normal human beings.
That’s ultimately what Marxism does to humans. It turns them inhuman.
Already a thread on this.

China once again outshines the US and the rest of the west in its ability to defeat the virus. Not only did they defeat the virus, but they defeated it without resorting to racist policies like America did with travel restrictions and the illegal internment of Asians in America. China had so few deaths compared to America and the rest of the western world. China truly is the future of humanity, and it makes me relieved to know that we are entering a new era of human prosperity with China at the helm.
let me guess...... you will not be voting for a republican in Nov .

China once again outshines the US and the rest of the west in its ability to defeat the virus. Not only did they defeat the virus, but they defeated it without resorting to racist policies like America did with travel restrictions and the illegal internment of Asians in America. China had so few deaths compared to America and the rest of the western world. China truly is the future of humanity, and it makes me relieved to know that we are entering a new era of human prosperity with China at the helm.
i heard that in china bullshit is considered a delicacy.
Well, the CNN article is interesting and informative ... even if the OP itself is crazy.

Regardless, we should rejoice that Wuhan has finally emerged out of its darkest days. The strict and authoritarian nature of Chinese society, which allowed its anti-Covid-19 measures to succeed after the initial panic, confusion, and bureaucratic coverups, is understandably repugnant to most Americans.

Yet when one appreciates the number and size of China’s teaming cities, its still far poorer citizens (per capita), its tragic history, its present political reality should not be too surprising. Even mainland Chinese citizens’ nationalism, and pride in their recent success in stopping the virus spread within their country, should hardly be shocking to us. China has, at least in recent years as it developed its mixed economy, provided tremendous material improvements to its people.

China certainly presents a challenge to our way of life. The world is watching to see if our own more free society can handle Covid-19 without tearing itself apart, and to see if we can afterwards restart our economy as rapidly as China does.

Nobody knows if there will be more outbreaks, if — god forbid — the virus may mutate to something even worse. So far the pandemic seems like it will be far less deadly than the 1918-19 Spanish Influenza pandemic. This is no “Black Plague,” and both China and the U.S. should recover.

While there will doubtless be adjustments in our relations, and changes in production chains, and possibly changes in our (or even China’s) political leadership in the future, the fact remains that we share the planet and will continue trading with each other. As is the case with Russia, it’s either some form of ”peaceful coexistence” or, ultimately, WWIII.

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