China now the number one supreme leader of the world!!!

China's Now The World Number One Economy And It Doesn't Matter A Darn...look for the headlines today folks.....yes its true....China is now the world's lead.

All because......the US decided to outsource its future for cheap labor, voted for a idiot that want's to bring coal mines back and tweets public policies. Where all its citizens are wishing for a return to yesterday, instead of embracing the future..... while the rich and powerful stand idle by getting richer and richer.

Say hello to the new world leader....
Xi Jinping


Before you go singing China's praises, Tiger, are you aware of how much the Chinese utterly, completely DESPISE the blacks? They don't even see you people as human. Blacks always seem to think the only racism against blacks only comes from whites but in reality, Asians hate you orders of magnitude worse than whites ever could.

I have also heard of this Chinese hatred of Black people, this is also mentioned in the Communist Chinese manifesto for total global domination for the 21st century with regards to the African continent. They plan to start their assault in Africa.
by now you folks should realize that tiger is kinda clueless about many of the things she puts up.....
All because......the US decided to outsource its future for cheap labor,
Many Democrat politicians, Obama for example, have supported outsourcing.

Obama's Outsourcing of Jobs, Foreign Policy, and Debt
voted for a idiot that want's to bring coal mines back
China approves massive new coal capacity despite pollution fears
16% of the lost jobs were due to outsourcing. 84% is due to automation. And there are 6 million jobs in the US going begging right now in the trades. Jobs with very high wages. But the cost of training is beyond the budget of the fellow laid off at 40+ with a family and a mortgage. Having even 3 million Americans trained for those jobs would by a huge boost for our economy and make us far more competitive in the world market.
Before you go singing China's praises, Tiger, are you aware of how much the Chinese utterly, completely DESPISE the blacks? They don't even see you people as human. Blacks always seem to think the only racism against blacks only comes from whites but in reality, Asians hate you orders of magnitude worse than whites ever could.

Once the Chinese have implemented the One Road Global Policy and have taken over.....the next Holocaust will make the German one seem like an insignificant blip on the radar. Blacks and Gays .....GONE!

Imbeciles destroying their ONE safe haven in the You gotta love it.
China's COMMUNIST government doesn't play this Politically Correct Bullshit. You have the right to a bullet to the head. Liberal judges? NON-EXISTENT.

The LGBT crowd won't do any better in Russia, Iran or the rest of the Middle East either.
IF...they had had HALF a brain, they would have supported America and realized just how good they had it here but........Noooooooooooooooo

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China's Now The World Number One Economy And It Doesn't Matter A Darn...look for the headlines today folks.....yes its true....China is now the world's lead.

All because......the US decided to outsource its future for cheap labor, voted for a idiot that want's to bring coal mines back and tweets public policies. Where all its citizens are wishing for a return to yesterday, instead of embracing the future..... while the rich and powerful stand idle by getting richer and richer.

Say hello to the new world leader....
Xi Jinping

so I guess you don't know that they have been closing in on us for decades
that Clinton signed nafta
that unions demanded and got ridiculous pay for menial jobs.

yea, it's trumps fault


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