China now upset with us for destroying their bawoon. 🥱

This is a joke, made even more funny if the Chinese don't realize it.
It’s fascinating how willing Brandon is to suck Xi’s winky.

Chinese countermeasures will include shooting down any foreign aircraft that fly over their claimed territory,
The late Great United States would have sunk those Chinese man-made islands in the South China Sea in International waters, sat back prepared for their response!!

Too bad we're no longer great and doomed to be too late.
China already consumes more electricity than all the developed countries of the world combined. In a quarter of a century it has eaten up half the real sector of Americanized countries
The U.S. economy is financial speculation, intellectual patents and hypertrophied consumption

Their laughter is not of much concern. However, Brandon’s ineptitude is very concerning.
Well he's the same ole Brandon he's always been, so no one should be surprised at this point. Possibility the alledged big guy is a Chinese compromised trojan horse stooge. Him, his son, and his cronies have figured out a way to totally destroy this country and it's conservative principles from within, and possibly once and for all.
And all of a sudden I was in the spirit or well I thought I was...

Dammit that Brandon, and so it's hard to believe anything him and his hyper sensitive ace says or does.. ROTFLMBO 🤣
What we need to do (very importantly), is to clean up our act before we can go around demanding other's to play nice. We have entered into a world of dangerous disrespect from our so called adversaries, and it's because we are supporting, creating, and then living in a fast growing corrupt, deplorable decadent society. One that is growing way out of order and way out of control.

Not sure what the answer will be for all involved, but justice is probably not to far away. God won't let his people suffer in it forever, otherwise without the victory to then come exactly as it was promised. AMEN.

Although it is not known the time nor the hour, but the signs are getting stronger and stronger like a flame getting hotter and hotter, and higher and higher.

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