China That Claimed Chinese Virus Not Contagious Claims Cases Decreasing

The CCP sees themselves in legal peril. They are spinning like hell. Look to see them clamp down on anyone who disagrees with the Chinese Communist Party line.. They usually just disappear as does the rest of their family members.
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I don’t think accepting any news out of China as factual is a wise choice.
Somebody take Alyssa Milano's keyboard away before she makes a real horse's ass of herself.
Oh....too late.
What is the argument here? If you misled people over this issue you should never be trusted again?

I think many have been making that argument for awhile now.
The Chinese government have used their vast slave labor pool and illegal business practices to achieve an artificially high level of influence in world affairs. It's long past due that we start to treat China for the thug nation that it is and that includes we stop helping them push their disinformation around.

So you can take your "Chinese flu is racist" bullshit and shove it up your Wu Han. China needs to own up to what happened with the corona virus in China.
I'm finding it pretty hard to buy that they've managed to stop this.

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