China: The Real Bad Guys Behind The Looming Korean War!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
For anyone who isn't aware of this, and all this talk of evacuating Seoul, defending S. Korea, etc., I would point out that China is mainly responsible for the threat that now looms to both the USA, Japan and S. Korea. Much of the missile technology, launchers and missile carriers the North are using are CHINESE MADE! If not for that, N. Korea would not be the threat it is.

China has been asked to get a handle on Kim, but that is not really in their interest. They are not doing the job. They kinda like Kim right where he is! His missiles are aimed east only and is a convenient thorn in our side. So what is the next step?

Obviously, we don't want a war with Kim. Likely, thousands would die. So what Trump is going to do at G20 is make China an offer they can't refuse. China's economy is hurting and they need us very much, more than we need them. So:

  1. Pull the ticket on China's banks. Already, one Chinese bank has been pulled from the WB. The Bank of China COULD BE NEXT. Trump is in the unique position of being able to do that.
  2. The nuclear deterrent that was in S. Korea up to 1991 needs to be returned there.
  3. Give or co-opt Japan to become a nuclear power.
  4. The ultimatum that China can trade with us or they can trade with Kim, BUT NOT BOTH OF US.
IMO, these steps will force China's hand. They absolutely do not want to lose us as trade partners. They absolutely cannot afford their banks barred from the WB. They absolutely do not want to see a U.S.-controlled nuclear S. Korea and Japan. Under these terms, they will HAVE TO pull the plug on Kim's missile and nuclear ambitions, even if that means Kim being toppled from within.

This is our best hand. If we pull that hand and China does not acquiesce to go in and settle the matter internally as only they can, then there is no choice left but to go to actual war with Kim. We have about 12 months before Kim has a nuclear warhead on his missiles able to threaten our interests; they have just solved the final technological barrier, the heat-shield to protect the nuclear warhead as the missile is launched into space. So the clock is ticking.

The time to talk and sanction has been tried for many years and has now run out.
China is powerful enough with their industry they could beat us in a war if they turned over to make ships, tanks, etc. Somethings are worth avoiding.

We won wwII for the same reason as we had the industry.

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