China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate

I know Russia has it's faults, and Putin is KGB, so they do their fair share of spying and meddling and whatnot, but nothing even close to the involvement the filthy chinese have in America. The chinese have not only been spying on America, they've been openly and covertly stealing our intellectual property, our secrets, and taken our manufacturing industry and bought up so much of America, and flooded America with so much of their cheap garbage that now we have no bigger threat to our national security on the planet. The worst part about china being able to cripple America is, Americans let them do it. Why? Why else... GREED. MONEY has been more important than our national security.

You Nailed it.
All true.

We have so many in this country now who would choose China over their own country.
If this division continues, the house will collapse. And this is exactly what they are wanting.

I'm just glad they are gone.
These Red Chinese communists are behind everything bad with our world. Their new found cockeyness comes from the fact that every president from Kennedy to Trump sold out to them and emboldened them. God bless Trump and have pity on our corporate CEOs- Democrat assholes-Lincoln project members, who have sold us out. Trump is the only person in America who has the balls to fix this debacle.
You do know that any actions taken against foreign diplomats provokes a reaction and that some US diplomats will be kicked out of China ? That is the way it works.

Tammy the commie thinks we should give a shit about the feelings of murdering theiving sociopaths who never honor deals and arrest people whenever they need to farm more organs for sale to transplant patients. lol lol lol Tammy is retarded.
Time to get a final score on this unfinished contest of willpower. China needs to feel the wrath of the nation that is the defender of liberty and freedom in the world. BLM and Antifa being propped up by China so they don't look bad in eyes of the world for crushing Hong Kong democracy movement. Democratic Party idiots are willing participants because they are obsessed with hatred of President Trump because he is a white male and shit on first female President narrative that liberal media and college communist professoriate promoted. They want to destroy our Republic because they lost and election. Even if that means supporting our foreign enemies.
This is really happening at a bad time for Trump because of the election. That's probably by Democrat party design. But it still doesn't matter. Trump is the kind of person who does what he thinks is right for America. He's really the only person with the balls to do what's right for our country. And that's why people love him, everyone but the establishment elitists that is.
This is really happening at a bad time for Trump because of the election. That's probably by Democrat party design. But it still doesn't matter. Trump is the kind of person who does what he thinks is right for America. He's really the only person with the balls to do what's right for our country. And that's why people love him, everyone but the establishment elitists that is.
Real Commander and Chief... something we lacked for 8 years.
You do know that any actions taken against foreign diplomats provokes a reaction and that some US diplomats will be kicked out of China ? That is the way it works.
Well shit ask China to kick out all Americans from there...........and we will recover from this CHI COM VIRUS by not shopping China anymore.............just for shits and grins.........blow that Bio Weapons lab in Wuhan off the face of the earth.........

Let's get them real angry ....................poor things might get mad after they FUCKED THE WORLD with their dang Wet Markets and this virus..........lied about it.........

They aren't the only Fing ones ANGRY.

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