China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate

I wonder if SigInt picked up communication between the ChiCom Embassy and the DNC Houston to get the mail in ballot order straight?
You do know that any actions taken against foreign diplomats provokes a reaction and that some US diplomats will be kicked out of China ? That is the way it works.
That's the way it works, yeah. Like, for example, if China caught US hackers drilling into their research, they'd retaliate.
I know Russia has it's faults, and Putin is KGB, so they do their fair share of spying and meddling and whatnot, but nothing even close to the involvement the filthy chinese have in America. The chinese have not only been spying on America, they've been openly and covertly stealing our intellectual property, our secrets, and taken our manufacturing industry and bought up so much of America, and flooded America with so much of their cheap garbage that now we have no bigger threat to our national security on the planet. The worst part about china being able to cripple America is, Americans let them do it. Why? Why else... GREED. MONEY has been more important than our national security.

You Nailed it.
All true.

We have so many in this country now who would choose China over their own country.
If this division continues, the house will collapse. And this is exactly what they are wanting.
The USSR collapsed because we broke their bank. You beat communism by breaking its economy.
For communism to beat a free market capitalistic country they’d need to do kinda the opposite.
China is buying the US.
The USSR collapsed because we broke their bank. You beat communism by breaking its economy.
For communism to beat a free market capitalistic country they’d need to do kinda the opposite.
China is buying the US.

If China is buying the US, democrats are offering them a fire sale discount
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There is — in my opinion — a more serious thread discussion about this event in the “Clean Debate Zone” which I started, where I maintain that this sudden 72 hour order for shutdown amounts to an insane U.S. provocation which will almost certainly lead to retaliation. It is an obvious Trump election move and may even lead to the huge U.S. consulate in Hong Kong being closed in retaliation. See: CDZ - U.S. Provocation: China Must Close Houston Consulate in 72 Hours

A sudden China closing of that U.S. consulate in Hong Kong would lead to far more and far bigger fires, and maybe even explosions, in its courtyard, as U.S. digital encryption, telecommunications and spying evidence would all have to be destroyed.
There is — in my opinion — a more serious thread discussion about this event in the “Clean Debate Zone” which I started, where I maintain that this sudden 72 hour order for shutdown amounts to an insane U.S. provocation which will almost certainly lead to retaliation. It is an obvious Trump election move and may even lead to the huge U.S. consulate in Hong Kong being closed in retaliation. See: CDZ - U.S. Provocation: China Must Close Houston Consulate in 72 Hours

A sudden China closing of that U.S. consulate in Hong Kong would lead to far more and far bigger fires, and maybe even explosions, in its courtyard, as U.S. digital encryption, telecommunications and spying evidence would all have to be destroyed.
US bad, very bad!
:)China good, very good!!:)
There is — in my opinion — a more serious thread discussion about this event in the “Clean Debate Zone” which I started, where I maintain that this sudden 72 hour order for shutdown amounts to an insane U.S. provocation which will almost certainly lead to retaliation. It is an obvious Trump election move and may even lead to the huge U.S. consulate in Hong Kong being closed in retaliation. See: CDZ - U.S. Provocation: China Must Close Houston Consulate in 72 Hours

A sudden China closing of that U.S. consulate in Hong Kong would lead to far more and far bigger fires, and maybe even explosions, in its courtyard, as U.S. digital encryption, telecommunications and spying evidence would all have to be destroyed.

Actually it's more like they got caught doing something very bad by our counterintel, and Trump is shutting them down. There is nothing 'insane' about it, they shouldn't even be allowed to have consulates anywhere in the U.S. in the first place, given their history. You give those scum way too much credit for their abilities; they're so 'successful' at stealing technology because they get the vast majority of it handed to them on a platter by U.S. companies and researchers.
There is — in my opinion — a more serious thread discussion about this event in the “Clean Debate Zone” which I started, where I maintain that this sudden 72 hour order for shutdown amounts to an insane U.S. provocation which will almost certainly lead to retaliation. It is an obvious Trump election move and may even lead to the huge U.S. consulate in Hong Kong being closed in retaliation. See: CDZ - U.S. Provocation: China Must Close Houston Consulate in 72 Hours

A sudden China closing of that U.S. consulate in Hong Kong would lead to far more and far bigger fires, and maybe even explosions, in its courtyard, as U.S. digital encryption, telecommunications and spying evidence would all have to be destroyed.

You scummy thread snatcher !!!!!
You do know that any actions taken against foreign diplomats provokes a reaction and that some US diplomats will be kicked out of China ? That is the way it works.
That's how it goes. China should stop being treated like they are a moral law abiding nation.
The sentences below are key to knowing what the communists are doing to U.S citizens, they are spying on you and collecting information.The same reaction came from the POS Stasi when the wall came down and they realized their racket was going to be exposed. How many names of sources and those they have bribed were burned? I'm sure the creepy, sick covert Canadian police would be doing the same under such circumstances:

Documents were burned inside the consulate’s courtyard Tuesday evening, KPRC-TV in Houston reported.

"You could just smell the paper burning,” a witness told the station. “But, all the firefighters were just surrounding the building. They couldn’t go inside.”
They should have been arrested and held as spies.
I know Russia has it's faults, and Putin is KGB, so they do their fair share of spying and meddling and whatnot, but nothing even close to the involvement the filthy chinese have in America. The chinese have not only been spying on America, they've been openly and covertly stealing our intellectual property, our secrets, and taken our manufacturing industry and bought up so much of America, and flooded America with so much of their cheap garbage that now we have no bigger threat to our national security on the planet. The worst part about china being able to cripple America is, Americans let them do it. Why? Why else... GREED. MONEY has been more important than our national security.
They have even compromised our academics almost to the point of no return
And POTUS warns that the U.S. may shut down more Chinese consulates. :up:

America and the rest of the world are sick of the Chinese spying! Enough is enough.

The best/worst thing is how the CCP and Xi are all-in on Biden and how closely they coordinate with the former DNC, now DNXi

Yes, this virus was released shortly after TRUMP put tariffs on China. Yes, I agree, the DNC, Pelosi and China colluded on this virus because the Impeachment scam failed.

When TRUMP banned flights from China. it was Biden who openly opposed the ban, so there IS some evidence.

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