China To Ban All Coal Use In Beijing



China To Ban All Coal Use In Beijing

Pressure is growing on China's central government to clean up the country's polluted environment, as discontent over smog and water and soil contamination increases among China's expanding middle class.


Glad our country is working hard to keep the environment clean.
From the article:
In September, the government announced a prohibition on new coal-fired power plants around Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Even with the Beijing ban, coal use is expected to soar in China. Coal-fired power and heating is a major generator of greenhouse gases and has helped turn China into the world's largest emitter of carbon and other heat-trapping gases.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I THINK China has more than 3 cities? Coal plants will keep operating in the other cities.

Plus, I don't know if you Libs know this but you can connect large wires to those coal plants and send the juice to bigger cities far away. Fuckin' amazing huh?
China Leads In Renewable Investment -- Again! - Forbes

The good news is that China recognizes its energy problem and is making big bets on renewable energy. According to The Global Status Report, which was released earlier this month by the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century, China once again led the rest of the world in renewable energy investment in 2013, spending a total of $56.3 billion on wind, solar and other renewable projects. The report stated that China accounted for 61 percent of the total investment in renewables by developing countries, and that China invested more in renewable energy than all of Europe last year.
China’s continued commitment to renewable energy investment is all the more striking because it came in the face of a global decline in renewable energy investment. In 2013, global new investment in renewable power and fuels was approximately $214.4 billion, down 14 percent compared to 2012, and 23 percent lower than the record high in 2011. By way of contrast, China has increased its investment in renewables nearly every year for the past ten years. New renewable power capacity surpassed new fossil fuel and nuclear capacity in China for the first time in 2013. China is now home to about 24 percent of the world’s renewable power capacity, including an estimated 260 gigawatts of hydropower.

China’s renewable energy investment is part of its 12th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development, which calls for the country to spend $473.1 billion on clean energy investments from 2011 to 2015. China’s goal is to have 20 percent of its total energy demand sourced from renewable energy by 2020. The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China’s interior provides an example of the steps China is taking to develop clean energy

It may well turn out that China will lead the world to clean energy. And the US will be left wondering how it came in second place.
The GOP's 12 year plan is to destroy any reputable school. Abolish the EPA. Redistribute the rest of the wealth of the nation to the top 1% and finish the job they started under Bush.
It may well turn out that China will lead the world to clean energy. And the US will be left wondering how it came in second place.

And despite having so many more wind turbines in close proximity to so many more people, "wind turbine syndrome" is unknown in China. It should be renamed "NIMBY syndrome" or "I'm jealous of my neighbor who got paid to have a wind turbine on his land" syndrome.
China should do what the US should have done decades ago, require all new construction and percentage remodel to be solar.
China To Ban All Coal Use In Beijing

Pressure is growing on China's central government to clean up the country's polluted environment, as discontent over smog and water and soil contamination increases among China's expanding middle class.


Glad our country is working hard to keep the environment clean.

I heard that today too. And I must admit it gave me an erection. :) Enviros get happy in our pants when countries say this sort of stuff. :)

Whether I believe it or not is another thing entirely. What do they intend to use instead of coal and to replace however many coal plants they already have but will be scrapping? Nuclear, that's not much better. More dams?

If they can come through, fine. Will speak extremely well of them. But I'm not holding my breath. (pardon the pun)\

...OH! Is it only in Bejing or all of China? Just Beijing seems doable. :) Was udner the impression it was all of China.
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China To Ban All Coal Use In Beijing

Pressure is growing on China's central government to clean up the country's polluted environment, as discontent over smog and water and soil contamination increases among China's expanding middle class.


Glad our country is working hard to keep the environment clean.

So do the global warming deniers say the Chinese are stupid too? Even they are wrong?
China To Ban All Coal Use In Beijing

Pressure is growing on China's central government to clean up the country's polluted environment, as discontent over smog and water and soil contamination increases among China's expanding middle class.


Glad our country is working hard to keep the environment clean.

I heard that today too. And I must admit it gave me an erection. :) Enviros get happy in our pants when countries say this sort of stuff. :)

Whether I believe it or not is another thing entirely. What do they intend to use instead of coal and to replace however many coal plants they already have but will be scrapping? Nuclear, that's not much better. More dams?

If they can come through, fine. Will speak extremely well of them. But I'm not holding my breath. (pardon the pun)\

...OH! Is it only in Bejing or all of China? Just Beijing seems doable. :) Was udner the impression it was all of China.

We should pay attention to what the new world superpower is doing. Maybe one day we can recapture that title. Maybe one day it will be us loaning China money and not the other way around.

And if we don't capture the worlds wind, solar & battery business you can bet the Chinese will.
China To Ban All Coal Use In Beijing

Pressure is growing on China's central government to clean up the country's polluted environment, as discontent over smog and water and soil contamination increases among China's expanding middle class.


Glad our country is working hard to keep the environment clean.

I heard that today too. And I must admit it gave me an erection. :) Enviros get happy in our pants when countries say this sort of stuff. :)

Whether I believe it or not is another thing entirely. What do they intend to use instead of coal and to replace however many coal plants they already have but will be scrapping? Nuclear, that's not much better. More dams?

If they can come through, fine. Will speak extremely well of them. But I'm not holding my breath. (pardon the pun)\

...OH! Is it only in Bejing or all of China? Just Beijing seems doable. :) Was udner the impression it was all of China.

We should pay attention to what the new world superpower is doing. Maybe one day we can recapture that title. Maybe one day it will be us loaning China money and not the other way around.

And if we don't capture the worlds wind, solar & battery business you can bet the Chinese will.
What a tool!


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