China: Undiagnosed Pneumonia in Children

Check me out Badger .
It looks unlikely that there will be another manipulated pandemic this winter .
Near 100% in my private book .
Why ?

Already it is late for maximum exploitation .
Nothing is yet being mentioned that has any great virulence.
The only red flag is evil Gates being involved in drills /rehearsals --- shades of October 2019 .

Circumstantially , if the above is correct , it could suggest that October 7th was the next " pandemic ".
That is , it was a False Flag that will be manipulated to escalate to a full ME conflict with the US dragging itself in , only to be humiliated again with internal conflict and the dollar collapse .

A big ask . Too many steps .
But perhaps one to keep an eye on , imho .
Some threads in current Affairs were deleted by accident, that was one of them.
Thanks. We think we can still retrieve the concept that arose in that thread: "fascist Greek colonel." The link will be posted in the "Musk's Fascism" thread.
Check me out Badger .
It looks unlikely that there will be another manipulated pandemic this winter .
Near 100% in my private book .
Why ?

Already it is late for maximum exploitation .
Nothing is yet being mentioned that has any great virulence.
The only red flag is evil Gates being involved in drills /rehearsals --- shades of October 2019 .

Circumstantially , if the above is correct , it could suggest that October 7th was the next " pandemic ".
That is , it was a False Flag that will be manipulated to escalate to a full ME conflict with the US dragging itself in , only to be humiliated again with internal conflict and the dollar collapse .

A big ask . Too many steps .
But perhaps one to keep an eye on , imho .
Interesting concepts, you could be right. The current Houthi attack is where the virus should now be. The prisoners would not buy another lockdown so do a variation of State-sponsored terror. The exact pathogen in this white lung scenario was identified hours after the first samples were taken, either in China (13 Nov 2023) or in the US.
In Skye's Ukraine biolabs thread, there was the idea of Vicky Nuland's "micromanagement" since 2014 Maidan in Ukraine. This links to Luiza's pandemic variation intuition, above. So before posting to the Musk's Fascism thread, we can link both post # 41 and # 42 with this excerpt:

'When the machine becomes planetary or cosmic, there is an increasing tendency for assemblages to miniaturize, to become micro-assemblages. Following Andre Gorz's formula, the only remaining element of work left under world capitalism is the molecular, or molecularized, individual, in other words, the "mass" individual. The administration of a great organized molar security has as its correlate a whole micro-management of petty fears, a permanent molecular insecurity, to the point that the motto of domestic policymakers might be: a macropolitics of society by and for a micropolitics of insecurity (ref. #12.)
(12.) On the complementarity between the "macropolitics of security" and the "micropolitics," see Virilio, L'insecurite du territoire, pp. 96, 130, 228-235. The micro-organization of permanent stress in large modern cities has frequently been noted.'
(Plateau 9, Micropolitics and Segmentarity, p. 215 in A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia)

On p. 211-12 of the same Plateau 9, is the reference we need for the "fascist Greek colonel."
That is , it was a False Flag that will be manipulated to escalate to a full ME conflict with the US dragging itself in , only to be humiliated again with internal conflict and the dollar collapse .
all because some bat flew outta the soup kitchen.......


The CIA Project Chaos which few ever seem to publicly acknowledge and here definitely not , in case LL ( Lovely Luiza) is a slice short of being a sandwich .
We think you and Sparky nailed it. D&G expound on binary oppositions, which were exploited by Project Chaos, including Womens':

'1. Binary oppositions (men/women, those on top/those on the bottom, etc.) are very strong in primitive societies, but seem to be the result of machines and assemblages that are not in themselves binary. The social binarity between men and women in groups applies rules according to which both sexes must take their respective spouses from different groups (which is why there are at least three groups).

Thus Levi-Strauss can demonstrate that dualist organization never stands on its own in this kind of society. On the contrary, it is a particularity of modern societies, or rather State societies, to bring into their own duality machines that function as such, and proceed simultaneously by biunivocal relationships and successively by binarized choices. Classes and sexes come in twos, and phenomena of tripartition result from a transposition of the dual, not the reverse.

We have already encountered this, notably in the case of the Face machine, which differs in this respect from primitive head machines. It seems that modern societies elevated dual segmentarity to the level of a self-sufficient organization. The question, therefore, is not whether that status of women, or those on the bottom, is better or worse, but the type of organization from which the status results.'
(ATP, p. 210)
sparky , badger2 — I don’t see any reason to bring up these old CIA and FBI type programs or these old left-theoretical musings here … in this OP concerning China and the present pneumonia hysteria.

I just don’t see much of a connection — and I was one of those who lived through those times in SDS and the anti-war movement, and even had a COINTELPRO file myself.

Of course the state always investigates and sometimes prosecutes “radicals” it considers potentially dangerous or serving foreign powers, and often does so wrongly, but you aren’t seriously comparing Trump’s movement with the left or civil rights or anti-war movements of the 1960s, are you?
sparky , badger2 — I don’t see any reason to bring up these old CIA and FBI type programs or these old left-theoretical musings here … in this OP concerning China and the present pneumonia hysteria.

I just don’t see much of a connection — and I was one of those who lived through those times in SDS and the anti-war movement, and even had a COINTELPRO file myself.

Of course the state always investigates and sometimes prosecutes “radicals” it considers potentially dangerous or serving foreign powers, and often does so wrongly, but you aren’t seriously comparing Trump’s movement with the left or civil rights or anti-war movements of the 1960s, are you?
well.... we see the whole pandemic deal as a means of government control Tom.

imho, all those old programs didn't go away , they just found new justifications

Fact is, if you were a target then , i would venture they've a novel on ya now.....

We earlier said that we would post for Luiza what RFK Jr. says about pandemic simulations. These link to the intelligence community. Whereas RFK Jr. starts with Operation Artichoke, Operation Chaos, above, should be compared chronologically.

So we must go back in time, just as only a stupid Chinese communist would fail to sequence the furin-like RALR in the Mycoplasmas they have found to see whether or not there were mutations, especially linked to a (virulence factor [italics]). They probably knew the answer hours after they identified it as early as 13 Nov 2023 in China, followed by US also sequencing what they found.

Cointelpro was FBI, not CIA.

'Chapter 12 War Games: Genesis of the Biosecurity State.....The intelligence agencies were involved in the top secret program from the outset. George Merck's hands-on employee, Frank Olson, was an American bacteriologist, biological warfare scientist, and CIA officer. He worked for the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories (USBWL) at Fort Detrick with Merck and the US military developing the US bioweapons and psywarfare arsenal. Project Artichoke was an experimental CIA interrogation program that used psychoactive drugs like LSD in pursuit of "enhanced" interrogation methods.

The project was part of a larger CIA program exploring approaches for controlling both individuals and populations. Olson was involved with Project Artichoke with moral misgivings, beginning in May 1952: after watching a documentary on Protestant reformation leader Martin Luther, a conscience-stricken Olson informed his bosses he intended to quit the biowarfare program. Around the time of that announcement, Olson's CIA colleague, Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA's MKUltra program, covertly dosed him with LSD.
It all ended - seemingly - in late 1969, when President Nixon traveled to Fort Detrick to announce the closure of America's bioweapons program for moral and strategic reasons. America signed the Biological Weapons Convention in 1972 - forbidding development, use and stockpiling of biological weapons - and mothballed most of its labs. But the agreement - a supplement to the Geneva Convention - left thousands of scientists, military contractors, and Pentagon caliphs as stranded assets yearning for the program's revival.'
(The Real Anthony Fauci)

So we have the reservoir of SARS1, Nyctereutes, migrating from Asia into Europe, as Hunter Biden introduces the Vice President of the virus-collecting company, Metabiota, to Ukrainian members of Burisma. This Metabiota VP also worked at Fort Detrick.

Project Chaos. When did it begin?
Artichoke began around 1952, Chaos began recruiting in 1959. RFK Jr. continues, though never makes (the tick link [italics]) between the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) and the US Naval Medical Research Unit 3 (US Navy's Project Chatter, also like Operation Chaos, experimented with interrogation techniques using truth serum):

'By 1969, the US bioweapons program had developed weapons of a "nuclear equivalence," according to David Franz, who, for twenty-three years, served as commander of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). The principal limitation, Franz acknowledged, was the difficulty of managing bioweapons so as to prevent accidental escape. Ironically, Franz would later play a key role in the Pentagon/Fauci gain-of-function programs leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic.'
(The Real Anthony Fauci, pp. 378-9)

So the very same virus collected by Metabiota was used in a furin gain-of-function experiment at the Chinese Huazhong lab.

But the RALR furin-like sequence posted above, is not only the Mycoplasma link, but also the tick link that RFK Jr. apparently misses:

Harry Hoogstraal, NAMRU-3, Cairo
'....London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine....US Naval Medical Research Unit 3....Rhipicephalus hoogstraali (1955)....'

This is where Jikkyleaks @Twitter comes in. Jikky was highly suspicious of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Though we tried to make contact (with Claire H's help), we were unsuccessful. Jikky likely does not know of this Hoogstraal connection to raccoon dogs and the ticks that infest them (Rhipicephalus).
RFK Jr. mentions one simulation exercise and 'Gates-funded London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.'

Post #117
After a six-month wait, RFK Jr.'s new book, The Wuhan Cover-Up, was released yesterday. He mentions Mycoplasma, linking to the M. pneumoniae furin-like sequence already posted to this thread, RALR.

'In 1996, using a technique called "gene tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, discovered that many returning Desert Storm veterans carried infections from an altered strain of Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus, a microbe possibly used in the production of bioweapons.'(28.)

(28.) Garth Nicolson and Nancy L. Nicolson, "Chronic Fatigue Illness Associated with Service in Operation Desert Storm. Were Biological Weapons Used Against Our Forces in the Gulf War?" Townsend Letter for Doctors 156 (1996): 42-48
(The Wuhan Cover-Up, Ch. 15 The Reagan Neocons and US Universities Revive Bioweapons Development Under Academic Cover, p. 86)

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