China warns it will sanction countries of they boycott Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Do the weak wristed "leaders" of the West see how this game goes? The same people who screamed bloody murder when Trump dared to stand up to China, and *gasp*, hit them with tariffs, will willingly bend over for the communists and sell their own citizens up the river.

The West has to stop being so G damn weak. Sanction me, and I will respond in kind, on top of calling out the abuses of citizens. As athletes are there, the Commies will be operating classic concentration camps.

It makes my blood boil, I have little interest in cowardice.

China has threatened sanctions against Britain and any other countries who boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing over the alleged 'genocide' of Uighur Muslims.

British MPs including Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey have called for a Team GB boycott over Beijing's alleged 'ethnic cleansing' against Uighurs who have been imprisoned and subjected to political 're-education' in Xinjiang.

But Hu Xijin, the editor of the state-controlled Global Times, warned on Sunday that 'China will seriously sanction any country that follows such a call'.

'Boycotting 2022 Beijing Winter Games, an unpopular idea, won’t receive wide support,' he declared.

Mr Davey hit back today by saying that 'we cannot be bullied by the Chinese government' - adding that 'we have to use every leverage we have'.
The big question is, will they allow the cross-dressing queers to compete as women?

That would be a hoot to watch.
Before Admission to the WTO "we must work on human rights"

Post admission to the WTO "Fuck anyone that dares criticize openly"

Now these fuckers want to impose the same type of censorship on the entire planet as they do on the citizens of their own country. No-one must criticize.

And the utter absurdity of it is that much of the rest of the world is bending over for it. Each guarding their own little pile of economic gains, the Chinese have figured out the divide and conquer economic game and are beating the hell out of the west with it at this point.

Trump was right on China. 100% dead nuts right and wasn't afraid to say it to their faces instead of playing these games pretending they aren't the brutal regime they are. That's one reason why they hated him. Him and anyone that doesn't play their pretend games of being a civilized nation and instead chooses to speak the truth about how they actually conduct themselves in the world at this point.
People made a bigger stink about factory workers in Vietnam being paid low wages to make sneakers in the 1980s than they are about a fucking genocide going on right in the face of the world.
Trump should not have told Xi that concentration camps for the Uighers were the right thing to do.

Just another Trump fuck up that Pres. Biden needs to correct.
Bids for the games were due into the IOC in 2013. The bid by Beijing was elected by the 128 IOC in 2015 meeting in Kuala Lumpu, Malasia. Reports of the treatment of the since 2014 and had not received the wide knowledge about the nature of internment camps of Xi Jinping Administration, although the Uyghurs had been a sore spot with the Chinese at least as far back as 1928. Xi has brought this to a head with internment camps, force abortions, sterilization, imprisoning Uyghurs Muslim religious and cultural leader. It is a bad situation. I am no fan of Muslims in general, I do not approve of Xi's policy, and have no problem if American Winter Olympic teams decide to boycott or any other country. Certainly not worried about sanctions from Communist China.
Bids for the games were due into the IOC in 2013. The bid by Beijing was elected by the 128 IOC in 2015 meeting in Kuala Lumpu, Malasia. Reports of the treatment of the since 2014 and had not received the wide knowledge about the nature of internment camps of Xi Jinping Administration, although the Uyghurs had been a sore spot with the Chinese at least as far back as 1928. Xi has brought this to a head with internment camps, force abortions, sterilization, imprisoning Uyghurs Muslim religious and cultural leader. It is a bad situation. I am no fan of Muslims in general, I do not approve of Xi's policy, and have no problem if American Winter Olympic teams decide to boycott or any other country. Certainly not worried about sanctions from Communist China.

I get the feeling that England wants to boycott, some form of retaliation for Hong Kong which has been a very difficult issue for the Brits, in terms of losses (I'm sure we don't read about their spies from HK being thrown in prison), and, credibility as a global player. However, they can't stand alone.

I would personally send a letter to the Queen and PM Johnson if they did, but it's unlikely. Without question, if America decided to take a stand, this wold have a massive effect on China. It probably worried the global elites greatly that if Trump was re-elected, he would do just that and boycott them.

At the very least, nations need to NOT send high level delegates to the games, and, the media need to remind citizens when watching "behind all of the fireworks and glare, behind the beauty they show, are places where people are imprisoned and women sterilized, only due to their religous beliefs".

How many Honey Traps will they set up for athletes and politicians who go? How much spying and manipulation of citizens?

They should't even have been given the Games, truth be told.
All the G20 countries should absolutely boycott the Communist Olympics. It won't happen because with Trump gone there isn't a leader among them with a spine. And we all know where China Joe's loyalty lies, don't we?

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