Ukraine has lost....and is losing more.....

Yes, the Russians are on the offensive mode now, and don't interested in any negotiations as for now. I think that negotiations should have been started in November/December 2022 when Ukraine was on the peak of its possibilities and Russia was on the lowest point. But Washington DC's policymakers made another choice.

What is left for now is to wait and see what gains the Russians will have had by the end of this year and what the US administration will be for the next four years.
Remember the talks in Turkey in 2022? well the Ukrainians decided or the US decided for them to break it off, Ukrainians even shot one of their own negotiating team in broad daylight in Kiev, that Regime is toxic, i don't know what Russia will do but if i was them nothing short of taking land up to the Dnieper and Odessa and Kharkiv will do, but who knows?
Remember the talks in Turkey in 2022? well the Ukrainians decided or the US decided for them to break it off, Ukrainians even shot one of their own negotiating team in broad daylight in Kiev, that Regime is toxic, i don't know what Russia will do but if i was them nothing short of taking land up to the Dnieper and Odessa and Kharkiv will do, but who knows?
Oh, Istanbul communique as they call it. You know, the Russians have a fable called A Swan, Pike, and Crayfish. These three got to push a cart, but naturally they couldn't succeed because every one of them was pulling in one's own direction.

The main problem here is that these accords, if passed, would have needed a third party. A pool of Western countries that would come as guarantors of Ukraine's safety. As some news sources suggest, these guarantees would have even exceeded the NATO's 5th article. And of course, no one was ready and willing to take any obligations on them. No one was, no one is, and maybe I won't be too wrong if I say no one will. Many blame Johnson in wrecking this possible deal. I think that his role was over-estimated. He was just a messenger who voiced overall opinion of main Western capitals.

And I am not going to blame anyone in that. As one poster here brilliantly said it is a war between two dysfunctional cousins. Who else would want to be really involved?
When MSM can see it might be time to negotiate.....or just throw your whole country down the shitter

Not so fast Boris.

Going to be a long hot summer for Trumps BFF
Not so fast Boris.

Going to be a long hot summer for Trumps BFF
Ukraine is in disarray and losing more by the day...try reading mil sites instead of propo sites
Ukraine is in disarray and losing more by the day...try reading mil sites instead of propo sites

Most of the weapons haven’t even showed up yet. Once that much mil support is put n place, with what will be coming from NATO countries in Europe. It’s going to become a nightmare for Russian soldiers.

The casualty count is going up Boris.
Most of the weapons haven’t even showed up yet. Once that much mil support is put n place, with what will be coming from NATO countries in Europe. It’s going to become a nightmare for Russian soldiers.

The casualty count is going up Boris.
They 'll be lucky to stabilize the front
Oh, Istanbul communique as they call it. You know, the Russians have a fable called A Swan, Pike, and Crayfish. These three got to push a cart, but naturally they couldn't succeed because every one of them was pulling in one's own direction.

The main problem here is that these accords, if passed, would have needed a third party. A pool of Western countries that would come as guarantors of Ukraine's safety. As some news sources suggest, these guarantees would have even exceeded the NATO's 5th article. And of course, no one was ready and willing to take any obligations on them. No one was, no one is, and maybe I won't be too wrong if I say no one will. Many blame Johnson in wrecking this possible deal. I think that his role was over-estimated. He was just a messenger who voiced overall opinion of main Western capitals.

And I am not going to blame anyone in that. As one poster here brilliantly said it is a war between two dysfunctional cousins. Who else would want to be really involved?
The whole thing about this conflict was to not allow Western countries guarantee Ukrainian or Georgian safety.
So, Russia won't agree with any possible peace which includes any Western guarantees.
The whole thing about this conflict was to not allow Western countries guarantee Ukrainian or Georgian safety.
So, Russia won't agree with any possible peace which includes any Western guarantees.
The result of this war doesn’t depend on Russia. Or, okay, this dependency is not prime at all. Globally, it depends on agreement of the two - the US and China. My impression, from what I have read from Chinese officials' statements, China is more than okay with a draw. As soon as this idea becomes common among the American 'elite', a chance will raise to realize it on practice.

You the Russians over-estimate the situation overall. If you expect your bunker hero on a white pony to lead a victory parade in Kiev, then you should scale down your expectations. Yes, Russia will keep the occupied territories and Ukraine will be declared neutral. But you will have to get along with the Ukrainian state on your borders and 'security agreements' with Western countries (though, granted, those won't be 'guarantees' per se, but rather an agreement to supply weapons, reconnaissance data etc as it is being done now).
The result of this war doesn’t depend on Russia. Or, okay, this dependency is not prime at all. Globally, it depends on agreement of the two - the US and China. My impression, from what I have read from Chinese officials' statements, China is more than okay with a draw. As soon as this idea becomes common among the American 'elite', a chance will raise to realize it on practice.

You the Russians over-estimate the situation overall. If you expect your bunker hero on a white pony to lead a victory parade in Kiev, then you should scale down your expectations. Yes, Russia will keep the occupied territories and Ukraine will be declared neutral. But you will have to get along with the Ukrainian state on your borders and 'security agreements' with Western countries (though, granted, those won't be 'guarantees' per se, but rather an agreement to supply weapons, reconnaissance data etc as it is being done now).
I don't care much about political expectations, military parades and all this BS. I do care about people, their human rights, their safety and their wealth. Most of the true Russian-haters are already killed. Other will leave Ukraine. And in the case of the end of the war and decreasing of the Western economical support (and it is the very reason why certain Western decision-makers want to stop the war) Ukraine will be another Georgia or even another Belarus (given the fact that there are no any difference between Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians).

Russia and Ukraine stop fighting. West countries stop financial support of Ukraine (no pain no gain). What do you thing the new Ukrainian government will do especially if the borders are open and the Army is demobilised?
The eastern front line is on the verge of collapse .
Gives Russia a chance to take out incoming ordnance which has been stored in Romania and Poland .
Most of it is Hand-Me - Down equipment but there are no trained fighters to handle it regardless .
The obliteration will continue .

Russia and Ukraine stop fighting.
Ukraine was always a corrupt country. The US made Ukraine even more corrupt. If the war ends but Zoolinsky and the Yankees remain then there will be no peace or prosperity except for the same old Ukrainian and American corrupters.
West countries stop financial support of Ukraine. What do you thing the new Ukrainian government will do especially if the borders are open and the Army is demobilised?
As I said, there will be no change until the corruption and Yankees are defeated. Let the Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk be free ...... and Krim as well. If the rest of Ukraine will become good it will have to cooperate with Russia, not cooperate with the West. Now you know the formula for peace and success. So, get to work!
For two years the naysayers have said that the Ukrainians are finished. I differed then and I do so now. They will fight as they have been invaded; they will indeed fight to whatever end fate has in store for them. Are Ukrainians any less fervent towards their nation than the Jews were? Recall the words of Golda:
I want to say to you, friends, that the Jewish community in Palestine is going to fight to the very end. If we have arms to fight with, we will fight with those, and if not, we will fight with stones in our hands.

Now to date the US and Europe have been wonderful, but now the question must be put...again, as was done by Golda so many years ago:

I want to close with paraphrasing one of the greatest speeches that was made during the Second World War—the words of Churchill.

I am not exaggerating when I say that the Yishuv in Palestine will fight in the Negev and will fight in Galilee and will fight on the outskirts of Jerusalem until the very end. You cannot decide whether we should fight or not. We will. The Jewish community in Palestine will raise no white flag for the Mufti. That decision is taken. Nobody can change it.
You can only decide one thing: whether we shall be victorious in this fight or whether the Mufti will be victorious. That decision American Jews can make. It has to be made quickly within hours, within days.!!
I KNOW that many are sick of the endemic corruption etc that has plagued The Ukraine for years, but the answer is NOT Putin!!

I thank the US and Europe for all that they are doing to assist the Ukes as it is desperately needed.

For two years the naysayers have said that the Ukrainians are finished. I differed then and I do so now.
So, instead of talking about it stop flapping your lips and go fight. Goodbye. Just don't slam the door. :bigbed:
PS: I also said that I thought the Russians would get their land bridge to the Crimea and they have been successful up to a point, but I am not so certain now that they can hold on to Crimea. I have been amazed at the resilience of the Ukes. I wish them well.

This is what the US proxy war looks like in Ukraine, Russia advancing all along the Donbass front and the poor dumb Ukrainian bastards paying the price for Genocide Joe and his war for NATO and the Oligarchs, warning this aint pretty but you clowns need to see it.
OK; Putin can have California but NOT Tennessee!!!

I am hoping like fucking hell that the Maga mob that I support 110% are NOT in a gloatfest about Putin having successes along parts of the Ukraine front line? Yes; I know that Biden is a fucking idiot and corrupt as hell but I don't want the Republicans to make the same disgusting mistake the DemoKKKrats and Biden made in Vietnam!!!! I fully support no boots on the ground but I can't support leaving an invaded people subject to the will of a mass murdering skkkumbag like Putin!! I ask respectfully don't support the same strategy that DemoKKKrats practised all those years ago.


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