China winning the trade war - Bigly

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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.

I drove by the port over by where I used to live in Houston not too long ago. Containers stacked taller than the freighters next to them; rows and rows.
I think you have to ask the question.

Is Trump putting the Obama economic recovery at risk ?
Anything obama needs to be utterly destroyed. The Trump economy has improved the lives of every one.
So you want to go back to losi9ng u00,000 jobs a month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a crashing stock market hitting 6k, 10% unemployment rate, two quagmire wars, a housing collapse & a near financial meltdown?

You really are that fucking stupid.

But hey, give t another year or so under your orange buddy & you get your wish.
Shitstain obama would have done as well if not better had he let the economy recover from the democrat engineered disaster on its own. There is no doubt that the shitstain used the recession to launch a racially motivated attack on white people.

Funny how your drear Republicans had a stimulis bill plan. Funny how the CBO said the ARRA did as promised.

What kind of assfuck would opt for millions of Americans to suffer more & longer?

How did Obama attack white people???? By arguing for equal rights for minorities???? By living in the White House?
By living a satanic centered life.

So now Obama was a devil worshiper? I have news, Obama never worshiped Trump like you do.
Shitstain obama conducted bloody sacrifices in the White House. The entire building had to be fumigated and scrubbed of bloodstains after the shitstain obamas left. It took 17 days.
Shitstain obama conducted bloody sacrifices in the White House. The entire building had to be fumigated and scrubbed of bloodstains after the shitstain obamas left. It took 17 days.

Well, so you sare both an idiot and a racist fuck.
China has been winning the trade war since it started.

President Trump seems to be the first U.S. President to either realize or acknowledge the trade war even exists.

China has been fighting a one sided battle for decades.

It will take years of American push back to even things out.
China has been winning the trade war since it started.

President Trump seems to be the first U.S. President to either realize or acknowledge the trade war even exists.

China has been fighting a one sided battle for decades.

It will take years of American push back to even things out.
Countries with a free economy will always be at an economic disadvantage against a country using slavery.
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?

Nah he was wrong. All of us on the right-wing knew he was wrong about that. A ton of other things he's been right about. Cutting taxes, reducing regulation, being strong internationally, moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

But the trade war was always a bad idea.

Cutting taxes increasing the deficit.

Allowing more pollution

Being an asshole internationally & making the US the global laughing stock

Getting 11 Jews killed in Pittsburgh.

Only a total dick calls that winning.

Cutting taxes did not increase the deficit. The amount of money collected by the Federal government is at record levels. Never in all American history, or the history of this entire planet, has any government collected more money in taxes, than our government is collecting from American citizens.

This idea that his tax cuts caused the deficit is pure ignorance and partisan crap.

That said.... Trump has increased spending, and I disagree with that.

But this 'tax ourselves in prosperity' idiocy, has never worked. And numerous companies said very openly, that the reason they did not bring profits made overseas, back the US, was specifically because of the Corporate tax rates in the US, made it more practical to invest outside the US.

Now if you know that.... then you should know that reducing the Corporate tax rate might be a short term drop in corporate revenue, but in the long term will build the economy. Any educated economist knows this.

Pollution... until you can provide real examples of people dying of pollution, just stuff it you whiny snowflake.

Getting Jew killed.... you are an idiot. Trump didn't get any Jews killed. Isn't the biggest flaming racists Jew hater in the country, a darling of the left wing? Namely Lewis Farrakhan? I can think of several others.

Lastly, making American a global laughing stock?

Did you miss how Obama was ignored and walked over around the world? He set the middle east on fire, allowed Russia to waltz into Europe, and Assad laughed at his 'red line' and gas attacked his own people, and gave millions in untraceable cash to Iran which allowed them to be a world wide sponsor of terror.

Obama was the joke on the global stage. That's why they all loved Obama. They knew he was a pushover, and walked all over the US every chance they got.

They have given more respect to Trump, than Obama ever had. That's why they hate Trump. They know he'll use the US military if he has too, and won't roll over when they scream and complain.
China has been winning the trade war since it started.

President Trump seems to be the first U.S. President to either realize or acknowledge the trade war even exists.

China has been fighting a one sided battle for decades.

It will take years of American push back to even things out.
Countries with a free economy will always be at an economic disadvantage against a country using slavery.

No one is using slavery.

You do realize that we are vastly outperforming China and other low-wage countries, for literally decades on end.... right? You know that, right?
China has an edge. It will always have an edge.

China treats drug use as a medical problem. There is no trial and no prison. Users are sentenced to work rehabilitation. They work in the megafactories. They live in dorms and eat a bowl of rice a day. They are slaves. Deservedly so as drug addicts. Free economies will always struggle against slave economies. If we adopted the same sensible medical based economic solutions the Chinese trade edge would be gone.

Having read much about China, I have never heard of this. I would be interested in whatever citations you can provide on this matter.
I think you have to ask the question.

Is Trump putting the Obama economic recovery at risk ?
Anything obama needs to be utterly destroyed. The Trump economy has improved the lives of every one.
So you want to go back to losi9ng u00,000 jobs a month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a crashing stock market hitting 6k, 10% unemployment rate, two quagmire wars, a housing collapse & a near financial meltdown?

You really are that fucking stupid.

But hey, give t another year or so under your orange buddy & you get your wish.
Shitstain obama would have done as well if not better had he let the economy recover from the democrat engineered disaster on its own. There is no doubt that the shitstain used the recession to launch a racially motivated attack on white people.

Funny how your drear Republicans had a stimulis bill plan. Funny how the CBO said the ARRA did as promised.

What kind of assfuck would opt for millions of Americans to suffer more & longer?

How did Obama attack white people???? By arguing for equal rights for minorities???? By living in the White House?

When Black people are preferred over whites, that is not "equal rights".

Depends on whose side you’re on. I’m rooting for the Americans.

If you're rooting for the Americans, then why do you support Trump? He's the one that is screwing things up bigly.
No, he’s rooting for Americans. That’s why he wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture.
And as long as energy prices are down our economy will flourish. It’s really that simple. I feel badly for the mining communities left to wallow in heroin addiction because the green scam cost them employment.
Ahhhh, are you white nationalists scared??
Why do you lefties always go race? Because you’re institutional segregationists.

Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.
If you're rooting for the Americans, then why do you support Trump? He's the one that is screwing things up bigly.
No, he’s rooting for Americans. That’s why he wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture.
And as long as energy prices are down our economy will flourish. It’s really that simple. I feel badly for the mining communities left to wallow in heroin addiction because the green scam cost them employment.
Ahhhh, are you white nationalists scared??
Why do you lefties always go race? Because you’re institutional segregationists.

Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

I think you have to ask the question.

Is Trump putting the Obama economic recovery at risk ?
Anything obama needs to be utterly destroyed. The Trump economy has improved the lives of every one.
So you want to go back to losi9ng u00,000 jobs a month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a crashing stock market hitting 6k, 10% unemployment rate, two quagmire wars, a housing collapse & a near financial meltdown?

You really are that fucking stupid.

But hey, give t another year or so under your orange buddy & you get your wish.
Shitstain obama would have done as well if not better had he let the economy recover from the democrat engineered disaster on its own. There is no doubt that the shitstain used the recession to launch a racially motivated attack on white people.

Funny how your drear Republicans had a stimulis bill plan. Funny how the CBO said the ARRA did as promised.

What kind of assfuck would opt for millions of Americans to suffer more & longer?

How did Obama attack white people???? By arguing for equal rights for minorities???? By living in the White House?

When Black people are preferred over whites, that is not "equal rights".

So, there are only white people in higher positions because blacks had been always overlooked.

Obviously that is not right. Did you complain about it?
China has an edge. It will always have an edge.

China treats drug use as a medical problem. There is no trial and no prison. Users are sentenced to work rehabilitation. They work in the megafactories. They live in dorms and eat a bowl of rice a day. They are slaves. Deservedly so as drug addicts. Free economies will always struggle against slave economies. If we adopted the same sensible medical based economic solutions the Chinese trade edge would be gone.

Having read much about China, I have never heard of this. I would be interested in whatever citations you can provide on this matter.
No problem. I agree with the treatment by the way.

China: Drug ‘Rehabilitation’ Centers Deny Treatment, Allow Forced Labor
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?

Nah he was wrong. All of us on the right-wing knew he was wrong about that. A ton of other things he's been right about. Cutting taxes, reducing regulation, being strong internationally, moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

But the trade war was always a bad idea.

Cutting taxes increasing the deficit.

Allowing more pollution

Being an asshole internationally & making the US the global laughing stock

Getting 11 Jews killed in Pittsburgh.

Only a total dick calls that winning.

Cutting taxes did not increase the deficit. The amount of money collected by the Federal government is at record levels. Never in all American history, or the history of this entire planet, has any government collected more money in taxes, than our government is collecting from American citizens.

This idea that his tax cuts caused the deficit is pure ignorance and partisan crap.

That said.... Trump has increased spending, and I disagree with that.

But this 'tax ourselves in prosperity' idiocy, has never worked. And numerous companies said very openly, that the reason they did not bring profits made overseas, back the US, was specifically because of the Corporate tax rates in the US, made it more practical to invest outside the US.

Now if you know that.... then you should know that reducing the Corporate tax rate might be a short term drop in corporate revenue, but in the long term will build the economy. Any educated economist knows this.

Pollution... until you can provide real examples of people dying of pollution, just stuff it you whiny snowflake.

Getting Jew killed.... you are an idiot. Trump didn't get any Jews killed. Isn't the biggest flaming racists Jew hater in the country, a darling of the left wing? Namely Lewis Farrakhan? I can think of several others.

Lastly, making American a global laughing stock?

Did you miss how Obama was ignored and walked over around the world? He set the middle east on fire, allowed Russia to waltz into Europe, and Assad laughed at his 'red line' and gas attacked his own people, and gave millions in untraceable cash to Iran which allowed them to be a world wide sponsor of terror.

Obama was the joke on the global stage. That's why they all loved Obama. They knew he was a pushover, and walked all over the US every chance they got.

They have given more respect to Trump, than Obama ever had. That's why they hate Trump. They know he'll use the US military if he has too, and won't roll over when they scream and complain.

Individual has increased but overall, once you factor inflation, it has not. Has Revenue Risen in 2018?

Then factor in the money borrowed for that tax cut - 1.5 trillion over 10 years.

Please, you cheered the unfunded increases like in military spending.

The man who killed those people in Pittsburgh was upset about a bunch of invaders funded by Soros. Where did he get that idea? From your fat assed orange buddy.

Louis Farrakan??? Rush Limbaugh. Now we are even & no Democrats listen to Farrakan & 90% of you assfucks listen to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama set the Middle East on fire??????? Really. It wasn't Bush starting two wars? Certainly you can'y be so stu;id as to accuse Obama because he pushed for Democracy? Really????

He fought Russia with sanctions & support for the opposition. What has your orange buddy done other than cuddle up with Putin & took Putin's help to win the election.

After the gas attack, Assad was forced to give up his chemical weapons. Your orange buddy bombed an empty airbase.

Trump gets no respect. I suspect a fucking moron like you confuses threats & bullying with respect. NO ONE respects Trump. He is considered a flaming dotard.

Our allies respected Obama. He did not need threats.

Obama released held Iranian money & returned Iranian money held for years because of a dispute on a weapon's sale.

Obama & a group of world leaders stopped Iran's nuclear weapon ambitions. Your Dotard Presidret called all those people idiots & ended that agreement setting Iran free to make that nuke.
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?

Nah he was wrong. All of us on the right-wing knew he was wrong about that. A ton of other things he's been right about. Cutting taxes, reducing regulation, being strong internationally, moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

But the trade war was always a bad idea.

Cutting taxes increasing the deficit.

Allowing more pollution

Being an asshole internationally & making the US the global laughing stock

Getting 11 Jews killed in Pittsburgh.

Only a total dick calls that winning.

Cutting taxes did not increase the deficit. The amount of money collected by the Federal government is at record levels. Never in all American history, or the history of this entire planet, has any government collected more money in taxes, than our government is collecting from American citizens.

This idea that his tax cuts caused the deficit is pure ignorance and partisan crap.

That said.... Trump has increased spending, and I disagree with that.

But this 'tax ourselves in prosperity' idiocy, has never worked. And numerous companies said very openly, that the reason they did not bring profits made overseas, back the US, was specifically because of the Corporate tax rates in the US, made it more practical to invest outside the US.

Now if you know that.... then you should know that reducing the Corporate tax rate might be a short term drop in corporate revenue, but in the long term will build the economy. Any educated economist knows this.

Pollution... until you can provide real examples of people dying of pollution, just stuff it you whiny snowflake.

Getting Jew killed.... you are an idiot. Trump didn't get any Jews killed. Isn't the biggest flaming racists Jew hater in the country, a darling of the left wing? Namely Lewis Farrakhan? I can think of several others.

Lastly, making American a global laughing stock?

Did you miss how Obama was ignored and walked over around the world? He set the middle east on fire, allowed Russia to waltz into Europe, and Assad laughed at his 'red line' and gas attacked his own people, and gave millions in untraceable cash to Iran which allowed them to be a world wide sponsor of terror.

Obama was the joke on the global stage. That's why they all loved Obama. They knew he was a pushover, and walked all over the US every chance they got.

They have given more respect to Trump, than Obama ever had. That's why they hate Trump. They know he'll use the US military if he has too, and won't roll over when they scream and complain.
BTW as fort pollution killing people. Visit the American Lung Association webpage. Get educated.

People do die & become sickened. And ignorant fuck you don't care.

You realize that you breathe that shit, right? Your family breathes it too. But hey, More pollution is good if Corporations can make more money. How fucking stupid can you get
No, he’s rooting for Americans. That’s why he wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture.
And as long as energy prices are down our economy will flourish. It’s really that simple. I feel badly for the mining communities left to wallow in heroin addiction because the green scam cost them employment.
Ahhhh, are you white nationalists scared??
Why do you lefties always go race? Because you’re institutional segregationists.

Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.
Ahhhh, are you white nationalists scared??
Why do you lefties always go race? Because you’re institutional segregationists.

Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.
Anything obama needs to be utterly destroyed. The Trump economy has improved the lives of every one.
So you want to go back to losi9ng u00,000 jobs a month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a crashing stock market hitting 6k, 10% unemployment rate, two quagmire wars, a housing collapse & a near financial meltdown?

You really are that fucking stupid.

But hey, give t another year or so under your orange buddy & you get your wish.
Shitstain obama would have done as well if not better had he let the economy recover from the democrat engineered disaster on its own. There is no doubt that the shitstain used the recession to launch a racially motivated attack on white people.

Funny how your drear Republicans had a stimulis bill plan. Funny how the CBO said the ARRA did as promised.

What kind of assfuck would opt for millions of Americans to suffer more & longer?

How did Obama attack white people???? By arguing for equal rights for minorities???? By living in the White House?

When Black people are preferred over whites, that is not "equal rights".

So, there are only white people in higher positions because blacks had been always overlooked.

Obviously that is not right. Did you complain about it?

Since when have blacks always been over looked?

Can you prove they have always been overlooked? You know for a fact, that every single position in management, was applied for by a black person, that was as qualified or more qualified with work experience to match? You know that for an absolute fact? You research every single resume sent in for each position?

Because that is what you just implied by claiming you know that black people were overlooked.

This reminds me of a radio show host, who had a guy call in saying "I can prove you are racists! How many black people do you have working for your show?"

The host live on air responded "Zero, and ask me how many applied"

You don't know that. You don't know diddly jack sh!t. None of you people know anything. Just full of judgementalism and hate. That's the only way you can justify your evil view... just assume with no evidence whatsoever, that there must have been hundreds of highly qualified and experienced black people that were rejected simply because they are black, so therefore your brand of racism is ok. ANd by the way, justifying that video I posted.... is absolute 100% pure racism to the core. You are a racist person.

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