China winning the trade war - Bigly

Why do you lefties always go race? Because you’re institutional segregationists.

Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.
You are an institutional racist. Not a tit-for-tat. An accurate observation.
Previous generations of immigrants spoke their native language but for the initial generation. They assimilated into American culture. They did not invade with every intention of supplanting American culture.
You are an institutional racist and not very bright. You’re on an intellectual scale with Tax man.
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?

Nah he was wrong. All of us on the right-wing knew he was wrong about that. A ton of other things he's been right about. Cutting taxes, reducing regulation, being strong internationally, moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

But the trade war was always a bad idea.

Cutting taxes increasing the deficit.

Allowing more pollution

Being an asshole internationally & making the US the global laughing stock

Getting 11 Jews killed in Pittsburgh.

Only a total dick calls that winning.

Cutting taxes did not increase the deficit. The amount of money collected by the Federal government is at record levels. Never in all American history, or the history of this entire planet, has any government collected more money in taxes, than our government is collecting from American citizens.

This idea that his tax cuts caused the deficit is pure ignorance and partisan crap.

That said.... Trump has increased spending, and I disagree with that.

But this 'tax ourselves in prosperity' idiocy, has never worked. And numerous companies said very openly, that the reason they did not bring profits made overseas, back the US, was specifically because of the Corporate tax rates in the US, made it more practical to invest outside the US.

Now if you know that.... then you should know that reducing the Corporate tax rate might be a short term drop in corporate revenue, but in the long term will build the economy. Any educated economist knows this.

Pollution... until you can provide real examples of people dying of pollution, just stuff it you whiny snowflake.

Getting Jew killed.... you are an idiot. Trump didn't get any Jews killed. Isn't the biggest flaming racists Jew hater in the country, a darling of the left wing? Namely Lewis Farrakhan? I can think of several others.

Lastly, making American a global laughing stock?

Did you miss how Obama was ignored and walked over around the world? He set the middle east on fire, allowed Russia to waltz into Europe, and Assad laughed at his 'red line' and gas attacked his own people, and gave millions in untraceable cash to Iran which allowed them to be a world wide sponsor of terror.

Obama was the joke on the global stage. That's why they all loved Obama. They knew he was a pushover, and walked all over the US every chance they got.

They have given more respect to Trump, than Obama ever had. That's why they hate Trump. They know he'll use the US military if he has too, and won't roll over when they scream and complain.

Individual has increased but overall, once you factor inflation, it has not. Has Revenue Risen in 2018?

Then factor in the money borrowed for that tax cut - 1.5 trillion over 10 years.

Please, you cheered the unfunded increases like in military spending.

The man who killed those people in Pittsburgh was upset about a bunch of invaders funded by Soros. Where did he get that idea? From your fat assed orange buddy.

Louis Farrakan??? Rush Limbaugh. Now we are even & no Democrats listen to Farrakan & 90% of you assfucks listen to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama set the Middle East on fire??????? Really. It wasn't Bush starting two wars? Certainly you can'y be so stu;id as to accuse Obama because he pushed for Democracy? Really????

He fought Russia with sanctions & support for the opposition. What has your orange buddy done other than cuddle up with Putin & took Putin's help to win the election.

After the gas attack, Assad was forced to give up his chemical weapons. Your orange buddy bombed an empty airbase.

Trump gets no respect. I suspect a fucking moron like you confuses threats & bullying with respect. NO ONE respects Trump. He is considered a flaming dotard.

Our allies respected Obama. He did not need threats.

Obama released held Iranian money & returned Iranian money held for years because of a dispute on a weapon's sale.

Obama & a group of world leaders stopped Iran's nuclear weapon ambitions. Your Dotard Presidret called all those people idiots & ended that agreement setting Iran free to make that nuke.

Trump has done more to oppose Russia, than Obama ever did. Obama actually encourage Russian involvement in Syria. That's a fact.

Please, Trump as gotten far more foreign policy wins, that Obama ever did.

You intend to justify releasing money to the Iranians that was used to fund international terror? Obama's administration admitted this.

Obama did not stop Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. You are fool to believe that. You just wrong. You deny it, but that just makes you willfully ignorant and wrong.

Rush Limbaugh is nothing like Lewis Farakhan and the many racists on the Democrats side. You are buffoon for even trying to equate the two.
Why do you lefties always go race? Because you’re institutional segregationists.

Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.


Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

But taking an American name, alone.... is assimilation.

Assimilation does not mean cutting out of your life, all of your heritage. That's a weird concept to me. Jewish people have assimilated into American culture very well. That doesn't mean they are no longer jewish, or that they don't have Bar Mitzvah.

But there are groups in this country today, that refuse to celebrate American holidays, and then get mad they can't celebrate their own holidays. We had this happen at my place of word sometime ago. Had some people that wanted to get the day off, and it was just a normal work day for us, but in their home country it was a holiday. We told them you don't get this day off. They wanted to leave anyway. We told them if they leave, don't come back. They got mad.

THAT... is refusing to assimilate. I don't see Asian people doing that.

Another example would be those middle eastern people in Colorado that wanted to wander off and pray while working on an assembly line. The company of course refused. They were fired. Now they are mad at this country.

No... you assimilate. We don't operate like the middle east, where you can wander off to pray 5 times a day. I don't see Asians doing that.

Another example I saw personally, was soccer. This is kind of a wonky example, but is does illustrate the problem. So I had a roomy that loved soccer. Well we love football. We don't watch soccer that much here.

So Superbowl rolls around, and people ask him to hang out, and he refused. Then the world cup rolled around, and of course no one wants to watch that, so he's by himself, all alone, watching the world cup on a streaming, in my basement.

It was pretty sad, and you could tell he was lonely. But I don't care about soccer, and I am not going to watch a boring sport I don't like.

Now again, this is not a critique of soccer.... but if you come to the US, you are going to have a hard time finding friends and people to have community with, when you have nothing common.

We had a family of Asians join my parents Church. And jumped in, head first into the culture. They did not stop being Korean, and they didn't stop teaching their children to speak, and read Korean. They didn't stop having Korean food, or culture.

BUT.... the did show up when OSU was playing, with a Buckeyes shirts, and cheering and watching the game, with the rest of us.

They assimilated. That's why all of their kids went on to have successful careers in high paying fields. And their girls Korean names were not Sarah and Michele.

Now, I do not know specifically about your friends obviously.
It is possible that your friends do in fact avoid assimilation. Of course there are always exceptions to any general rule.

Regardless, as a general rule, Asians do in fact assimilate into the culture, and very well. That is why they are more successful as a group, than white Americans.
You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

But taking an American name, alone.... is assimilation.

Assimilation does not mean cutting out of your life, all of your heritage. That's a weird concept to me. Jewish people have assimilated into American culture very well. That doesn't mean they are no longer jewish, or that they don't have Bar Mitzvah.

But there are groups in this country today, that refuse to celebrate American holidays, and then get mad they can't celebrate their own holidays. We had this happen at my place of word sometime ago. Had some people that wanted to get the day off, and it was just a normal work day for us, but in their home country it was a holiday. We told them you don't get this day off. They wanted to leave anyway. We told them if they leave, don't come back. They got mad.

THAT... is refusing to assimilate. I don't see Asian people doing that.

Another example would be those middle eastern people in Colorado that wanted to wander off and pray while working on an assembly line. The company of course refused. They were fired. Now they are mad at this country.

No... you assimilate. We don't operate like the middle east, where you can wander off to pray 5 times a day. I don't see Asians doing that.

Another example I saw personally, was soccer. This is kind of a wonky example, but is does illustrate the problem. So I had a roomy that loved soccer. Well we love football. We don't watch soccer that much here.

So Superbowl rolls around, and people ask him to hang out, and he refused. Then the world cup rolled around, and of course no one wants to watch that, so he's by himself, all alone, watching the world cup on a streaming, in my basement.

It was pretty sad, and you could tell he was lonely. But I don't care about soccer, and I am not going to watch a boring sport I don't like.

Now again, this is not a critique of soccer.... but if you come to the US, you are going to have a hard time finding friends and people to have community with, when you have nothing common.

We had a family of Asians join my parents Church. And jumped in, head first into the culture. They did not stop being Korean, and they didn't stop teaching their children to speak, and read Korean. They didn't stop having Korean food, or culture.

BUT.... the did show up when OSU was playing, with a Buckeyes shirts, and cheering and watching the game, with the rest of us.

They assimilated. That's why all of their kids went on to have successful careers in high paying fields. And their girls Korean names were not Sarah and Michele.

Now, I do not know specifically about your friends obviously.
It is possible that your friends do in fact avoid assimilation. Of course there are always exceptions to any general rule.

Regardless, as a general rule, Asians do in fact assimilate into the culture, and very well. That is why they are more successful as a group, than white Americans.
They don't assimilate. They chameleon. I used to go to an art school run by a Chinese artist. Great school if you don't mind being the only round eye and I didn't. It was an all age school so we had kids, little and teens. On the surface it looked like complete assimilation but it wasn't anything of the kind. I can't blame them. They conduct their lives as if they could return to China any instant. My sister in law, a wonderful woman and a loving wife. Is Chinese and leaves no room for anything else.
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

Well, the future is Chinese.
You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

Well, the future is Chinese.
At least according to the Chinese.

When the Chinese moved into Torrance they totally transformed the downtown slum. They built schools as a "gift". They built a new cultural center. Entire blocks were razed to the ground and rebuilt into art galleries, antique shops, coffee houses, with high end condos upstairs.

It prompted me to say to my husband that if the Chinese had a full scale invasion they would be welcomed.

They do, however, use quite a bit of slavery in their manufacturing. The dollar store is full of their crap.
Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

Well, the future is Chinese.
At least according to the Chinese.

When the Chinese moved into Torrance they totally transformed the downtown slum. They built schools as a "gift". They built a new cultural center. Entire blocks were razed to the ground and rebuilt into art galleries, antique shops, coffee houses, with high end condos upstairs.

It prompted me to say to my husband that if the Chinese had a full scale invasion they would be welcomed.

They do, however, use quite a bit of slavery in their manufacturing. The dollar store is full of their crap.

Well.... got to southern Africa. The Chinese are the ones who own the supermarkets (not necessarily in South Africa, but Mozambique, Swaziland are the ones I remember the most) while the natives were stood on the side of the road being thoroughly inefficient.

But the locals hated them because the Chinese were able to under cut them on almost anything and everything, even though the Africans weren't trying.

In Lesotho there was a nice billboard at the side of the road with HIV/AIDs rates of each region of the small country. 19% was the lowest region. The Chinese govt built them a new government building up on a hill looking down on the city, far away from where anyone actually lived so the politicians could be even more aloof.

China is able to do things efficiently, but not necessarily with any compassion.
Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.

Go back to the 30's, 40's & 50's.

We had Italian & Slovavc immigrants. The grandparents did not speak English. The parents spoke both & worked in the mines & industry. They had social clubs. They centered around these & their church. It faded with the next generation.

We have lots of Hispanics well adopted in our society even if they maintain some sort of tie to their heritage.

It takes a generation or two to really become part of the American culture, a culture that includes some Hispanic culture, Italian culture, Slovac culture, Chinese culture.

What if you moved to Mexico. Many Americans retire there. at what point would you only speak Spanish - even to your wife & kids? Would you hang out with other American retirees? Certainly.

These people love their homeland. It has become too dangerous to live there or make a living there. That is it. That does not make them bad.

Let me know when you complain about the St Patrick's day parade.
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?

Nah he was wrong. All of us on the right-wing knew he was wrong about that. A ton of other things he's been right about. Cutting taxes, reducing regulation, being strong internationally, moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

But the trade war was always a bad idea.

Cutting taxes increasing the deficit.

Allowing more pollution

Being an asshole internationally & making the US the global laughing stock

Getting 11 Jews killed in Pittsburgh.

Only a total dick calls that winning.

Cutting taxes did not increase the deficit. The amount of money collected by the Federal government is at record levels. Never in all American history, or the history of this entire planet, has any government collected more money in taxes, than our government is collecting from American citizens.

This idea that his tax cuts caused the deficit is pure ignorance and partisan crap.

That said.... Trump has increased spending, and I disagree with that.

But this 'tax ourselves in prosperity' idiocy, has never worked. And numerous companies said very openly, that the reason they did not bring profits made overseas, back the US, was specifically because of the Corporate tax rates in the US, made it more practical to invest outside the US.

Now if you know that.... then you should know that reducing the Corporate tax rate might be a short term drop in corporate revenue, but in the long term will build the economy. Any educated economist knows this.

Pollution... until you can provide real examples of people dying of pollution, just stuff it you whiny snowflake.

Getting Jew killed.... you are an idiot. Trump didn't get any Jews killed. Isn't the biggest flaming racists Jew hater in the country, a darling of the left wing? Namely Lewis Farrakhan? I can think of several others.

Lastly, making American a global laughing stock?

Did you miss how Obama was ignored and walked over around the world? He set the middle east on fire, allowed Russia to waltz into Europe, and Assad laughed at his 'red line' and gas attacked his own people, and gave millions in untraceable cash to Iran which allowed them to be a world wide sponsor of terror.

Obama was the joke on the global stage. That's why they all loved Obama. They knew he was a pushover, and walked all over the US every chance they got.

They have given more respect to Trump, than Obama ever had. That's why they hate Trump. They know he'll use the US military if he has too, and won't roll over when they scream and complain.

Individual has increased but overall, once you factor inflation, it has not. Has Revenue Risen in 2018?

Then factor in the money borrowed for that tax cut - 1.5 trillion over 10 years.

Please, you cheered the unfunded increases like in military spending.

The man who killed those people in Pittsburgh was upset about a bunch of invaders funded by Soros. Where did he get that idea? From your fat assed orange buddy.

Louis Farrakan??? Rush Limbaugh. Now we are even & no Democrats listen to Farrakan & 90% of you assfucks listen to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama set the Middle East on fire??????? Really. It wasn't Bush starting two wars? Certainly you can'y be so stu;id as to accuse Obama because he pushed for Democracy? Really????

He fought Russia with sanctions & support for the opposition. What has your orange buddy done other than cuddle up with Putin & took Putin's help to win the election.

After the gas attack, Assad was forced to give up his chemical weapons. Your orange buddy bombed an empty airbase.

Trump gets no respect. I suspect a fucking moron like you confuses threats & bullying with respect. NO ONE respects Trump. He is considered a flaming dotard.

Our allies respected Obama. He did not need threats.

Obama released held Iranian money & returned Iranian money held for years because of a dispute on a weapon's sale.

Obama & a group of world leaders stopped Iran's nuclear weapon ambitions. Your Dotard Presidret called all those people idiots & ended that agreement setting Iran free to make that nuke.

Trump has done more to oppose Russia, than Obama ever did. Obama actually encourage Russian involvement in Syria. That's a fact.

Please, Trump as gotten far more foreign policy wins, that Obama ever did.

You intend to justify releasing money to the Iranians that was used to fund international terror? Obama's administration admitted this.

Obama did not stop Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. You are fool to believe that. You just wrong. You deny it, but that just makes you willfully ignorant and wrong.

Rush Limbaugh is nothing like Lewis Farakhan and the many racists on the Democrats side. You are buffoon for even trying to equate the two.
Bull fucking shit. What has Trump done to the Russians???? He is in love with Putin.

Syria has two fronts. ISIS & ASSAD. The fight against ISIS was welcomed. The fight to keep Assad was not.

What foreign policy win has Trump gotten? Really. It certainly was not NAFTA, Iran, North Korea,. China, Great Briton.

We had actions against Iran that froze some money,. The purpose of those sanctions was to force Iran to the table. They worked & we stopped Iran's nuclear weapon process & the actions were lifted. The idea that Iran kept to that deal was verified.

You are the ignorant one. My God, anyone who defends Rush Limbaugh is a total asshole. Rush& Farrakan are the same.
Why do you Trumpettes always make racist posts?
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.
You are an institutional racist. Not a tit-for-tat. An accurate observation.
Previous generations of immigrants spoke their native language but for the initial generation. They assimilated into American culture. They did not invade with every intention of supplanting American culture.
You are an institutional racist and not very bright. You’re on an intellectual scale with Tax man.

There you go again. Ioe it when you assfucks call be a racist because I call you out on a racist / bigoted post you made.
Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

But taking an American name, alone.... is assimilation.

Assimilation does not mean cutting out of your life, all of your heritage. That's a weird concept to me. Jewish people have assimilated into American culture very well. That doesn't mean they are no longer jewish, or that they don't have Bar Mitzvah.

But there are groups in this country today, that refuse to celebrate American holidays, and then get mad they can't celebrate their own holidays. We had this happen at my place of word sometime ago. Had some people that wanted to get the day off, and it was just a normal work day for us, but in their home country it was a holiday. We told them you don't get this day off. They wanted to leave anyway. We told them if they leave, don't come back. They got mad.

THAT... is refusing to assimilate. I don't see Asian people doing that.

Another example would be those middle eastern people in Colorado that wanted to wander off and pray while working on an assembly line. The company of course refused. They were fired. Now they are mad at this country.

No... you assimilate. We don't operate like the middle east, where you can wander off to pray 5 times a day. I don't see Asians doing that.

Another example I saw personally, was soccer. This is kind of a wonky example, but is does illustrate the problem. So I had a roomy that loved soccer. Well we love football. We don't watch soccer that much here.

So Superbowl rolls around, and people ask him to hang out, and he refused. Then the world cup rolled around, and of course no one wants to watch that, so he's by himself, all alone, watching the world cup on a streaming, in my basement.

It was pretty sad, and you could tell he was lonely. But I don't care about soccer, and I am not going to watch a boring sport I don't like.

Now again, this is not a critique of soccer.... but if you come to the US, you are going to have a hard time finding friends and people to have community with, when you have nothing common.

We had a family of Asians join my parents Church. And jumped in, head first into the culture. They did not stop being Korean, and they didn't stop teaching their children to speak, and read Korean. They didn't stop having Korean food, or culture.

BUT.... the did show up when OSU was playing, with a Buckeyes shirts, and cheering and watching the game, with the rest of us.

They assimilated. That's why all of their kids went on to have successful careers in high paying fields. And their girls Korean names were not Sarah and Michele.

Now, I do not know specifically about your friends obviously.
It is possible that your friends do in fact avoid assimilation. Of course there are always exceptions to any general rule.

Regardless, as a general rule, Asians do in fact assimilate into the culture, and very well. That is why they are more successful as a group, than white Americans.
They don't assimilate. They chameleon. I used to go to an art school run by a Chinese artist. Great school if you don't mind being the only round eye and I didn't. It was an all age school so we had kids, little and teens. On the surface it looked like complete assimilation but it wasn't anything of the kind. I can't blame them. They conduct their lives as if they could return to China any instant. My sister in law, a wonderful woman and a loving wife. Is Chinese and leaves no room for anything else.

I don't believe you. Just saying. I just flat out do not believe you at all. Because I've been around Asians my entire life. Never once have I seen the anti-assimilation in Asians, that I have seen in other groups.

Chameleon to me, is assimilation. If you can go out into society, act, talk, work, and play like an American, then you are an American. Because I promise you, a Chinese girl in China, is not walking around with the name Jessica, or watching OSU football, or speak English so fluently that no one can tell they immigrated here.

I watch a twitch streamer who is from Asia. She moved to the south (texas or arizona), and has a very slight 'twang' in her voice. You would never know that she's only been in the country for a decade. And she is into American sports, American holidays and customs, and cultural values. She is as American as I am.

And that is one example of literally thousands over my life time. Thousands.

Now you are trying to convince me that everything I've personally witnessed and experienced over 40 years of living, combined with statistical fact that Asians are generally more educated, and more successful, than white Americans?

NO, you are wrong. Sorry. Thanks for stopping by, and I appreciate that you believe what you are saying. But you are wrong.
Nah he was wrong. All of us on the right-wing knew he was wrong about that. A ton of other things he's been right about. Cutting taxes, reducing regulation, being strong internationally, moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

But the trade war was always a bad idea.

Cutting taxes increasing the deficit.

Allowing more pollution

Being an asshole internationally & making the US the global laughing stock

Getting 11 Jews killed in Pittsburgh.

Only a total dick calls that winning.

Cutting taxes did not increase the deficit. The amount of money collected by the Federal government is at record levels. Never in all American history, or the history of this entire planet, has any government collected more money in taxes, than our government is collecting from American citizens.

This idea that his tax cuts caused the deficit is pure ignorance and partisan crap.

That said.... Trump has increased spending, and I disagree with that.

But this 'tax ourselves in prosperity' idiocy, has never worked. And numerous companies said very openly, that the reason they did not bring profits made overseas, back the US, was specifically because of the Corporate tax rates in the US, made it more practical to invest outside the US.

Now if you know that.... then you should know that reducing the Corporate tax rate might be a short term drop in corporate revenue, but in the long term will build the economy. Any educated economist knows this.

Pollution... until you can provide real examples of people dying of pollution, just stuff it you whiny snowflake.

Getting Jew killed.... you are an idiot. Trump didn't get any Jews killed. Isn't the biggest flaming racists Jew hater in the country, a darling of the left wing? Namely Lewis Farrakhan? I can think of several others.

Lastly, making American a global laughing stock?

Did you miss how Obama was ignored and walked over around the world? He set the middle east on fire, allowed Russia to waltz into Europe, and Assad laughed at his 'red line' and gas attacked his own people, and gave millions in untraceable cash to Iran which allowed them to be a world wide sponsor of terror.

Obama was the joke on the global stage. That's why they all loved Obama. They knew he was a pushover, and walked all over the US every chance they got.

They have given more respect to Trump, than Obama ever had. That's why they hate Trump. They know he'll use the US military if he has too, and won't roll over when they scream and complain.

Individual has increased but overall, once you factor inflation, it has not. Has Revenue Risen in 2018?

Then factor in the money borrowed for that tax cut - 1.5 trillion over 10 years.

Please, you cheered the unfunded increases like in military spending.

The man who killed those people in Pittsburgh was upset about a bunch of invaders funded by Soros. Where did he get that idea? From your fat assed orange buddy.

Louis Farrakan??? Rush Limbaugh. Now we are even & no Democrats listen to Farrakan & 90% of you assfucks listen to Rush Limbaugh.

Obama set the Middle East on fire??????? Really. It wasn't Bush starting two wars? Certainly you can'y be so stu;id as to accuse Obama because he pushed for Democracy? Really????

He fought Russia with sanctions & support for the opposition. What has your orange buddy done other than cuddle up with Putin & took Putin's help to win the election.

After the gas attack, Assad was forced to give up his chemical weapons. Your orange buddy bombed an empty airbase.

Trump gets no respect. I suspect a fucking moron like you confuses threats & bullying with respect. NO ONE respects Trump. He is considered a flaming dotard.

Our allies respected Obama. He did not need threats.

Obama released held Iranian money & returned Iranian money held for years because of a dispute on a weapon's sale.

Obama & a group of world leaders stopped Iran's nuclear weapon ambitions. Your Dotard Presidret called all those people idiots & ended that agreement setting Iran free to make that nuke.

Trump has done more to oppose Russia, than Obama ever did. Obama actually encourage Russian involvement in Syria. That's a fact.

Please, Trump as gotten far more foreign policy wins, that Obama ever did.

You intend to justify releasing money to the Iranians that was used to fund international terror? Obama's administration admitted this.

Obama did not stop Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. You are fool to believe that. You just wrong. You deny it, but that just makes you willfully ignorant and wrong.

Rush Limbaugh is nothing like Lewis Farakhan and the many racists on the Democrats side. You are buffoon for even trying to equate the two.
Bull fucking shit. What has Trump done to the Russians???? He is in love with Putin.

Syria has two fronts. ISIS & ASSAD. The fight against ISIS was welcomed. The fight to keep Assad was not.

What foreign policy win has Trump gotten? Really. It certainly was not NAFTA, Iran, North Korea,. China, Great Briton.

We had actions against Iran that froze some money,. The purpose of those sanctions was to force Iran to the table. They worked & we stopped Iran's nuclear weapon process & the actions were lifted. The idea that Iran kept to that deal was verified.

You are the ignorant one. My God, anyone who defends Rush Limbaugh is a total asshole. Rush& Farrakan are the same.

Rush is nothing like Farrakan. You are ignorant.

Iran's influence in the region, has become a source of instability across the entire middle east.
I do not believe that Obama's deal was any good.

Now allow me some space... maybe I'm wrong! It's possible. Maybe that deal was good, and Iran was going to peacefully disarm.

Here's my problem..... we did this before. Clinton in the 90s, said he had a fantastic deal with North Korea, and everything was going to be peace and unicorns. Then it turned out that all these years we thought they were fine and peachy, they were still working towards nuclear weapons, and the first chance they got, they had nukes.

I don't want to hear all this partisan hackery about how it was Bush that caused that. Bull crap. They had their nuclear plans built up, ready to go, and as soon as the world wasn't watching, they started building bombs. It happened in the years that was supposedly had this deal.

I just have a massive feeling of deja vue going on, because I see the same utopian left-wings screaming the virtues of this peace deal, like 1938 Chamberlain all over again.

By the way, no one suggested that the deal with Iran wasn't going to have a short term gain. In the short term, sure. Iran will increase the break out time. (break out time, being the time between building a bomb, and achieving it). But in the long term, we end up with another North Korea.

By the way, the Middle east knows this. The way that Jordan Saudi Arabia, and a few others have started working with Israel against Iran, proves they know this is true. In any other context, you would think pigs were flying and hell had opened a skating rink, to see the Saudis working with Israel.

Even CNN.... as partisan and crappy as they are.... admits Trump has foreign policy wins.
Trump has scored some successes in foreign policy - CNN
So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

But taking an American name, alone.... is assimilation.

Assimilation does not mean cutting out of your life, all of your heritage. That's a weird concept to me. Jewish people have assimilated into American culture very well. That doesn't mean they are no longer jewish, or that they don't have Bar Mitzvah.

But there are groups in this country today, that refuse to celebrate American holidays, and then get mad they can't celebrate their own holidays. We had this happen at my place of word sometime ago. Had some people that wanted to get the day off, and it was just a normal work day for us, but in their home country it was a holiday. We told them you don't get this day off. They wanted to leave anyway. We told them if they leave, don't come back. They got mad.

THAT... is refusing to assimilate. I don't see Asian people doing that.

Another example would be those middle eastern people in Colorado that wanted to wander off and pray while working on an assembly line. The company of course refused. They were fired. Now they are mad at this country.

No... you assimilate. We don't operate like the middle east, where you can wander off to pray 5 times a day. I don't see Asians doing that.

Another example I saw personally, was soccer. This is kind of a wonky example, but is does illustrate the problem. So I had a roomy that loved soccer. Well we love football. We don't watch soccer that much here.

So Superbowl rolls around, and people ask him to hang out, and he refused. Then the world cup rolled around, and of course no one wants to watch that, so he's by himself, all alone, watching the world cup on a streaming, in my basement.

It was pretty sad, and you could tell he was lonely. But I don't care about soccer, and I am not going to watch a boring sport I don't like.

Now again, this is not a critique of soccer.... but if you come to the US, you are going to have a hard time finding friends and people to have community with, when you have nothing common.

We had a family of Asians join my parents Church. And jumped in, head first into the culture. They did not stop being Korean, and they didn't stop teaching their children to speak, and read Korean. They didn't stop having Korean food, or culture.

BUT.... the did show up when OSU was playing, with a Buckeyes shirts, and cheering and watching the game, with the rest of us.

They assimilated. That's why all of their kids went on to have successful careers in high paying fields. And their girls Korean names were not Sarah and Michele.

Now, I do not know specifically about your friends obviously.
It is possible that your friends do in fact avoid assimilation. Of course there are always exceptions to any general rule.

Regardless, as a general rule, Asians do in fact assimilate into the culture, and very well. That is why they are more successful as a group, than white Americans.
They don't assimilate. They chameleon. I used to go to an art school run by a Chinese artist. Great school if you don't mind being the only round eye and I didn't. It was an all age school so we had kids, little and teens. On the surface it looked like complete assimilation but it wasn't anything of the kind. I can't blame them. They conduct their lives as if they could return to China any instant. My sister in law, a wonderful woman and a loving wife. Is Chinese and leaves no room for anything else.

I don't believe you. Just saying. I just flat out do not believe you at all. Because I've been around Asians my entire life. Never once have I seen the anti-assimilation in Asians, that I have seen in other groups.

Chameleon to me, is assimilation. If you can go out into society, act, talk, work, and play like an American, then you are an American. Because I promise you, a Chinese girl in China, is not walking around with the name Jessica, or watching OSU football, or speak English so fluently that no one can tell they immigrated here.

I watch a twitch streamer who is from Asia. She moved to the south (texas or arizona), and has a very slight 'twang' in her voice. You would never know that she's only been in the country for a decade. And she is into American sports, American holidays and customs, and cultural values. She is as American as I am.

And that is one example of literally thousands over my life time. Thousands.

Now you are trying to convince me that everything I've personally witnessed and experienced over 40 years of living, combined with statistical fact that Asians are generally more educated, and more successful, than white Americans?

NO, you are wrong. Sorry. Thanks for stopping by, and I appreciate that you believe what you are saying. But you are wrong.
Asians are better educated and more successful than whites because they do things the Asian way. Which I think is a very good way. But it is still the Asian way. That girl with the twang in her accent also speaks perfect Chinese, or Japanese or whatever. They believe themselves superior. Perhaps they are. The superior does not downgrade into assimilation. In many wsys, i don't blame them.
So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.
I have a Chinese sister in law. I cannot pronounce her Chinese name. Her "white" name is Grace. Her Chinese friends call her by her Chinese name. Only non Chinese call her by Grace. Her daughter goes to Chinese school. She learns the Chinese language, history and geography. She learns to read in Chinese.

I assure you, while my sister in law is a wonderful person and her daughter is kind and polite, neither of them have the slightest interest in assimilating. They are merely preparing for a Chinese future.

But taking an American name, alone.... is assimilation.

Assimilation does not mean cutting out of your life, all of your heritage. That's a weird concept to me. Jewish people have assimilated into American culture very well. That doesn't mean they are no longer jewish, or that they don't have Bar Mitzvah.

But there are groups in this country today, that refuse to celebrate American holidays, and then get mad they can't celebrate their own holidays. We had this happen at my place of word sometime ago. Had some people that wanted to get the day off, and it was just a normal work day for us, but in their home country it was a holiday. We told them you don't get this day off. They wanted to leave anyway. We told them if they leave, don't come back. They got mad.

THAT... is refusing to assimilate. I don't see Asian people doing that.

Another example would be those middle eastern people in Colorado that wanted to wander off and pray while working on an assembly line. The company of course refused. They were fired. Now they are mad at this country.

No... you assimilate. We don't operate like the middle east, where you can wander off to pray 5 times a day. I don't see Asians doing that.

Another example I saw personally, was soccer. This is kind of a wonky example, but is does illustrate the problem. So I had a roomy that loved soccer. Well we love football. We don't watch soccer that much here.

So Superbowl rolls around, and people ask him to hang out, and he refused. Then the world cup rolled around, and of course no one wants to watch that, so he's by himself, all alone, watching the world cup on a streaming, in my basement.

It was pretty sad, and you could tell he was lonely. But I don't care about soccer, and I am not going to watch a boring sport I don't like.

Now again, this is not a critique of soccer.... but if you come to the US, you are going to have a hard time finding friends and people to have community with, when you have nothing common.

We had a family of Asians join my parents Church. And jumped in, head first into the culture. They did not stop being Korean, and they didn't stop teaching their children to speak, and read Korean. They didn't stop having Korean food, or culture.

BUT.... the did show up when OSU was playing, with a Buckeyes shirts, and cheering and watching the game, with the rest of us.

They assimilated. That's why all of their kids went on to have successful careers in high paying fields. And their girls Korean names were not Sarah and Michele.

Now, I do not know specifically about your friends obviously.
It is possible that your friends do in fact avoid assimilation. Of course there are always exceptions to any general rule.

Regardless, as a general rule, Asians do in fact assimilate into the culture, and very well. That is why they are more successful as a group, than white Americans.
They don't assimilate. They chameleon. I used to go to an art school run by a Chinese artist. Great school if you don't mind being the only round eye and I didn't. It was an all age school so we had kids, little and teens. On the surface it looked like complete assimilation but it wasn't anything of the kind. I can't blame them. They conduct their lives as if they could return to China any instant. My sister in law, a wonderful woman and a loving wife. Is Chinese and leaves no room for anything else.

I don't believe you. Just saying. I just flat out do not believe you at all. Because I've been around Asians my entire life. Never once have I seen the anti-assimilation in Asians, that I have seen in other groups.

Chameleon to me, is assimilation. If you can go out into society, act, talk, work, and play like an American, then you are an American. Because I promise you, a Chinese girl in China, is not walking around with the name Jessica, or watching OSU football, or speak English so fluently that no one can tell they immigrated here.

I watch a twitch streamer who is from Asia. She moved to the south (texas or arizona), and has a very slight 'twang' in her voice. You would never know that she's only been in the country for a decade. And she is into American sports, American holidays and customs, and cultural values. She is as American as I am.

And that is one example of literally thousands over my life time. Thousands.

Now you are trying to convince me that everything I've personally witnessed and experienced over 40 years of living, combined with statistical fact that Asians are generally more educated, and more successful, than white Americans?

NO, you are wrong. Sorry. Thanks for stopping by, and I appreciate that you believe what you are saying. But you are wrong.
Asians are better educated and more successful than whites because they do things the Asian way. Which I think is a very good way. But it is still the Asian way. That girl with the twang in her accent also speaks perfect Chinese, or Japanese or whatever. They believe themselves superior. Perhaps they are. The superior does not downgrade into assimilation. In many wsys, i don't blame them.

The 'asian way'? What does that mean? Valuing education is not an American cultural value? As the son of two public school teachers, you are incorrect.

Valuing success is not a cultural value? Look at the demographic mix of the top 20 CEOs, and you are incorrect.

So what "asian way" are you talking about?

You still do not seem to understand.

Speaking Japanese or Chinese does not mean you are not assimilating into the culture.

I know some white people that speak perfect Spanish, and one who speaks Mandarin. Are they magically no longer part of the American culture? No. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.
Superior does translate to assimilation. That is why the clued-up reader will always notice the red Chinese characters: these the Chinese place on maps to denote non-Chinese areas. These red characters are symbolic of assimilation and colonization. An excellent example is the Udihe who are now hopelessly indebted to the Chinese. It is not a bright idea to get amnesia about Chinese economic hitmen investing in Venezuelan agriculture in 2009, the socialist middle ground is precisely the buffer twixt the much more serious aspects of communism, just as we saw when Bernie tried the technique. In fact, when buddhist monks in Mongolia threw stones into Chinese shop windows, they were just as serious about assimilation as the Chinese were. These precious photos are extant in the literature, though unfortunately we currently lack the citation so that the reader can see for themselves.
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.

So I'm going to jump in here......

You two have arguments that seem to jump all over the place, but the main problem is assimilation.
In order to have a society that builds itself up, instead of tearing itself apart... you need to have some level of assimilation.

One of the primary reasons that Asians in general do quite well in America, and have a higher standard of living than White Americans, is because they actually come here with the intention of assimilating.
For example, I think people would be shocked at how many Asians intentionally take American names, to fit in. Compared to for example, the number of Black people in this country that intentionally take un-american names, and then complain they can't get a job.

We have girl working here, whose name is Moniqua. Can't hardly even say it right. We have an Asian here, whose name is Jessica.

Facts are.... people with American sounding names, are more likely to be promoted. Now you can scream and yell, but those are the facts. Jessica's Asian name, is Wai-chun. Pronounced "way- chune".

But she wants to assimilate. She wants to be successful. She wants to be accepted and part of our society. So she adopted the name Jessica.

Now how this relates to the Honduras Caravan, is that there are disturbing signs in this caravan.

View attachment 229171
Why are they all waving Honduran flags? Why are singing Honduran patriotic songs? A can promise you the Jewish refugees from Germany were not waving German flags, and singing German patriotic songs.

Same with Cubans coming here to escape Cuba.

In fact, not even Haitians did this.

So it does make us wonder what they are thinking, and if they really intend to assimilate into our country.

Go back to the 30's, 40's & 50's.

We had Italian & Slovavc immigrants. The grandparents did not speak English. The parents spoke both & worked in the mines & industry. They had social clubs. They centered around these & their church. It faded with the next generation.

We have lots of Hispanics well adopted in our society even if they maintain some sort of tie to their heritage.

It takes a generation or two to really become part of the American culture, a culture that includes some Hispanic culture, Italian culture, Slovac culture, Chinese culture.

What if you moved to Mexico. Many Americans retire there. at what point would you only speak Spanish - even to your wife & kids? Would you hang out with other American retirees? Certainly.

These people love their homeland. It has become too dangerous to live there or make a living there. That is it. That does not make them bad.

Let me know when you complain about the St Patrick's day parade.

So a couple of things here. First, about the language deal. No one here, or anywhere, or ever.... has suggested that immigrants need to 'unlearn' their language. So I don't really get what your point is about 'when would you only speak spanish'. No one is suggesting that.

What we are suggesting is that it is in fact important to learn English, if you intend to be in an English speaking country in today's world.

Your point about previous generations of immigrants not needing English, and still surviving, is just not true today like it was in the past. And this should be self-evident.

In the past, manual labor alone, could earn you a decent living. The reality is, that isn't the case anymore. Digging ditches, and cleaning trash, and doing robotic physical labor, is just not what it was in the past.

Again, I've seen this first hand. We had a job working the warehouse, and a bunch of these guys don't know English. The results are really bad. We had guys pulling wrong stuff from wrong warehouse shelves, because they can't read. We had literal fights and shouting matches going on, because the managers would get so frustrated telling these guys over and over how to do something, and they wouldn't be able to understand.

The result was we ended up laying these guys off. This is reality. And they were not stupid people. They just didn't know English. I can't tell you the number of foreign people who have come here, upset, miserable, and angry..... because they feel left out, and unable to move up. I know of 3 people specifically that have moved back to their home country.

And the reason is always the same.... they need to assimilate. They need to become Americans. They need to speak the language. They need to be apart of the community.
I’m not a ‘trumpette’ and I don’t make racist posts. Pointing out democrat racism is not racist.

You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.
You are an institutional racist. Not a tit-for-tat. An accurate observation.
Previous generations of immigrants spoke their native language but for the initial generation. They assimilated into American culture. They did not invade with every intention of supplanting American culture.
You are an institutional racist and not very bright. You’re on an intellectual scale with Tax man.

There you go again. Ioe it when you assfucks call be a racist because I call you out on a racist / bigoted post you made.
I said nothing racist. That’s your dog whistle when someone dares to challenge the institutional status quo.
You said: "wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture."

Allow me to translate. " We don't want no brown people fucking up our white culture".

Seem, you are a racist fuck but it is so inbred into your very being that you don't know it.

The American culture includes many cultures. So fuck your white nationalism.

Highspanic are people defined by their first language, Spanish. Spanish is a Caucasian language
You’re a stupid institutional racist.

So how it this bad for your idea American culture. I remember all the Italians & Polish people in my hometown whose first language was not English. So what.

Identifying your racism does not make me a racist.

I find your " I know you are but what am I" reply quite childish. Grow thew fuck up.
You are an institutional racist. Not a tit-for-tat. An accurate observation.
Previous generations of immigrants spoke their native language but for the initial generation. They assimilated into American culture. They did not invade with every intention of supplanting American culture.
You are an institutional racist and not very bright. You’re on an intellectual scale with Tax man.

There you go again. Ioe it when you assfucks call be a racist because I call you out on a racist / bigoted post you made.
I said nothing racist. That’s your dog whistle when someone dares to challenge the institutional status quo.

Yes, you did. You know it.

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