China's Feeble Trade Retaliation Like Their Food


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
You're hungry again half an hour later. So they devalued the Yuan and Wall St panicked.....but today the panic was replaced with the calming influence of a President who knows how to win financial wars. Keep the pressure building like an anaconda on their chest and eventually they'll beg for mercy or accept respiratory collapse. Yesterday they thought they had they're wondering who the hell is this guy? Remember, the Chi-coms don't have a W. Edwards Deming like the Japs had to guide their car industry and subsequently other industries. They're communists...they don't and never will understand market economy. All they have to offer is slave labor. All they can innovate is what they steal from the west. Trump understands they've already shot their wad...they never bought enough from us to hurt us like we're hurting them. Can they hold out until next November to see if our own communists can bring down Trump? Let's see them get through the coming winter without our agriculture products first....then we'll know.


Stock market news: August 6, 2019
Like I said in another thread.... it is all a game.
A staring contest.
China just blinked. No doubt receiving huge pressure for artificially lowering their currency.... quickly adjust back up.
... They're communists...they don't and never will understand market economy. ...

That is just ignorant. China has been engaging in trade for thousands of years, and has been working the developing global economy since 1979. Spouting arrogant nonsense is a good way of losing despite our advantageous position.
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... They're communists...they don't and never will understand market economy. ...

That is just ignorant. China has been engaging in trade for thousands of years, and has been working the developing global economy since 1979. Spouting arrogant nonsense is a good way of losing despite our advantageous position.

No, you're the one time the Chinese were notorious gamblers and did indeed understand a market economy...then the Japs invaded China and after the war in 1949 they went communist. Mao had anybody who didn't vow allegiance to his little red book, executed. They are now a state-run economy and as such doomed to failure. Next time understand the history before you make a fool of yourself.
You're hungry again half an hour later. So they devalued the Yuan and Wall St panicked.....but today the panic was replaced with the calming influence of a President who knows how to win financial wars. Keep the pressure building like an anaconda on their chest and eventually they'll beg for mercy or accept respiratory collapse. Yesterday they thought they had they're wondering who the hell is this guy? Remember, the Chi-coms don't have a W. Edwards Deming like the Japs had to guide their car industry and subsequently other industries. They're communists...they don't and never will understand market economy. All they have to offer is slave labor. All they can innovate is what they steal from the west. Trump understands they've already shot their wad...they never bought enough from us to hurt us like we're hurting them. Can they hold out until next November to see if our own communists can bring down Trump? Let's see them get through the coming winter without our agriculture products first....then we'll know.


Stock market news: August 6, 2019
Time for American Companies who love Slave Labor in China and Mexico to come home.

I could care less if NIKE has to suffer for their Addiction to Slaves just so they can drain America of it's wealth and increase their profit margins on the backs of The Oppressed.

Fair Trade is Moral Trade.
... They're communists...they don't and never will understand market economy. ...

That is just ignorant. China has been engaging in trade for thousands of years, and has been working the developing global economy since 1979. Spouting arrogant nonsense is a good way of losing despite our advantageous position.
China is just posturing. They are getting a taste of that FREEDOM now!
Feel the power of the Eagle you little yeller bastards! one time the Chinese were notorious gamblers and did indeed understand a market economy.......

"At one time"? You don't know what you're talking about. Ever been to Macau? Ever been to any part of China?
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Like I said in another thread.... it is all a game.
A staring contest.
China just blinked. No doubt receiving huge pressure for artificially lowering their currency.... quickly adjust back up.

They let their currency float a tiny bit but you're right....when they broke through the 7 barrier, the world noticed. Now they have to save face and prevent their own panic.....Their economy is so leveraged when it collapses it will make our crash look like peanuts. one time the Chinese were notorious gamblers and did indeed understand a market economy.......

"At one time"? You don't know what you're talking about. Ever been to Macau? Ever been to any part of China?

Ever been to Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, shitbag? Now run along...your weak little jabs are meaningless.
China is just posturing. They are getting a taste of that FREEDOM now!
Feel the power of the Eagle you little yeller bastards!

I'm worried about how they'll react when they realize they're fucked....they may move on Hong Kong or Taiwan and dare us to intervene.
Go ask the manager of Mcdonald's Chinese branch if he thinks China doesn't understand free market economics. Same goes for Russia and western Europe. Their economies are not run top to bottom by the government. People are allowed to flourish and own things privately. They're not real communists because they've realized capitalism is too profitable.
Time for American Companies who love Slave Labor in China and Mexico to come home.

I could care less if NIKE has to suffer for their Addiction to Slaves just so they can drain America of it's wealth and increase their profit margins on the backs of The Oppressed.

Fair Trade is Moral Trade.

Do you know what "slavery" means?

'Made in China' isn't so cheap anymore, and that could spell headache for Beijing

Are all Greeks "slaves" because manufacturing labor is cheaper there than in the US? How about Spain? New Zealand? Do cost of living differences equate to "slavery"? Do lower wages in rural parts of the US than in urban areas mean those Americans living in more rural areas are "slaves"?
Go ask the manager of Mcdonald's Chinese branch if he thinks China doesn't understand free market economics. Same goes for Russia and western Europe. Their economies are not run top to bottom by the government. People are allowed to flourish and own things privately. They're not real communists because they've realized capitalism is too profitable.

The China and Russian economies have nothing to do with each other. Putin allows his oligarch pals to participate in his economy, while Xi only tolerates his masters of espionage to profit from what they can steal from the west. He was just named Chairman for life and you don't think he runs every aspect of Chinese life? ridiculous.
The way to crush is communist is to nod and smile when they talk to you, then when they leave your office, call your higher ups to press harder on their necks with your foot until they are just able to gasp out "Uncle!".

If Communists were civilized and caring about humanity, fair play, human rights, God and other concerns, they wouldn't be called Communists.
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China is just posturing. They are getting a taste of that FREEDOM now!
Feel the power of the Eagle you little yeller bastards!

I'm worried about how they'll react when they realize they're fucked....they may move on Hong Kong or Taiwan and dare us to intervene.
Ya know...I have heard and read that the troubles in Hong Kong may be a little externally driven. Our CIA love to wreak havoc and China is calling them on it.
China smoothed things over, not the "Great Negotiator". Yesterday was a warning shot. If they had further allowed the Yuan to drop the markets would have been slaughtered today.

Trump has painted himself into a no win scenario. He can give in or the Chinese can sink their dollar and sink Trump.
Ya know...I have heard and read that the troubles in Hong Kong may be a little externally driven. Our CIA love to wreak havoc and China is calling them on it.

Now that Brennan (converted to Islam while the station chief in Riyadh), is gone from the agency, the CIA is once again a functioning agency. I'm sure they're sniffing around Hong Kong but the force behind those people's movement is to remove Xi's attempts to take over the Hong Kong judiciary and extradite people he believes are not loyal to China to the mainland to face trial. They have no weapons and Xi can crush their revolt if he decides to but Hong Kong is once again valuable to China for western currencies as Trump's tariffs kick in......My bet is he backs off for the time being.

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