Chinas new carrier


Nov 20, 2011
China now boosts a beautiful aircraft carrier. Do you think we should be concerned as a nation? Should we applaud them for adding such a wonderful vessel to their research armada?
China now boosts a beautiful aircraft carrier. Do you think we should be concerned as a nation? Should we applaud them for adding such a wonderful vessel to their research armada?

What you dont see is the LA/Seawolf/Virgina class sub that the COMSUBPAC probably has following it everywhere it goes.
china doesnt have a new carrier, they have an old remolded soviet carrier....

think of it as a yugo with new hubcaps........

it is also the only carrier they have.......
china doesnt have a new carrier, they have an old remolded soviet carrier....

think of it as a yugo with new hubcaps........

it is also the only carrier they have.......

I read the description in an article yesterday. Bought used from Ukraine, stripped down the the bulkheads and decks.
china doesnt have a new carrier, they have an old remolded soviet carrier....

think of it as a yugo with new hubcaps........

it is also the only carrier they have.......

I believe this is number two. I could be wrong. The announcement in July by General Lou Yaun that two aircraft carriers are being built does point to the Chinese expanding military reach. In Feb, 2011 The construction of a concrete deck for training of plane take off and landings is also not something that is associated with Carnival Cruise. I would keep an eye on them. They have proven themselves not to be trusted.
China is now a very large economy. One which has far more power than it's military does.

Another point in this age of missiles of all types. In an allout war, a surface fleets has a lifetime measured in fractions of hours. Theirs and ours. Aircraft carriers are fine for enforcing your will on the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan. Sitting ducks for a modern military with cruise and ballastic missiles.
[ame=]In the Navy - YouTube[/ame]
There is more to just having a carrier. You need a task force and logistics support. The hardest part is training and doctrine in knowing how to use it, it's vulnerabilities and capabilities
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China is now a very large economy. One which has far more power than it's military does.

Another point in this age of missiles of all types. In an allout war, a surface fleets has a lifetime measured in fractions of hours. Theirs and ours. Aircraft carriers are fine for enforcing your will on the likes of Iraq and Afghanistan. Sitting ducks for a modern military with cruise and ballastic missiles.

Sitting ducks that can shoot back. Cruise and Anti ship rocket type missiles are a concern, but the US Navy has had decades to work on counters. you have SAMs, you have jamming gear, you have Chaff and flares, you have CIWS (Close in Weapons Systems) all designed back in the bad old days of a 150 missile barrage from a regiment of backfire bombers coming towards you.

People said tanks were going to be obsolete due to anti-tank missiles. Guess what? they are still around.
There is more to just having a carrier. You need a task force and logistics support. The hardest part os training and doctrine in knowing how to use it, it's vulnerabilities and capabilities

At least someone else will have a carrier group. Will give our subs something to practice against again. I bet there are a few dozen Pac-fleet sub captians just salivating over the chance to screw with a "enemy" carrier group.
[ame=]Rumors Of War : China, Russia Pakistan, Syria, Iran and hackers : 11/19/2011 - YouTube[/ame]

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