Chinese President Xi warned Obama about Trump: "if an immature leader throws the world into chaos, the world will know whom to blame!"

Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
If you think trump gives a fuck about anybody but himself, you are delusional.

Pathetic duck of my question, VOR! I ask me another American President who has been harder on the Chinese than Donald Trump!
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
the notion of somehow putting tariffs on China as punishment to them, which is the guiding principle of the Trump administration, is ridiculous. its irresponsible and frankly naive!
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Why was Xi colluding with Obama anyhow? The fact that Obama's brother is a Chi Com is something that is rarely mentioned when one considers the devotion of Red China to the Democrat Party.
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
the notion of somehow putting tariffs on China as punishment to them, which is the guiding principle of the Trump administration, is ridiculous. its irresponsible and frankly naive!
And yet it brought them to the table to give us better trade deals? To be quite blunt, BB...the naïve one in this conversation isn't me! I ask another US President who's been as hard on the Chinese as Donald Trump has been?
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: anything other than toughness on China is a losing proposition. diplomacy is weak. refusing to engage in diplomacy, by the inverse property, is TOUGH!
The Chinese are scared to death that Trump will win reelection. They will do everything they can to see that doesn't happen and the main stream media will studiously ignore their efforts while they are happening!
President Xi made Barry his bitch. Trump has been the worst thing to happen to China in decades because he's the first US President to play hard ball with them. China will be doing everything it can to try and get Joe Biden elected in November because they don't want to have to deal with Trump for another four years!
Everyone made shitstain obama their bitch. No one worse than Iran. As China's bitch bathhouse Barry barely slurped. With Iran he went full deepthroat.
its way too easy for any president to take us into war.

should President Trump declare war on china?

Certainly Xi speaks for most of the world.

Not good to have an adversary talking like that.
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
If you think trump gives a fuck about anybody but himself, you are delusional.
that describes 90% of the politicians of today that have made Congress a lifetime job....
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
I don't think you realize that holding the Chinese feet to the fire has a price for American citizens too. That it has a prize when you are considered untrustworthy by other world leaders. I know you don't like it but the US does need the rest of the world to trade goods with and too.

At the moment allies, some of whom have been that way for over seventy years look at the US and China and find China a more reliable business partner. How is that "making America great again?"

Good example, today Trump has suspended funding to the WHO. How much are you willing to bet China will happily fill in that shortfall? This means that other countries by necessity will be beholding to the WHO and by extension China. That's a power vacuum that Trump is creating for China to fill, something he's doing undoubtedly to applause to a lot of people on this board. That applause tough is applauding the US becoming at best a follower and at worst a pariah in the world.
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
I don't think you realize that holding the Chinese feet to the fire has a price for American citizens too. That it has a prize when you are considered untrustworthy by other world leaders. I know you don't like it but the US does need the rest of the world to trade goods with and too.

At the moment allies, some of whom have been that way for over seventy years look at the US and China and find China a more reliable business partner. How is that "making America great again?"

Good example, today Trump has suspended funding to the WHO. How much are you willing to bet China will happily fill in that shortfall? This means that other countries by necessity will be beholding to the WHO and by extension China. That's a power vacuum that Trump is creating for China to fill, something he's doing undoubtedly to applause to a lot of people on this board. That applause tough is applauding the US becoming at best a follower and at worst a pariah in the world.

We're withholding funds from the WHO because of their potentially criminal negligence in how they covered up the extent and nature of this viral epidemic, Forkup! Taiwan was telling the WHO that this virus was passed from person to person despite what the Chinese were claiming but the WHO ignored Taiwan because of political pressure from China.
Why would anyone underwrite a "health organization" that puts politics above people's health?
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
If you think trump gives a fuck about anybody but himself, you are delusional.

Pathetic duck of my question, VOR! I ask me another American President who has been harder on the Chinese than Donald Trump!
Trump’s Phase One Deal With China Misunderstands Global Trade Maybe you should read this so you have a better understanding what the deal entails.

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