Chinese President Xi warned Obama about Trump: "if an immature leader throws the world into chaos, the world will know whom to blame!"

Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
I don't think you realize that holding the Chinese feet to the fire has a price for American citizens too. That it has a prize when you are considered untrustworthy by other world leaders. I know you don't like it but the US does need the rest of the world to trade goods with and too.

At the moment allies, some of whom have been that way for over seventy years look at the US and China and find China a more reliable business partner. How is that "making America great again?"

Good example, today Trump has suspended funding to the WHO. How much are you willing to bet China will happily fill in that shortfall? This means that other countries by necessity will be beholding to the WHO and by extension China. That's a power vacuum that Trump is creating for China to fill, something he's doing undoubtedly to applause to a lot of people on this board. That applause tough is applauding the US becoming at best a follower and at worst a pariah in the world.
Good example, today Trump has suspended funding to the WHO. How much are you willing to bet China will happily fill in that shortfall?
ha ha

did you know that the US gives 10 times as much to the WHO as china does?

just reducing US funding to the paltry sum that china contributes will seriously hurt the lavish lifestyle of the globalist clowns at the WHO
Did you know you are being completely wrong? Which Countries Are The Biggest Financial Contributors To The World Health Organization? [Infographic]
The US contributes a bit less than double the amount China does and the absolute numbers are so small that they are to be considered loose change by large nation-states. Fifty million on a few trillion budget is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Maybe, but it would be better spent on New York.
I agree

give the money to state governments instead of the lying slimes at the WHO

But in spite of what Forbes Mag says we give WHO $500 million not $125 mil

see post #59
XI found Obama to be supremely malleable.
“Bend Over Barry“ is his nickname in china

Really. I have never heard that. But I have watched President Xi bend Donald Trump over in front of the American people, and Trump takes it up the ass from the Chinese President like he likes it.

Trump Bear tore up the trade deal, but two years later and you have nothing. The much touted "interim trade deal" Trump signed, is really just a deal to get back to the point you were at in trade BEFORE Trump started the trade war.

Thousands of American farmers have lost their farms due to the tariffs, and it's the family farmers who are going under. The people who live on the land. The land is being snapped up by corporate farmers, many of whom aren'te even Americans. They don't care about the land or the environment like American farmers. They just want to exploit the land, and leave it for dust. Once the family farms are gone, they won't be back.
Unfortunately farms go bankrupt every year for a variety of reasons

something music legend Willie Nelson has been highlighting for several decades

we lavish billions of dollars on agriculture every year but that does not mean the money is well spent by all the farmers

yes china has attacked the US through our farmers and for a while they had it rough

but we came to their aid and farmers do not have china as an excuse now

Uninformed and ignorant is no way to go through life. You fail to understand the implications for the nation if your agricultural sector is taken over by South American corporations.

The aid packages to farmers is mostly going to large corporate farmers, many of them in foreign countries. The bailouts aren't anywhere near enough to cover the income losses farmers have faced due to the tariffs. If you expected to sell your crops for $300,000 and all you got was $100,000 from the government, that payment may not be enough to cover your bank loans for feed, seed, planting and harvesting expenses.

Massive flooding last year meant that farmers who stored crops that would have gone to China, lost them to the floods, so that even if the trade war was settled, they had nothing to sell.

Yes, farming in a tough business, and it's always been tough but Trump's policies have lead to a record number of farm bankruptcies.
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XI found Obama to be supremely malleable.
“Bend Over Barry“ is his nickname in china

Really. I have never heard that. But I have watched President Xi bend Donald Trump over in front of the American people, and Trump takes it up the ass from the Chinese President like he likes it.

Trump Bear tore up the trade deal, but two years later and you have nothing. The much touted "interim trade deal" Trump signed, is really just a deal to get back to the point you were at in trade BEFORE Trump started the trade war.

Thousands of American farmers have lost their farms due to the tariffs, and it's the family farmers who are going under. The people who live on the land. The land is being snapped up by corporate farmers, many of whom aren'te even Americans. They don't care about the land or the environment like American farmers. They just want to exploit the land, and leave it for dust. Once the family farms are gone, they won't be back.
Unfortunately farms go bankrupt every year for a variety of reasons

something music legend Willie Nelson has been highlighting for several decades

we lavish billions of dollars on agriculture every year but that does not mean the money is well spent by all the farmers

yes china has attacked the US through our farmers and for a while they had it rough

but we came to their aid and farmers do not have china as an excuse now

Uninformed and ignorant is no way to go through life. You fail to understand the implications for the nation if your agricultural sector is taken over by South American corporations.

The aid packages to farmers is mostly going to large corporate farmers, many of them in foreign countries. The bailouts aren't anywhere near enough to cover the income losses farmers have faced due to the tariffs. If you expected to sell your crops for $300,000 and all you got was $100,000 from the government, that payment may not be enough to cover your bank loans for feed, seed, planting and harvesting expenses.

Massive flooding last year meant that farmers who stored crops that would have gone to China, lost them to the floods, so that even if the trade war was settled, they had nothing to sell.

Yes, farming in a tough business, and it's always been tough but Trump's policies have lead to a record number of farm bankruptcies.
i am neither uninformed or ignorant

we must protect farmers for domestic food security but that does not mean that farmers always make wise decisions any more than anyone else

But you are correct that I’m not aware of a massive S American takeover of our farm lands

feel free to expand on that if its true
XI found Obama to be supremely malleable.
“Bend Over Barry“ is his nickname in china

Really. I have never heard that. But I have watched President Xi bend Donald Trump over in front of the American people, and Trump takes it up the ass from the Chinese President like he likes it.

Trump Bear tore up the trade deal, but two years later and you have nothing. The much touted "interim trade deal" Trump signed, is really just a deal to get back to the point you were at in trade BEFORE Trump started the trade war.

Thousands of American farmers have lost their farms due to the tariffs, and it's the family farmers who are going under. The people who live on the land. The land is being snapped up by corporate farmers, many of whom aren'te even Americans. They don't care about the land or the environment like American farmers. They just want to exploit the land, and leave it for dust. Once the family farms are gone, they won't be back.
Unfortunately farms go bankrupt every year for a variety of reasons

something music legend Willie Nelson has been highlighting for several decades

we lavish billions of dollars on agriculture every year but that does not mean the money is well spent by all the farmers

yes china has attacked the US through our farmers and for a while they had it rough

but we came to their aid and farmers do not have china as an excuse now

Uninformed and ignorant is no way to go through life. You fail to understand the implications for the nation if your agricultural sector is taken over by South American corporations.

The aid packages to farmers is mostly going to large corporate farmers, many of them in foreign countries. The bailouts aren't anywhere near enough to cover the income losses farmers have faced due to the tariffs. If you expected to sell your crops for $300,000 and all you got was $100,000 from the government, that payment may not be enough to cover your bank loans for feed, seed, planting and harvesting expenses.

Massive flooding last year meant that farmers who stored crops that would have gone to China, lost them to the floods, so that even if the trade war was settled, they had nothing to sell.

Yes, farming in a tough business, and it's always been tough but Trump's policies have lead to a record number of farm bankruptcies.
One more point to consider

our farm policy should be aimed at food security for the United States

therefor monetary subsidies should be limited to family owned and operated farms only

the giant corporate farms that you hate so much should not be paid to farm

if that means fewer exports to a starving planet - and yes, china does face food shortages - then too bad
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump
The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
I don't think you realize that holding the Chinese feet to the fire has a price for American citizens too. That it has a prize when you are considered untrustworthy by other world leaders. I know you don't like it but the US does need the rest of the world to trade goods with and too.

At the moment allies, some of whom have been that way for over seventy years look at the US and China and find China a more reliable business partner. How is that "making America great again?"

Good example, today Trump has suspended funding to the WHO. How much are you willing to bet China will happily fill in that shortfall? This means that other countries by necessity will be beholding to the WHO and by extension China. That's a power vacuum that Trump is creating for China to fill, something he's doing undoubtedly to applause to a lot of people on this board. That applause tough is applauding the US becoming at best a follower and at worst a pariah in the world.
Good example, today Trump has suspended funding to the WHO. How much are you willing to bet China will happily fill in that shortfall?
ha ha

did you know that the US gives 10 times as much to the WHO as china does?

just reducing US funding to the paltry sum that china contributes will seriously hurt the lavish lifestyle of the globalist clowns at the WHO
Did you know you are being completely wrong? Which Countries Are The Biggest Financial Contributors To The World Health Organization? [Infographic]
The US contributes a bit less than double the amount China does and the absolute numbers are so small that they are to be considered loose change by large nation-states. Fifty million on a few trillion budget is pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
You are being lied to again by the lib news media

in this case its a half-truth by Forbes used as a lie

and you fell for it

the numbers you gave were the ASSESSED dues to the WHO

but they leave out the VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS that bring total US spending to $500 million and china only $50 million

View attachment 323705
Those Voluntary contributions are earmarked for specific projects, reflecting policy initiatives. I don't know if they are being withdrawn too. If they are, this is showing exactly how necessary the WHO is since they have the infrastructure to execute those policy initiatives and the US does not.

Which brings me to your next point. Are these funds better spent on domestic problems. In the short term, no. The only thing that will alleviate this crisis is a vaccine. If that vaccine isn't developed in the US the WHO is the agency that could get it to them nonetheless. Without it, the US will have to directly negotiate with its developer. How likely is it you think that the US will get this vaccine in a timely manner and at a reasonable price? That's just one reason it is not a good idea to withdraw funding to the agency responsible for the global response to major health issues during a time of a global health emergency.
Those Voluntary contributions are earmarked for specific projects, reflecting policy initiatives. I don't know if they are being withdrawn too. If they are, this is showing exactly how necessary the WHO is since they have the infrastructure to execute those policy initiatives and the US does not.

show me where the WHO is spending the money on ptojects within the US

I cant think of a single hospital being built by the WHO in America
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.
If that vaccine isn't developed in the US the WHO is the agency that could get it to them nonetheless.
Sorry but the WHO is a worthless piece of crap

no vaccine will come from them

probably from the US or Israel or someplace in the EU
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump
Recently we have figured out how much an endorsement from a Chicom asshole is worth, haven't we?

The Communists loved that shithead Obama because he gave away the store and never looked after America's interest.

Thank god for Trump who is looking after America's interest.
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

THE IRONY in that statement is Obama ended up being that immature leader who wanted or ego needed to defend his legacy, so much so that he involved himself in sabotaging the gov't and his own country with his activist orgs set up to resist this new administration. Including holding back appointments and administering agencies and impeachment which hindered our abilities to recognize a coming crisis and act quicker upon it and including syncronization of propaganda that harmed people with poor info and advice around the globe. Propaganda that includes making the chaos and instability it projects in false narratives as part of the leftist party scheme.
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Name another American President who has EVER held the Chinese's feet to the proverbial fire that way that Trump has! Trump is willing to do business with China...he just wants to do business in a way that doesn't screw us over.
If you think trump gives a fuck about anybody but himself, you are delusional.
I feel that way with most politicians.
If that vaccine isn't developed in the US the WHO is the agency that could get it to them nonetheless.
Sorry but the WHO is a worthless piece of crap

no vaccine will come from them

probably from the US or Israel or someplace in the EU
Guess how the EU will distribute this vaccine to the world if they do? Tip, it will be trough a certain health organization. This worthless piece of crap was instrumental in eradicating one of the most deadly diseases known to man, in fact they were instrumental in eradicating a disease for the first time in history. They have initiatives combatting malaria, tainted water, preventive medicine like vaccinations, aids and many more. There is no organization like it in terms of infrastructure for global health initiatives.
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.
American strength depends on our military but rooted not just in strength but also in our goodness.

goodness is a quality the Chinese dont have, my friends
our destiny is not written for us, it is written by us, my friends! we are a community of fate!

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