Chinese President Xi warned Obama about Trump: "if an immature leader throws the world into chaos, the world will know whom to blame!"

I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are
If that vaccine isn't developed in the US the WHO is the agency that could get it to them nonetheless.
Sorry but the WHO is a worthless piece of crap

no vaccine will come from them

probably from the US or Israel or someplace in the EU
Guess how the EU will distribute this vaccine to the world if they do? Tip, it will be trough a certain health organization. This worthless piece of crap was instrumental in eradicating one of the most deadly diseases known to man, in fact they were instrumental in eradicating a disease for the first time in history. They have initiatives combatting malaria, tainted water, preventive medicine like vaccinations, aids and many more. There is no organization like it in terms of infrastructure for global health initiatives.
Dont be so sure of that

they may let the WHO take care of the free 3rd World vaccine deliveries but I think they will want to be paid by rich countries like the United States

or more likely they will share the formula with the world and let everyone produce it
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: America needs to re-educate itself about China and the contributions it has made to the world. also, China needs to recognize the contributions that America made to articulate principles that are universal

China and America need to live in harmony, my friends!
any world order that elevates one group of people over another is destined to fail, my friends...
He likes to say he’s a wartime president. Well, he needs to begin to step up and act like one

Not harangue the press for hours on end while people are dying, your friends and coworkers are dying, our family members and friends and neighbors are dying, while Trump is having temper tantrums about his authority.

Trump is prioritizing political calculations over the human toll of the pandemic

Have we heard him offer anything that approaches a sincere expression of empathy for the people that are hurting?

Have we seen any sign that he grasps just how hard it will be for people to recover from this, not just economically, but physically and emotionally, as well?
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.

Trump has not reneged on any treaty that was ratified by the people of this country

Germany and france are no longer afraid of russia so they dont think they need America any more

if the euros want to be under the thumb of china they on the right course
He likes to say he’s a wartime president. Well, he needs to begin to step up and act like one

Not harangue the press for hours on end while people are dying, your friends and coworkers are dying, our family members and friends and neighbors are dying, while Trump is having temper tantrums about his authority.

Trump is prioritizing political calculations over the human toll of the pandemic

Have we heard him offer anything that approaches a sincere expression of empathy for the people that are hurting?

Have we seen any sign that he grasps just how hard it will be for people to recover from this, not just economically, but physically and emotionally, as well?

He will soon make war on the Democrats.
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.

Trump has not reneged on any treaty that was ratified by the people of this country

Germany and france are no longer afraid of russia so they dont think they need America any more

if the euros want to be under the thumb of china they on the right course

As I said Europeans look at China and look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to hold up their end of any bargain they strike. That one is not the US atm. They look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to not impose tariffs all of a sudden without any justification. That one is also not the US. And no this is not me claiming that China is a paragon of international virtue. But at least China can be trusted to be consistent. Under Trump, the US can't. At the moment the US can't even be trusted to act in their own self-interest as especially the breaking of the Iran agreement showed. Unless of course, you consider Iran pursuing nuclear weapons is good for the US.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL, and breaking them makes the US look untrustworthy by those who make those agreements. Answer me this, what incentive does ANYONE have to actually make deals with a nation if you can't expect those agreements to be abided by beyond a single election cycle?

This is exactly what Xi said to Obama and events since then have proven Xi right.
Last edited:
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.

Trump has not reneged on any treaty that was ratified by the people of this country

Germany and france are no longer afraid of russia so they dont think they need America any more

if the euros want to be under the thumb of china they on the right course

As I said Europeans look at China and look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to hold up their end of any bargain they strike. That one is not the US atm. They look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to not impose tariffs all of a sudden without any justification. That one is also not the US. And no this is not me claiming that China is a paragon of international virtue. But at least China can be trusted to be consistent. Under Trump, the US can't. At the moment the US can't even be trusted to act in their own self-interest as especially the breaking of the Iran agreement showed. Unless of course, you consider Iran pursuing nuclear weapons is good for the US.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL, and breaking them makes the US look untrustworthy by those who make those agreements. Answer me this, what incentive does ANYONE have to actually make deals with a nation if you can't expect those agreements to be abided by beyond a single election cycle?

This is exactly what Xi said to Obama and events since then have proven Xi right.

China looks at europe and sees the countries that humiliated them for 150 years

dont think they have forgotten because red chinese remind themselves of it on a regular basis

Hopefully the euros are not so totally blind as not to see who their enemies are

but who knows?
Last edited:
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.

Trump has not reneged on any treaty that was ratified by the people of this country

Germany and france are no longer afraid of russia so they dont think they need America any more

if the euros want to be under the thumb of china they on the right course

As I said Europeans look at China and look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to hold up their end of any bargain they strike. That one is not the US atm. They look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to not impose tariffs all of a sudden without any justification. That one is also not the US. And no this is not me claiming that China is a paragon of international virtue. But at least China can be trusted to be consistent. Under Trump, the US can't. At the moment the US can't even be trusted to act in their own self-interest as especially the breaking of the Iran agreement showed. Unless of course, you consider Iran pursuing nuclear weapons is good for the US.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL, and breaking them makes the US look untrustworthy by those who make those agreements. Answer me this, what incentive does ANYONE have to actually make deals with a nation if you can't expect those agreements to be abided by beyond a single election cycle?

This is exactly what Xi said to Obama and events since then have proven Xi right.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required

that is a very important provision of the Constitution that the Founders put in

because we are a republic not a kingdom or a dictatorship

which means the head of state does not have absolute power to bind American citizens to a treaty they THEY have not agreed to
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

We need the FBI to swear out flawed FISA warrants againt Obama. Why is he colluding with the ChiComs?
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Xi is our enemy

if he does not like trump thats a plus for trump
Not according to trump. According to the idiot-in-chief, they love each other.

Trump on China’s Xi: ‘We love each other’

Besides that, trump does a lot of business with China. And that is what is most important to him. He doesn't want to jeopardize that.

Keep your friends close, keep the ChiComs and their DNC minions closer
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.

Trump has not reneged on any treaty that was ratified by the people of this country

Germany and france are no longer afraid of russia so they dont think they need America any more

if the euros want to be under the thumb of china they on the right course

As I said Europeans look at China and look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to hold up their end of any bargain they strike. That one is not the US atm. They look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to not impose tariffs all of a sudden without any justification. That one is also not the US. And no this is not me claiming that China is a paragon of international virtue. But at least China can be trusted to be consistent. Under Trump, the US can't. At the moment the US can't even be trusted to act in their own self-interest as especially the breaking of the Iran agreement showed. Unless of course, you consider Iran pursuing nuclear weapons is good for the US.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL, and breaking them makes the US look untrustworthy by those who make those agreements. Answer me this, what incentive does ANYONE have to actually make deals with a nation if you can't expect those agreements to be abided by beyond a single election cycle?

This is exactly what Xi said to Obama and events since then have proven Xi right.

China looks at europe and sees the countries that humiliated them for 150 years

dont think they have forgotten because red chinese remind themselves of it on a regular basis

Hopefully the euros are not so totally blind as not to see who their enemies are

but who knows?

You know what I find interesting? You seem to acknowledge that the relationship between the US and Europe is becoming strained. What you don't seem to want to acknowledge is that this is a direct result of Trump's foreign policy.
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.

Trump has not reneged on any treaty that was ratified by the people of this country

Germany and france are no longer afraid of russia so they dont think they need America any more

if the euros want to be under the thumb of china they on the right course

As I said Europeans look at China and look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to hold up their end of any bargain they strike. That one is not the US atm. They look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to not impose tariffs all of a sudden without any justification. That one is also not the US. And no this is not me claiming that China is a paragon of international virtue. But at least China can be trusted to be consistent. Under Trump, the US can't. At the moment the US can't even be trusted to act in their own self-interest as especially the breaking of the Iran agreement showed. Unless of course, you consider Iran pursuing nuclear weapons is good for the US.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL, and breaking them makes the US look untrustworthy by those who make those agreements. Answer me this, what incentive does ANYONE have to actually make deals with a nation if you can't expect those agreements to be abided by beyond a single election cycle?

This is exactly what Xi said to Obama and events since then have proven Xi right.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required

that is a very important provision of the Constitution that the Founders put in

because we are a republic not a kingdom or a dictatorship

which means the head of state does not have absolute power to bind American citizens to a treaty they THEY have not agreed to

Would mean something if those were actually treaties. They are agreements. It's also not the point. The argument as it is relevant to this OP is not if Trump has a right to step out on agreements made. But if doing so is a good idea for foreign relations, or is it even a good idea in terms of serving American interests in general. Not that you seem willing to engage either premise.

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