Chinese President Xi warned Obama about Trump: "if an immature leader throws the world into chaos, the world will know whom to blame!"

You seem to acknowledge that the relationship between the US and Europe is becoming strained.
I do acknowledge it

I saw it happening when bush was president because he was somewhat conservative and euros are anything but conservative

under obama the rift was somewhat less because he was more like the quivering liberal that the euros have become

but trump pulls no punches and will get in the decedent euros faces and call them out

we clash about many issues including global warming, global migration, and global trade

they are globslists and trump is not

so the tension exists

but china is a menace to everyone so the euros and America suddenly need each other again
I'm not being misleading. You simply haven't followed the entire conversation. If you had you would realize that not only did I not claim that Trump caused Covid-19 but that I was talking about Trump being considered unreliable by the world in general.
The topic of this thread is trump, Xi, and the chinese disease

your generalized attacks against trump for every little flaw you can imagine are petty compared to what is taking place around the world today

So I repeat, when other world leaders look at trump and Xi which one do they blame for the global pandemic and economic recession taking place right now?

its not trump

The topic of the OP is Trump, Xi, and the perception Xi had of him. COVID 19 did not have a place.

you mean the alleged perception according an obama flunky

You introduced other world leaders into the topic and I told you why they have more against Xi than trump
How do you perceive this? A sign of respect?

I could also tell you about the changes to the G8 meeting like not coming out with joint statements afterward as was a tradition before Trump.

The UN has many member nations that are hostile to the US

that didnt start with trump

Sure, but before Trump, the US was considered the country that set the agenda for the most part, both through soft power and military might. Trump has and is deteriorating that ability.

I think we still are

Maybe, keep on abdicating on things that provide that soft power like the WHO and see how long this lasts. Trump is alienating its traditional allies that is undeniable. It has reneged without providing justification on 2 treaties they signed, renegotiated 2 more. Imposed tariffs on friend and foe, again often without justification. Both France and Germany the 2 major continental European powers and the EU itself is looking to have a more independent course. Russia is actively interjecting itself in the election process of Western countries. China is looking to take the place of the US and Trump is giving them ample opportunity. Nato itself is under increasing pressure.

Trump has not reneged on any treaty that was ratified by the people of this country

Germany and france are no longer afraid of russia so they dont think they need America any more

if the euros want to be under the thumb of china they on the right course

As I said Europeans look at China and look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to hold up their end of any bargain they strike. That one is not the US atm. They look at the US and notice that only one of those can be trusted to not impose tariffs all of a sudden without any justification. That one is also not the US. And no this is not me claiming that China is a paragon of international virtue. But at least China can be trusted to be consistent. Under Trump, the US can't. At the moment the US can't even be trusted to act in their own self-interest as especially the breaking of the Iran agreement showed. Unless of course, you consider Iran pursuing nuclear weapons is good for the US.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required International Agreements and U.S. Law | ASIL, and breaking them makes the US look untrustworthy by those who make those agreements. Answer me this, what incentive does ANYONE have to actually make deals with a nation if you can't expect those agreements to be abided by beyond a single election cycle?

This is exactly what Xi said to Obama and events since then have proven Xi right.

As to your, "oh those agreements weren't ratified by congress." Guess what ratification of foreign agreements isn't always required

that is a very important provision of the Constitution that the Founders put in

because we are a republic not a kingdom or a dictatorship

which means the head of state does not have absolute power to bind American citizens to a treaty they THEY have not agreed to

Would mean something if those were actually treaties. They are agreements. It's also not the point. The argument as it is relevant to this OP is not if Trump has a right to step out on agreements made. But if doing so is a good idea for foreign relations, or is it even a good idea in terms of serving American interests in general. Not that you seem willing to engage either premise.

It was a bad idea for obama to make those side agreement without senate ratification

now the American people have nullified them by electing donald trump
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Are you now taking your orders from the Chinese? I thought foreign collusion was bad?
the only person i take orders from is God, and he has ordered to tell you to shut up!
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Are you now taking your orders from the Chinese? I thought foreign collusion was bad?
the only person i take orders from is God, and he has ordered to tell you to shut up!

Is that so? Because Coronavirus is spread through speech? It's ok, I am only typing, not speaking. You and your God can be calm now.
You seem to acknowledge that the relationship between the US and Europe is becoming strained.
I do acknowledge it

I saw it happening when bush was president because he was somewhat conservative and euros are anything but conservative

under obama the rift was somewhat less because he was more like the quivering liberal that the euros have become

but trump pulls no punches and will get in the decedent euros faces and call them out

we clash about many issues including global warming, global migration, and global trade

they are globslists and trump is not

so the tension exists

but china is a menace to everyone so the euros and America suddenly need each other again
Being a bit of a revisionist here aren't you? The reason relationship was strained under Bush was not over conservatism, it was about the second Iraq war. A war that most Europeans recognized and facts proved to be started under false pretenses. I led to stuff like "freedom fries" and " coalition of the willing".

As to Trump, as a European myself although one with an American wife, I and most Europeans with me consider Trump a greater threat to international stability than China. That's a simple fact. China didn't leave the Paris accords although science makes global warming a major global challenge. China isn't standing next to Putin in Helsinki and says he believes him over his own intelligence agencies. China didn't abandon the Syrian Kurds to an invasion of Turkey although they provided the ground element to the American conflict there. And China didn't blow up the Iran deal, although Iran held up their part of the bargain. Reagan didn't pull any punches either it wasn't a problem.

What is a problem is when the leader of the US is simply untrustworthy. Something I'm still waiting for you trying to deny.
The reason relationship was strained under Bush was not over conservatism, it was about the second Iraq war.
That came later

the first disappointment of the euro’s came when bush ignored the Kyoto global warming treaty

then the euro’s got in a huff over capital punishment
President Xi should shut the fuck up and worry about his forsaken country.
Xi.....China....these are the global criminal ass-clowns who not long ago vowed to 'bury the US in a sea of Coronavirus', right?!


I and most Europeans with me consider Trump a greater threat to international stability than China.
Thats just simple penis envy

America eclipsed europe as the center of the world after WWII and the big dogs there - germany and france - resented their reduced status

but as long as they were threatened by the soviet union they could not be too open about it
The reason relationship was strained under Bush was not over conservatism, it was about the second Iraq war.
That came later

the first disappointment of the euro’s came when bush ignored the Kyoto global warming treaty

then the euro’s got in a huff over capital punishment
As I said I'm European. The US has had capital punishment well before Bush if it's an issue, it's a long-standing one. The Kyoto protocol was after the second Gulf war. So no it was the Gulf War and again events prove the EU countries who didn' support it was simply right.

It's also yet again you deflecting the main premise. Trump is untrustworthy and quite frankly is the cause that Europe is not willing to support the US in many areas anymore.
I and most Europeans with me consider Trump a greater threat to international stability than China.
Thats just simple penis envy

America eclipsed europe as the center of the world after WWII and the big dogs there - germany and france - resented their reduced status

but as long as they were threatened by the soviet union they could not be too open about it
No, it is not. As I said I always liked America, I even married an American. But I'm also a student of modern history and as such have a pretty clear understanding of geopolitics. And geopolitically speaking what Trump is doing is simply counter-productive. He's alienating his allies and he's doing it for reasons that I can only describe as self-serving. The damage he's done, (not Bush) is unlikely to be solved by electing someone else. There's a more than decent chance that it'll change the relationship between the EU and the US from strategic partners to adversaries.

As I said from a European standpoint seeing a US president who simply betrays both allies and adversaries when the whim strikes him is highly disturbing as is the apparent willingness from large sections of the populace to simply abide by it.
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Ben Rhodes said in his book he is selling?

One of the biggest political hacks there is with no corroboration? Man, you really are gullible. :abgg2q.jpg:
Trump is to blame for the corona, then?

Ben Rhodes said in his book he is selling?

One of the biggest political hacks there is with no corroboration? Man, you really are gullible. :abgg2q.jpg:
I feel like I should be wearing orthopaedic shoes because I stand corrected

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