Chinese Virus

How is this not accurate? When will the Democrats make an end to their Mickey Mouse shit?

Many officials, including the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have criticized the phrase as inaccurate and potentially harmful in promoting racist associations between the virus and those from China.

Trump tweets about coronavirus using term 'Chinese Virus'

They did call the 1918 outbreak "The Spanish Flu" But I think Donnie is just a dip shit enough to try and distance the US from the origin of the virus starting with the name. Not sure that is racist but it seems he wants to make sure China gets the blame imo. Then we' have to start calling the 2009 H1N1 virus the US virus.

Call it for what it is. Lyme disease is from Lyme, Connecticut. Hong Kong guessed it. Rocky mountain spotted fever.....that's a tough one. Ebola Zaire...uh huh. Ebola Reston...are you kidding me. Yeah, we created that one. Second thought, maybe what......wuhan/ fort dietrich virus. I mean O was allowing fauci to pay wuhan while both facilities were getting their dr jekyl on.
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