Chokehold MURDER

Eric Garner, 43, a black man whose confrontation with a white police officer has prompted calls by the Rev. Al Sharpton for federal prosecution, was killed by neck compressions from the chokehold as well as "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police," said medical examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolcer.

Now....stop the bullshit of stripping of badges and firings..and ARREST THEM.
Eric Garner, 43, a black man whose confrontation with a white police officer has prompted calls by the Rev. Al Sharpton for federal prosecution, was killed by neck compressions from the chokehold as well as "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police," said medical examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolcer.

Now....stop the bullshit of stripping of badges and firings..and ARREST THEM.

A Grand Jury must be convened, until then, arrest is the only option, the ME's ruling is decisive. Article - NYPD chokehold death ruled a homicide

Well...looks like some 'splaining to do is needed.

Murder and homicide are two different things.

"Homicide is the killing of one person by another. Murder is a form of criminal homicide, where the perpetrator intended to kill the other person, sometimes with premeditation (a plan to kill). Manslaughter is another type of criminal homicide."
CaféAuLait;9552469 said: Article - NYPD chokehold death ruled a homicide

Well...looks like some 'splaining to do is needed.

Murder and homicide are two different things.

"Homicide is the killing of one person by another. Murder is a form of criminal homicide, where the perpetrator intended to kill the other person, sometimes with premeditation (a plan to kill). Manslaughter is another type of criminal homicide."

That is what the Grand Jury will decide. Article - NYPD chokehold death ruled a homicide

Well...looks like some 'splaining to do is needed.

The "chokehold" was once taught as a technique in Management of Assaultive Behavior training. No longer, because it has resulted in the deaths of suspects who resisted arrest [at least in California Law Enforcement Agencies which I have knowledge of). Most agencies use OC Gas or Tasers, as less than lethal methods of controlling out of control subjects.

However, and I don't know the details of the instant matter, LEOs are taught to get home safely, and when faced with a situation when that may not be possible, everything is on the table.
Don't count on any justice here. They may be charged, they may even be found guilty, but it will most likely be reversed on appeal. Cops always get a pass.
Eric Garner, 43, a black man whose confrontation with a white police officer has prompted calls by the Rev. Al Sharpton for federal prosecution, was killed by neck compressions from the chokehold as well as "the compression of his chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police," said medical examiner spokeswoman Julie Bolcer.

Now....stop the bullshit of stripping of badges and firings..and ARREST THEM.

A Grand Jury must be convened, until then, arrest is the only option, the ME's ruling is decisive.

No it's not. The coroner only rules on the cause of death, in this case it may be "at the hands of another", which is not an allegation of murder.
Dude broke up a fight. There was no reason to arrest him to begin with. He was not resisting either..he was indignant and upset..and I would have been too. For that, he got tossed around, put in a choke hold, thrown to the ground with knees buried in his neck and back and he was saying he could not breathe and they continue their assault on him anyway. And he died.

Must be tough to be a cop in NYC with all the moronic protesters that hate the police who protect and serve. This asshole was breaking the law and resisted. Fuck him. NYC needs to turn police loose to clean up the scum in that shithole of a city.
Dude broke up a fight. There was no reason to arrest him to begin with. He was not resisting either..he was indignant and upset..and I would have been too. For that, he got tossed around, put in a choke hold, thrown to the ground with knees buried in his neck and back and he was saying he could not breathe and they continue their assault on him anyway. And he died.


You weren't there, didn't see or experience the event, and thus your opinion is only that.
CaféAuLait;9552469 said: Article - NYPD chokehold death ruled a homicide

Well...looks like some 'splaining to do is needed.

Murder and homicide are two different things.

"Homicide is the killing of one person by another. Murder is a form of criminal homicide, where the perpetrator intended to kill the other person, sometimes with premeditation (a plan to kill). Manslaughter is another type of criminal homicide."

That is what the Grand Jury will decide.

I mentioned it, because you said "chokehold Murder" in this thread title.
Don't count on any justice here. They may be charged, they may even be found guilty, but it will most likely be reversed on appeal. Cops always get a pass.

Which is why they need to be introduced to high-velocity rifle rounds through the brain. Bad cops NEED TO DIE. It's that simple.
Must be tough to be a cop in NYC with all the moronic protesters that hate the police who protect and serve. This asshole was breaking the law and resisted. Fuck him. NYC needs to turn police loose to clean up the scum in that shithole of a city.
And how long before they start seeing everyone as scum. Let's not give them an excuse to abuse their authority even more than they already do.
Must be tough to be a cop in NYC with all the moronic protesters that hate the police who protect and serve. This asshole was breaking the law and resisted. Fuck him. NYC needs to turn police loose to clean up the scum in that shithole of a city.
And how long before they start seeing everyone as scum. Let's not give them an excuse to abuse their authority even more than they already do.

Police do not abuse their authority. Liberal lawyers have them so restrained now they cannot do their jobs.
Must be tough to be a cop in NYC with all the moronic protesters that hate the police who protect and serve. This asshole was breaking the law and resisted. Fuck him. NYC needs to turn police loose to clean up the scum in that shithole of a city.
And how long before they start seeing everyone as scum. Let's not give them an excuse to abuse their authority even more than they already do.

Police do not abuse their authority. Liberal lawyers have them so restrained now they cannot do their jobs.
How can you say that with a straight face? I'd love to join you in blaming liberals but this is one problem they're not responsible for.

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