Chokehold MURDER

Left wing blogs pander to low life low information lefties. It's obvious that the Police weren't out to kill the guy. He was a big dude and nobody knew he was asthmatic. If you think cigarette boot-legging is a frivolous crime so do I but according to the left wing NY legislature it's a felony. The same people who convict the Police Officers in their minds probably defended the intentional murder of 80 (innocent) men women and children at Waco Tx. during the Clinton administration when they used tanks and poison gas. How many innocent Mexican civilians were murdered by the 3,000+ weapons the Obama administration authorized to be shipped to Mexican drug cartels? Who do we see about the two American Police Officers who were killed by those weapons?
whitehall, the police used an illegal choke hold.


send the facts to the grand jury.
Having dealt with police around the world I can tell you that US cops are among the least corrupt of all. However, they get no support from their leaders and the ACLU HAS made their job far more difficult then it should be.

US cops are not only corrupt, they are lying sacks of shit for the most part. Seriously, liars. Combine that with DA's and judges who work together to retain their jobs, do the math. And I don't care where you got arrested for soliciting sex or whatever got you engaged with cops in foreign countries. All available vids indicate foreign cops are not the anal retentive fags like they are in the USA.

The fat black man obviously had a pre-existing condition because that little homo cop, a fag that probably shot a bunch of unarmed Iraqis before the NYPD hired him, did not have the hold on very long.
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Having dealt with police around the world I can tell you that US cops are among the least corrupt of all. However, they get no support from their leaders and the ACLU HAS made their job far more difficult then it should be.

US cops are not only corrupt, they are lying sacks of shit for the most part. Seriously, liars. Combine that with DA's and judges who work together to retain their jobs, do the math. And I don't care where you got arrested for soliciting sex or whatever got you engaged with cops in foreign countries. All available vids indicate foreign cops are not the anal retentive fags like they are in the USA.

The fat black man obviously had a pre-existing condition because that little homo cop, a fag that probably shot a bunch of unarmed Iraqis before the NYPD hired him, did not have the hold on very long.

I've had to deal with cops in India, Morocco, Tanzania, Kenya, Italy, Greece, Russia, New Zealand, Australia, Japan and a whole host of other ones because of my business which is environmental cleanup. I usually used them to secure whatever worksite we happened to be working on, and occasionally to track down thieves who had stolen valuable equipment.

I also count many, many cops and ADA's as friends here in the US and there is no doubt that ours are the best in the world. Whatever sexual predilections you suffer from is your business, but those are your issues...not mine.

I suggest the next time you get stopped you work real hard at passing the "attitude test" and that may, just may prevent you getting hooked up again. Of course, if your record with local law enforcement is as bad as it is on the Board, it probably won't.

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