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Chomsky makes first Gaza visit

Like any anybody gives a shit what "Noam Chumpsky" says. He's not the only asshole that makes a living telling Islamic animals what they want to hear.
Anybody who isn't brainwashed by Zionist propaganda pays attention to Chomsky...just ask Ismail Besikci.... then try thinking.

"The title of one of our earlier sessions was Cogito, 'I think.'

"That may serve as a useful reminder that even more fundamental than the right of free expression is the right to think. And that has not gone unchallenged. Right here for example. I suppose the most famous case is that of Ismail Besikci, who has endured many years in prison on the charge of having committed 'thought crimes.'

"And even worse, for having dared to put his thoughts into words, in his documentation of crimes against the Kurds in Syria, Iran, Iraq -- and finally Turkey, the unpardonable offense.

"I am sure you know the facts better than I do, so I will not review them. If this brave and honorable man had been suffering this ordeal in Russia, or Iran after the overthrow of the Shah, or some other enemy state, he would be internationally known and honored, and outrage about the savagery of his tormentors would know no bounds. But not in this case. One reason is that among his crimes is to have refused a $10,000 prize by the U.S. Fund for Free Expression in protest against Washington's support for Turkish repression.

"Respectable people understand that this is a topic that 'it wouldn't do' to mention, to borrow from Orwell's unpublished introduction to Animal Farm, which I mentioned yesterday. It certainly wouldn't do to mention the fact that Clinton was supplying 80% of the arms as Turkish state terror in the southeast reached shocking levels through the 1990s, the flow increasing as the atrocities increased, peaking in 1997 when the US sent more arms to Turkey than throughout the entire Cold War period combined up..."

Final Remarks, Istanbul Conference on Freedom of Speech
You're delusional. He speaks facts and truth. And a lot of his supporter are Americans.

Yes, a bunch of actors with little to no education so they will believe almost anything if it sounds good. Remember these are the same nimrods who support Occupy Wallstreet while being part of the 1% the Occupy Movement wants to kill.


Typical response that everything else is a conspiracy and only one view is right.

As usual you are wrong. I know there are many ways to get to Rome...it's you guys who think there is but one. That's why you blow yourselves up instead of making your placees better. Just imagine if the Palestinians worked to make Gaza a better place that would be attractive to tourists like it was when the Israelis owned it. Instead you have turned it into an armed camp run by a bunch of baboons who couldn't run an outhouse...which is why Gaza IS an outhouse now.
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Like any anybody gives a shit what "Noam Chumpsky" says. He's not the only asshole that makes a living telling Islamic animals what they want to hear.
Anybody who isn't brainwashed by Zionist propaganda pays attention to Chomsky...just ask Ismail Besikci.... then try thinking.

"The title of one of our earlier sessions was Cogito, 'I think.'

"That may serve as a useful reminder that even more fundamental than the right of free expression is the right to think. And that has not gone unchallenged. Right here for example. I suppose the most famous case is that of Ismail Besikci, who has endured many years in prison on the charge of having committed 'thought crimes.'

"And even worse, for having dared to put his thoughts into words, in his documentation of crimes against the Kurds in Syria, Iran, Iraq -- and finally Turkey, the unpardonable offense.

"I am sure you know the facts better than I do, so I will not review them. If this brave and honorable man had been suffering this ordeal in Russia, or Iran after the overthrow of the Shah, or some other enemy state, he would be internationally known and honored, and outrage about the savagery of his tormentors would know no bounds. But not in this case. One reason is that among his crimes is to have refused a $10,000 prize by the U.S. Fund for Free Expression in protest against Washington's support for Turkish repression.

"Respectable people understand that this is a topic that 'it wouldn't do' to mention, to borrow from Orwell's unpublished introduction to Animal Farm, which I mentioned yesterday. It certainly wouldn't do to mention the fact that Clinton was supplying 80% of the arms as Turkish state terror in the southeast reached shocking levels through the 1990s, the flow increasing as the atrocities increased, peaking in 1997 when the US sent more arms to Turkey than throughout the entire Cold War period combined up..."

Final Remarks, Istanbul Conference on Freedom of Speech

Professor of linguistics, prolific pamphleteer, highly influential leftist
Known for his extreme views (e.g., that America is worse than Nazi Germany) “The so-called War on Terror is pure hypocrisy, virtually without exception”

Georgie's preacher.

The devotion of Chomsky’s followers is summarized by radio producer David Barsamian, who describes the master’s effulgence in openly religious terms: "He is for many of us our rabbi, our preacher, our rinpoche, our sensei."

Chomsky was one of the chief deniers of the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, which took place in the wake of the Communist victory and American withdrawal from Indochina. He directed vitriolic attacks towards the reporters and witnesses who testified to the human catastrophe that was taking place there. Initially, Chomsky tried to minimize the deaths (a “few thousand”) and compared those killed by Pol Pot and his followers to the collaborators who had been executed by resistance movements in Europe at the end of World War II. By 1980, however, it was no longer possible to deny that some 2 million of Cambodia's 7.8 million people had perished at the hands of the Communists. But Professor Chomsky continued to deny the genocide, proposing that the underlying problem may have been a failure of the rice crop. As late as 1988, Chomsky returned to the subject and insisted that whatever had happened in Cambodia, the U.S. was to blame.

This conclusion is the principal theme of what may be loosely termed Chomsky's intellectual oeuvre: Whatever evil exists in the world, the United States is to blame. His intellectual obsession is America and its “grand strategy of world domination.” In 1967 Professor Chomsky wrote that America “needed a kind of denazification.” The Third Reich has provided him with his central metaphor for his own country ever since.

The long conflict with the Soviets and the fact that it was fought out primarily in the Third World allowed Chomsky to elaborate on his analogy with the Nazis and to spin his narrative on the evils of American power. The Soviet dictatorship was not only "morally equivalent" to democratic America, in Chomsky’s view, but actually better because it was less powerful. The chief sin of Stalinism in his eyes was not the murder of millions, but the fact that he had given socialism a bad name.

Noam Chomsky - Discover the Networks
"The same principles apply to the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which on superficial reading seems to protect freedom of speech. Until the 20th century, protection of freedom of speech rarely received authorization from the courts.

"After the first World War, there were some famous expressions of support for freedom of speech by Supreme Court justices, but these were in dissents to Court rulings, and the dissents were quite weak.

"Severe violations persisted, backed by the courts, among them the notorious Smith Act, which banned teaching, advocacy, or association that might encourage overthrow of the government, in the judgment of the courts -- not unlike the reasoning that the Turkish government is employing today in its repressive actions.

It was only 50 years ago that the Supreme Court began to reach decisions that carried the US over the threshold of serious protection of freedom of speech, in fact to a level beyond anywhere else in the world to my knowledge.

"From 1959 to 1974 the Supreme Court dealt with more freedom of speech cases than in its entire previous history, a reflection of this new concern for essential human rights. The context was the rising civil rights movement.

"The first major victory for free speech was in 1964, when the Court struck down the law passed in 1798 that ruled that criticism of the government is a crime, the doctrine of seditious libel.

"It should be noted that the doctrine remains in force in other Western countries, including Britain and Canada, where it has recently been invoked.

"The 1964 US Supreme Court decision set a very high standard for the charge of libel. It overturned a libel suit that charged the New York Times with defaming the State of Alabama by publishing an advertisement by Martin Luther King and civil rights leaders that protested the brutality of racist law officers.

"Again, that should be familiar here."

Especially familiar to seditious slaves of Israel.

Final Remarks, Istanbul Conference on Freedom of Speech
Yes, a bunch of actors with little to no education so they will believe almost anything if it sounds good. Remember these are the same nimrods who support Occupy Wallstreet while being part of the 1% the Occupy Movement wants to kill.


Typical response that everything else is a conspiracy and only one view is right.

As usual you are wrong. I know there are many ways to get to Rome...it's you guys who think there is but one. That's why you blow yourselves up instead of making your placees better. Just imagine if the Palestinians worked to make Gaza a better place that would be attractive to tourists like it was when the Israelis owned it. Instead you have turned it into an armed camp run by a bunch of baboons who couldn't run an outhouse...which is why Gaza IS an outhouse now.

Just another one of Israel's many lies.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5BDwEW6uw]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, a bunch of actors with little to no education so they will believe almost anything if it sounds good. Remember these are the same nimrods who support Occupy Wallstreet while being part of the 1% the Occupy Movement wants to kill.


Typical response that everything else is a conspiracy and only one view is right.

As usual you are wrong. I know there are many ways to get to Rome...it's you guys who think there is but one. That's why you blow yourselves up instead of making your placees better. Just imagine if the Palestinians worked to make Gaza a better place that would be attractive to tourists like it was when the Israelis owned it. Instead you have turned it into an armed camp run by a bunch of baboons who couldn't run an outhouse...which is why Gaza IS an outhouse now.

Gaza is a nice place, I've been to Gaza, but you never use your intelligence when it comes to this topic, besides spewing your hateful crap. And Zionist like wording. I'm ignoring you for now, you're a guy who never sees anything outside of his computer, don't project, don't act smart, you don't know much. I do. Stay out its better for you. :lol:
Typical response that everything else is a conspiracy and only one view is right.

As usual you are wrong. I know there are many ways to get to Rome...it's you guys who think there is but one. That's why you blow yourselves up instead of making your placees better. Just imagine if the Palestinians worked to make Gaza a better place that would be attractive to tourists like it was when the Israelis owned it. Instead you have turned it into an armed camp run by a bunch of baboons who couldn't run an outhouse...which is why Gaza IS an outhouse now.

Gaza is a nice place, I've been to Gaza, but you never use your intelligence when it comes to this topic, besides spewing your hateful crap. And Zionist like wording. I'm ignoring you for now, you're a guy who never sees anything outside of his computer, don't project, don't act smart, you don't know much. I do. Stay out its better for you. :lol:

I've been to Gaza too. About 16 years ago. Couldn't pay me to go there now. And no, you really don't know that much. Which is sad. Because if you did know you might be able to do something about it.
As usual you are wrong. I know there are many ways to get to Rome...it's you guys who think there is but one. That's why you blow yourselves up instead of making your placees better. Just imagine if the Palestinians worked to make Gaza a better place that would be attractive to tourists like it was when the Israelis owned it. Instead you have turned it into an armed camp run by a bunch of baboons who couldn't run an outhouse...which is why Gaza IS an outhouse now.

Gaza is a nice place, I've been to Gaza, but you never use your intelligence when it comes to this topic, besides spewing your hateful crap. And Zionist like wording. I'm ignoring you for now, you're a guy who never sees anything outside of his computer, don't project, don't act smart, you don't know much. I do. Stay out its better for you. :lol:

I've been to Gaza too. About 16 years ago. Couldn't pay me to go there now. And no, you really don't know that much. Which is sad. Because if you did know you might be able to do something about it.
And that's why he's known as "Because Knows JackShit".
As usual you are wrong. I know there are many ways to get to Rome...it's you guys who think there is but one. That's why you blow yourselves up instead of making your placees better. Just imagine if the Palestinians worked to make Gaza a better place that would be attractive to tourists like it was when the Israelis owned it. Instead you have turned it into an armed camp run by a bunch of baboons who couldn't run an outhouse...which is why Gaza IS an outhouse now.

Gaza is a nice place, I've been to Gaza, but you never use your intelligence when it comes to this topic, besides spewing your hateful crap. And Zionist like wording. I'm ignoring you for now, you're a guy who never sees anything outside of his computer, don't project, don't act smart, you don't know much. I do. Stay out its better for you. :lol:

I've been to Gaza too. About 16 years ago. Couldn't pay me to go there now. And no, you really don't know that much. Which is sad. Because if you did know you might be able to do something about it.

What is wrong with Gaza that is not the result of Israeli actions?
Gaza is a nice place, I've been to Gaza, but you never use your intelligence when it comes to this topic, besides spewing your hateful crap. And Zionist like wording. I'm ignoring you for now, you're a guy who never sees anything outside of his computer, don't project, don't act smart, you don't know much. I do. Stay out its better for you. :lol:

I've been to Gaza too. About 16 years ago. Couldn't pay me to go there now. And no, you really don't know that much. Which is sad. Because if you did know you might be able to do something about it.

What is wrong with Gaza that is not the result of Israeli actions?
The burden is always on the voters.
Duh!!! Israel vacated Gaza. Palis had great expectations. Palis voted in Hamas. End of story. Got it now?

OK, but Hamas is a product of Israeli actions.

No, Hamas is a product of Israels existence. If Hamas cared about the Palestinians they would educate them and build something positive. Instead they keep the people dumb and backward so that they are more maleable. Israel hasn't helped the issue for sure but the last time they did try, Hamas shot rockets at them for their trouble, so I can see why they are reticent to help any longer.

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