Choose ye a Champion

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a very timely sermon from Brother Michael Boldea Jr.. Once again he has his finger directly on the pulse of what God is doing. I like this title, Choose ye a Champion! Kim Davis is a champion for Christ because she has stood her ground and refused to back down to those who desired to intimidate her and force her to deny her faith in Jesus Christ.

To the God haters, hypocrites ( lukewarm Christians ) & witches infiltrating the churches and internet (pretending to be Christians) - the Kim Davis story is "boring" and they cannot wait to see it forgotten.

To those who are true followers of Jesus Christ and love the brethren, it is the most important story in recent history. This sermon is for Kim Davis. For those who are true followers of Jesus Christ? This message is for you too. Be encouraged! God is exposing who is who in this hour! The truth is plain to see and is being made known! To God be the glory!

Hand of Help Ministries

Choose Ye a Champion

For some time now everyone’s been wondering who it would be. Who would be the one to take a stand? Who would be the one to draw the proverbial line in the sand? Who would waive the banner of truth unashamedly for all to see?

Would it be the theological homunculus with the capped teeth who’s always going on about abomination not being God’s best? Would it be the man who would win the world for Christ but for his lack of a multimillion dollar jet to do it in? Or, perhaps, the man whose arm was forcibly twisted until he finally saw the light, and halfheartedly made some sort of retraction about endorsing that which God abhors?

The field was wide ranging, hearts were aflutter, everyone was anxious, and to everyone’s surprise save those who actually bother to read the Word of God, the person who would stand was some no name city clerk, in a little known town, in Kentucky of all places. In case this is the first you are hearing of this, the backstory in its most basic form is that a city clerk is currently in jail because she refused to sign a marriage license for two homosexuals, citing that it would conflict with God’s definition of marriage.

part two coming up.......
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Hand of Help Ministries

As a sidebar, to all the dullard faux-Christians who were excitedly waving rainbow flags in front of their churches and insisting that they were the tolerant sort of Christian and very different from the curmudgeonly Bible believing ones, you have cast your lot. That whole spiel you swallowed and regurgitated about homosexuals having no agenda and simply being good at coordinating their wardrobe, knowing good wine, and keeping the stinky cheese industry afloat, has proven itself the lie it always was, and now all you can do is sit there and stew in your tolerance and pray God have mercy on your soul. You wretched things! You betrayers of truth!

What was it you were calling those who were warning of what would be unleashed against the church? Delusional fear mongers, bigots, knuckle draggers, and worse? All in the hope that some pervert or another would point out how fiercely you defend their perversion. Are you still as orgasmic in your unfettered support of abomination now that you see it’s not so harmless after all? You slavish fools! You useful idiots! You have made the heart of the righteous sad. For this, and all your other atrocities, may God judge you rightly and speedily.

I am in agreement with Brother Michael Boldea Jr. on this pronouncement. For all of you who call yourselves Christians (but are enemies of Jesus Christ!) and say you are "bored" with hearing about Kim Davis? May God judge you rightly and speedily! May God judge you rightly and speedily!
What surprised me is the surprise which much of the church exhibited at who it was that finally took a stand for righteousness. Why haven’t we as yet grasped the simple truth that the true men and women of God aren’t being wined and dined by Oprah, flown around in private jets, and adored by the world? Why haven’t we as yet grasped that all these prophets of Baal passing themselves off as true believers are already bought and paid for, pipers for their overseers who in turn shower them with baubles and material excesses?

These men will continue to remain silent because they do not want to risk having their baubles taken away. The only time any of them seem to raise a stink is when there is a senate inquiry into their finances and lavish lifestyles, but that’s a different matter for a different time.

Those who will astound in the coming days will not be the famous or well known, but men and women as yet unheard of who are living out their faith daily, and manifesting that faith in their lives. Before David picked five stones out of a brook and stood to face Goliath, he was a mere sheep herder. Before Gideon stood to face the Midianites he was a scared young man hiding in a cave.

We must stop expecting our champions to be named men among Christendom and simply pray that God raise up faithful men and women whose lives have already become forfeit, who are already buried with Christ in God, and as such have nothing to lose when the enemy attempts to force them into subservience.

A storm is coming in which the true men and women of God will shine bright as the sun. As for the chaff it will blow away in the coming storm, leaving behind only that which is true, and pure, and godly.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Hand of Help Ministries
Excellent sermon from Brother Michael Boldea Jr. To God be all the Glory! Amen!
An excellent point Brother Boldea makes - the silence from false teachers, false preachers on the story of Kim Davis is very revealing.

My own thoughts on the matter -

These rich hireling false teaching televangelists on television do not want to rock the boat - in fear they would lose their million dollar mansions and huge congregations should they speak out against evil and defend Kim Davis.

And a word to those who are following the story -

Is Kim Davis a perfect woman who never committed a sin in her life? No. ..........and neither are any of you reading this thread right now. If you claim otherwise you've deceived yourself. Kim Davis is not disqualified from following Jesus Christ because she's been married and divorced before. (no matter how many times) The woman at the well that Jesus Christ ministered to was married 5 times and the 6th man she was living with and was not married to at the time she met Jesus Christ.

What God is looking at right now - is a woman who has repented of her sins and has received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior, a woman who is not backing down even though she was put in jail for refusing to deny her faith. What God is looking at right now - is one of His own children - and I believe God is well pleased with Kim Davis.

Are you willing to stand up for your faith and refuse to deny Jesus Christ as Lord over your life?

If you are not? Perhaps you need to seek the LORD and find out what it is that is keeping you from surrendering your life fully to Him. If it is hanging out with lukewarm Christians? Leave them behind and follow Christ. If it is attending a false wide road preaching church? Leave it behind and follow Jesus. If it is a desire for the things of this world, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the boastful pride of life? Leave it behind and follow Jesus.

The LORD is calling His own to return to him. It is time to return to the LORD.
Matthew 3:8-13 - A warning to the Church to repent!

8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:

9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.

10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

12 Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
Notice that Jesus has a fan in his hand and it is he would will thoroughly purge his floor! Note whose floor God is going to purge! HIS floor. Yes, judgment begins in the house of God - the LORD is going to purge His Floor and gather His wheat (the true Christians) into the garner and he is going to burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

If you are away from the LORD, if you are playing church, if you are pretending to be a Christian? God knows you are and your time is about up. If you do not want to find yourselves in hell? Today is the day to repent. Tomorrow may not come for you. Today is the day to repent and return to the LORD and leave the sin you are in behind.
Jere, Michael is not God's anointed. Neither are you. Christians are to obey the law of the land according to scripture. Consider your ways before the Lord.
Michael Boldea Jr is a kook and a con man whose grandfather was also a kook and con man, it's a family business
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Well, I'm believing God for you to have a change of heart about that, TheOldSchool. At the name of Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus Christ is LORD - both on the earth and under the earth - the day is coming. The important matter - is where you will spend eternity - and I want to see your soul saved - and rescued from hell.
Now to him who is able to keep us from stumbling and to present ourselves blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.

Which just proves that once again, Christians are all about hating.

Today it is the false prophets, false teachers, wide road false gospel preaching churches and those who attend them that are nullifying God's warnings to the church to repent. Preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is not popular but it is the only Gospel that has the power to save the souls of men. No other Gospel on the face of the earth has the power to convert the souls of men.
There is but one Gospel of Jesus Christ, and each seeker must go to Him to find it.
Lol I meant the Fall Equinox.

I'm just so hyped about Sep 23. The Sabbats always present great opportunity... and the time has come to end my online presence here on USMB and elsewhere... something far more beautiful awaits ;-)​
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Lol I meant the Fall Equinox.

I'm just so hyped about Sep 23. The Sabbats always present great opportunity... and the time has come to end my online presence here on USMB and elsewhere. Something far more beautiful awaits ;-)​
Nothing is more beautiful than USMB. :)

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