Choose your "Facts" about what happened on 911

LOL yeah, we are all "agents"


No not all there is the odd uniformed dupe that drops by and makes a post or two and then there are the well informed but mental ones such as yourself and then the paid trolls

yeah please stop putting words in my mouth.divecunt YOU are just a kid troll who seeks attention,then there are the Bush dupes who are afraid of the truth who cover their ears and eyes when confronted with evidence and facts such as Elvis and Toto,ect ect,then there are the paid agents like fellow attention seeker candytroll,Gomer Ollie,fizz,gamolon,moron in the hat and slackass.

When are you going to reveal to me the agency who is paying me so that I can contact them to get my money?

I haven't received any checks from them, and am starting to get pissed.

Oh, and here's something to watch while you're gathering the information for me.

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LOL yeah, we are all "agents"


No not all there is the odd uniformed dupe that drops by and makes a post or two and then there are the well informed but mental ones such as yourself and then the paid trolls

yeah please stop putting words in my mouth.divecunt YOU are just a kid troll who seeks attention,then there are the Bush dupes who are afraid of the truth who cover their ears and eyes when confronted with evidence and facts such as Elvis and Toto,ect ect,then there are the paid agents like fellow attention seeker candytroll,Gomer Ollie,fizz,gamolon,moron in the hat and slackass.
Fuck off, you piece of shit.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Somewhere around 100 eye witnesses says he is wrong.
I didn't think eyewitnesses meant much to you? You always ignore the eyewitnesses at ground zero who heard, felt, and experienced explosions. :eek:

See, there you go proving that you have ADD. I never ignored any witness. I have many times tried to make you understand that what they heard was not the same thing as a controlled demolition. We all know there were secondary explosions, there had to be. But they did not bring down the buildings.
First you ignore explosions, then you ignored witnesses hearing explosions, now you admit they did hear explosions but you ignore the significance of their statements by minimizing what they actually heard and said and saw. The definition of an explosion is-according to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency)
fire and arson testing definitions of explosions- chapter 18--"Although an explosion is almost always accompanied by the production of a loud noise, the noise itself is not, an essential element in the definition of an explosion, the generation and violent escape of gasses, are the primary criteria of an explosion.
So this specific guildline alone is reason alone to test for explosives!

During an investigation, many things must be considered. Aside from the physical evidence, and witness testimony, suspect criminal history also must be analyzed. The investigation must include past history and the Modus Operandi, “M.O.” for short.

Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth Blog Archive Extremism- N.F.P.A. 921-


"Now, let’s be clear. Explosion sounds can be explained away. But, only after a thorough investigation. When there is this much witness testimony, evidence, and explosive use by terrorists on this very same complex, there is no excuse for refusing to test for explosive residue."-Firefightersfor9-11truth
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I didn't think eyewitnesses meant much to you? You always ignore the eyewitnesses at ground zero who heard, felt, and experienced explosions. :eek:

See, there you go proving that you have ADD. I never ignored any witness. I have many times tried to make you understand that what they heard was not the same thing as a controlled demolition. We all know there were secondary explosions, there had to be. But they did not bring down the buildings.
First you ignore explosions, then you ignored witnesses hearing explosions, now you admit they did hear explosions but you ignore the significance of their statements by minimizing what they actually heard and said and saw. The definition of an explosion is-according to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency)
fire and arson testing definitions of explosions- chapter 18--"Although an explosion is almost always accompanied by the production of a loud noise, the noise itself is not, an essential element in the definition of an explosion, the generation and violent escape of gasses, are the primary criteria of an explosion.
So this specific guildline alone is reason alone to test for explosives!

During an investigation, many things must be considered. Aside from the physical evidence, and witness testimony, suspect criminal history also must be analyzed. The investigation must include past history and the Modus Operandi, “M.O.” for short.

Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth Blog Archive Extremism- N.F.P.A. 921-


"Now, let’s be clear. Explosion sounds can be explained away. But, only after a thorough investigation. When there is this much witness testimony, evidence, and explosive use by terrorists on this very same complex, there is no excuse for refusing to test for explosive residue."-Firefightersfor9-11truth

Ever wonder why not a single member of the FDNY who was present at ground zero on 9/11 is a member of fucktardfirefightersfor911truth?

You stupid fuckers will NEVER get a new investigation for numerous reasons, the primary of which is that you stupid fuckers will never actually believe any investigation that doesn't say what you want to hear. You're not interested in the truth, you're interested in proving a conspiracy that doesn't exist.

You talk about explosions yet ignore critical evidence when explosions would HAVE to be occuring.

We have video tape evidence where you can clearly hear the collapse of WTC 7, yet you don't even hear something as loud as a firecracker before or during the collapse. Not one of you assholes can explain it, so you just ignore it.

Over a dozen people survived the collapse of the North tower by surviving in the very place you ignorant fucks pretend explosives were planted, yet didn't hear explosions; just the approaching collapse. Not one of you assholes can explain it, so you just ignore it.

So how exactly do you propse truthtards would investigate the "explosions"? All you can do at this point over nine years later is make conjecture. We all know how dishonest truthtards are about conjecture. :lol:
See, there you go proving that you have ADD. I never ignored any witness. I have many times tried to make you understand that what they heard was not the same thing as a controlled demolition. We all know there were secondary explosions, there had to be. But they did not bring down the buildings.
First you ignore explosions, then you ignored witnesses hearing explosions, now you admit they did hear explosions but you ignore the significance of their statements by minimizing what they actually heard and said and saw. The definition of an explosion is-according to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Agency)
fire and arson testing definitions of explosions- chapter 18--"Although an explosion is almost always accompanied by the production of a loud noise, the noise itself is not, an essential element in the definition of an explosion, the generation and violent escape of gasses, are the primary criteria of an explosion.
So this specific guildline alone is reason alone to test for explosives!

During an investigation, many things must be considered. Aside from the physical evidence, and witness testimony, suspect criminal history also must be analyzed. The investigation must include past history and the Modus Operandi, “M.O.” for short.

Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth Blog Archive Extremism- N.F.P.A. 921-


"Now, let’s be clear. Explosion sounds can be explained away. But, only after a thorough investigation. When there is this much witness testimony, evidence, and explosive use by terrorists on this very same complex, there is no excuse for refusing to test for explosive residue."-Firefightersfor9-11truth

Ever wonder why not a single member of the FDNY who was present at ground zero on 9/11 is a member of fucktardfirefightersfor911truth?

that's not true ..why do you just make shit up ?

You stupid fuckers will NEVER get a new investigation for numerous reasons, the primary of which is that you stupid fuckers will never actually believe any investigation that doesn't say what you want to hear.

I think that would be your projections
that's not true ..why do you just make shit up ?
So says the ignorant ass that can't produce an FDNY firefighter who is a member of fucktardfirefightersfor911truth. If you're going to accuse someone of making shit up, the least you can do is provide evidence. Your "good word" isn't worth shit, so just making a claim isn't going to cut it.

You stupid fuckers will NEVER get a new investigation for numerous reasons, the primary of which is that you stupid fuckers will never actually believe any investigation that doesn't say what you want to hear.
I think that would be your projections[/QUOTE]
Really? So why is it you stupid fucks constantly ignore evidence as I pointed out in my response? Why can't you address the video that shows no explosions at WTC 7 before, during or after the collapse? Why can't you address the fact that the survivors of the North tower collapse did not hear explosives going off in the core like truthtards always claim. All they heard was the collapse.

Meanwhile, what evidence have YOU brought to the table? Absolutely none. You bring opinion, outright lies, and misinformation, but no actual evidence. So how can I be "projecting" ignoring evidence when you have yet to actually bring a piece of real evidence to the table? It doesn't take a genius to realize it is the truthtards who ignore everything they don't like.
that's not true ..why do you just make shit up ?
So says the ignorant ass that can't produce an FDNY firefighter who is a member of fucktardfirefightersfor911truth. If you're going to accuse someone of making shit up, the least you can do is provide evidence. Your "good word" isn't worth shit, so just making a claim isn't going to cut it.

You stupid fuckers will NEVER get a new investigation for numerous reasons, the primary of which is that you stupid fuckers will never actually believe any investigation that doesn't say what you want to hear.
I think that would be your projections
Really? So why is it you stupid fucks constantly ignore evidence as I pointed out in my response? Why can't you address the video that shows no explosions at WTC 7 before, during or after the collapse? Why can't you address the fact that the survivors of the North tower collapse did not hear explosives going off in the core like truthtards always claim. All they heard was the collapse.

Meanwhile, what evidence have YOU brought to the table? Absolutely none. You bring opinion, outright lies, and misinformation, but no actual evidence. So how can I be "projecting" ignoring evidence when you have yet to actually bring a piece of real evidence to the table? It doesn't take a genius to realize it is the truthtards who ignore everything they don't like

You made the statement first why don't you provide the proof ..why should i take the time to post the link would just call the person a fucktard and then throw up your next smoke have just made all kinds of statements and not backed a single one with a link
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We can't prove there was ever any controlled demolition because there were no explosions!

Stop asking us for proof. Just believe. believe believe believe believe believe believe believe
You made the statement first why don't you provide the proof ..why should i take the time to post the link would just call the person a fucktard and then throw up your next smoke have just made all kinds of statements and not backed a single one with a link

Back when Firefightersfor911truth first came out and published their members, there wasn't a single FDNY member among them. Most of them are from Seattle. Now, if you have evidence one of their members is from the FDNY and was there on 9/11, I would be happy to retract my statement. As it is, there is no evidence there is any FDNY firefighters who were at ground zero on 9/11 among their members.

BTW, rarely is a person evidence. You throw out a lot of stupid fucks who give their OPINION of what is going on, but opinions are not evidence.

So what links would you like to see?

[ame=]WTC 7 Collapse[/ame]

Listen closely. You can hear the collapse. You can't hear the massive explosions you truthtards like to pretend were going off to cut all the columns simultaniously to produce the free fall acceleration. Now go on ignoring it like a good little truthtard.

[ame=]Miracle in stairwell B[/ame]

Listen to their stories. These are people not giving opinion, but telling what they actually experienced. Now go ahead and ignore these people who clearly refute the claims of controlled demolition in a way nobody else ever can.

So there you have two pieces of incontrovertible evidence there was no controlled demolition.

Now let's see your evidence. Go ahead. Produce it.

You have a person's OPINION. When are you fucking dishonest people going to get through your little pea brains that OPINIONS ARE NOT EVIDENCE.

WTC 7 didn't fall into its own footprint and despite this liar's claims, the post office and Verizon buildings both suffered significant damage from the debris of WTC 7.

This asshole is trying to say there was only smoke coming from one corner of the south face. :lol: What.... he thinks no videos exist of the fires? No clear shots exist of the south face because of all the smoke coming from practically the entire building.

I gave up listening to this now proven lying piece of shit at that point. Come on, eots. Can't you do any better than that?!?

Craig Bartmer's testimony can be directly refuted by watching the video of WTC 7 coming down. How can one man claim massive explosions and yet we hear NOTHING but the collapse? You still haven't addressed the video where you can't hear the supposed explosions. Direct video and audio recordings trump a witness when the recordings directly refute the statements of the witness.

Your man got there "a little bit after 5 o'clock" and he walked around the building? I thought they had established a safety perimeter, seems to me i remember hearing that. So how close could he have gotten to the building? And he didn't see a hole in the building bad enough to bring it down? Yet one of the fire chiefs said ten floors were scoped out 25% into the building? You need a better witness.

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