Choose your "Facts" about what happened on 911

You made the statement first why don't you provide the proof ..why should i take the time to post the link would just call the person a fucktard and then throw up your next smoke have just made all kinds of statements and not backed a single one with a link

Back when Firefightersfor911truth first came out and published their members, there wasn't a single FDNY member among them. Most of them are from Seattle. Now, if you have evidence one of their members is from the FDNY and was there on 9/11, I would be happy to retract my statement. As it is, there is no evidence there is any FDNY firefighters who were at ground zero on 9/11 among their members.

BTW, rarely is a person evidence. You throw out a lot of stupid fucks who give their OPINION of what is going on, but opinions are not evidence.

So what links would you like to see?

[ame=]WTC 7 Collapse[/ame]

Listen closely. You can hear the collapse. You can't hear the massive explosions you truthtards like to pretend were going off to cut all the columns simultaniously to produce the free fall acceleration. Now go on ignoring it like a good little truthtard.

[ame=]Miracle in stairwell B[/ame]

Listen to their stories. These are people not giving opinion, but telling what they actually experienced. Now go ahead and ignore these people who clearly refute the claims of controlled demolition in a way nobody else ever can.

So there you have two pieces of incontrovertible evidence there was no controlled demolition.

Now let's see your evidence. Go ahead. Produce it.

The firefighter in your video actually says he heard the floors hitting each other! Boom Boom Boom! we know that pancake theory has been thrown in the trash heap of non sense, even by NIST!
So you think there should be no noise as each floor collapses under the weight? :lol: What kind of fucking moron are you? You don't have to have a pancake type collapse to know there are spaces between the floor that is

Mr. Jones said:
Suppose he's wrong, how does he know it was really the floors? We don't do we, I mean he actually didn't see it did he?
Well, there's one last problem. According to you liars, the explosives were in the core. Guess where they were? You got it. The core.

Mr. Jones said:
That is of course his opinion, but you always discount opinions as evidence.
Wrong again. An eyewitness is explaining what they saw and heard. It is first hand testimony as to what happened. That is why his testimony would be valid in a court of law, yet your retarded opinion would not be. Do you see the difference? Probably not.

Mr. Jones said:
It's all over your posts. You can't have it both ways idiot. We are supposed to believe that your witnesses are somehow more credible then others because they are your witnesses that adhere to your ass kissing OCTASSes theory. You're a fucking joke get lost.
:lol: Want to see a fucking joke? Look in the mirror. You'll see a major asshole looking back at you.

There is no reason to doubt the 14 people who survived the North tower collapse. They were THERE. They LIVED through it. Their testimony doesn't contradict the physical evidence. The two witnesses you fucktards have are directly refuted by physical evidence. You remember where you claimed explosions weren't necessary? Well, according to your witnesses they were there and they were MASSIVE. Yet nobody else can hear them. No audio track recorded them. But you would have everyone believe two witnesses over all the other witnesses who didn't see/hear anything like what your witnesses said happened and video/audio tapes confirm it didn't happen as your witnesses claim.

So yes. My witnesses ARE FAR more credible than your two witnesses. Their testimony fits the known facts. Yours? At least one is a blatant lie. All recordings of OTA transmissions were recorded that day. No countdown. Yet he pretends he heard a countdown because it makes it more dramatic. He isn't the first to exaggerate or embellish his story to get attention. Look at the utter dishonesty of William Rodriguez.

Hmmmm. Truthtards. Can't trust them about ANYTHING! :lol:
You have a person's OPINION. When are you fucking dishonest people going to get through your little pea brains that OPINIONS ARE NOT EVIDENCE.
Then by that reasoning NIST and the whole damned governments investigation is just OPINION, as it is just a theory also, but one that can not stand up to scrutiny.
Wrong yet again, you stupid piece of shit! When will you ever get anything right? What the NIST and the whole government investigation has is a THEORY BASED ON EVIDENCE. See, you fucking assholes have nothing. No evidence. No real theory. Nothing. Just opinion that the government theory is wrong. In other words, all you asses have is your OPINION. Go find a first grader and have him explain the difference to you. It really isn't all that hard.

Mr. Jones said:
WTC 7 didn't fall into its own footprint and despite this liar's claims, the post office and Verizon buildings both suffered significant damage from the debris of WTC 7.

Huge Amounts Of Smoke Came From WTC 5 & 6 NOT WTC 7

Look at these pics and scroll down towards the bottom and see the post office and the Fiterman Hall building yourself.
Yeah. I've seen these dishonest attempts at trying to prove the smoke was coming from somewhere else. Truthtards like to use still photographs because they don't show motion which means truthtards can pretend all sorts of things. Unfortunately for you stupid fucks, there is video.

[ame=]WTC 7 South side[/ame]
Now, how are you going to explain the fact all that smoke is CLEARLY coming from WTC 7? You can't. That is why Alex Jones and the rest of them only show pictures.

Mr. Jones said:
This asshole is trying to say there was only smoke coming from one corner of the south face. :lol: What.... he thinks no videos exist of the fires? No clear shots exist of the south face because of all the smoke coming from practically the entire building.
Bullshit again look at the pics in the link above asswipe.
:lol: I love it when truthtards end up with shit all over them due to ignorance. Want another video showing smoke coming from WTC 7 and nowhere else?

[ame=]More smoke[/ame]
See all that smoke moving south from WTC 7? Can't be from any other WTC building as the WTC 7 was the northern most building of the complex. The wind was from the North blowing South. Another little fact you ignorant liars ignore in your attempt to explain away the truth.

Mr. Jones said:
I gave up listening to this now proven lying piece of shit at that point. Come on, eots. Can't you do any better than that?!?
By the pics in the link I posted it is you that looks like the lying POS. :lol:
Video and the truth make you look like the lying ass you are. Care to try and refute the smoke again? Or are you going to run away like usual?

Craig Bartmer's testimony can be directly refuted by watching the video of WTC 7 coming down. How can one man claim massive explosions and yet we hear NOTHING but the collapse? You still haven't addressed the video where you can't hear the supposed explosions. Direct video and audio recordings trump a witness when the recordings directly refute the statements of the witness.

I've seen videos released by NIST after the FOIA and there are more and more being found to have altered audio or deleted audio. Besides not having a video with audio does not disprove the CD theory. There's substantial evidence that clearly shows these buildings were helped along. From the time they took to collapse, to NIST finally being forced to admit free fall for 8 stories, to the molten metal under all 3 buildings. Nist also did not do a comprehensive investigation because it did not follow the NFPA standards. Specifically Extremism- N.F.P.A. 921-
Fire Fighters For 9-11 Truth Blog Archive Extremism- N.F.P.A. 921-

NIST has made it very clear that two of the reasons they refuse to test for explosive residue are because 1) no blast sounds were heard, and 2) that they must be necessary for an explosion.
Both reasons are bullshit that show they are fucking liars.

Or NFPA 921-18.1 Chapter 18 Explosions
National Fire Protection Association’s guidebook disagrees with their logic on point 2. It is very clearly stated in Chapter 18 - Explosions, 18.1 - General:
“…Although an explosion is almost always accompanied by the production of a loud noise, the noise itself is not an essential element in the definition of an explosion. The generation and violent escape of gases are the primary criteria of an explosion.”

I don't believe I have ever witnessed a silent explosion before. Must be something new....
You have a person's OPINION. When are you fucking dishonest people going to get through your little pea brains that OPINIONS ARE NOT EVIDENCE.
Then by that reasoning NIST and the whole damned governments investigation is just OPINION, as it is just a theory also, but one that can not stand up to scrutiny.

WTC 7 didn't fall into its own footprint and despite this liar's claims, the post office and Verizon buildings both suffered significant damage from the debris of WTC 7.

Huge Amounts Of Smoke Came From WTC 5 & 6 NOT WTC 7

Look at these pics and scroll down towards the bottom and see the post office and the Fiterman Hall building yourself.

This asshole is trying to say there was only smoke coming from one corner of the south face. :lol: What.... he thinks no videos exist of the fires? No clear shots exist of the south face because of all the smoke coming from practically the entire building.
Bullshit again look at the pics in the link above asswipe.

I gave up listening to this now proven lying piece of shit at that point. Come on, eots. Can't you do any better than that?!?
By the pics in the link I posted it is you that looks like the lying POS. :lol:

Gee, no pictures taken of the south side of building 7? Could it be that no one took pictures because of the heavy smoke pouring from that side of the building? Because you couldn't even see the building from that side because of the damage, smoke and fire? Just askin.....
You have a person's OPINION. When are you fucking dishonest people going to get through your little pea brains that OPINIONS ARE NOT EVIDENCE.
Then by that reasoning NIST and the whole damned governments investigation is just OPINION, as it is just a theory also, but one that can not stand up to scrutiny.


Huge Amounts Of Smoke Came From WTC 5 & 6 NOT WTC 7

Look at these pics and scroll down towards the bottom and see the post office and the Fiterman Hall building yourself.

Bullshit again look at the pics in the link above asswipe.

I gave up listening to this now proven lying piece of shit at that point. Come on, eots. Can't you do any better than that?!?
By the pics in the link I posted it is you that looks like the lying POS. :lol:

Gee, no pictures taken of the south side of building 7? Could it be that no one took pictures because of the heavy smoke pouring from that side of the building? Because you couldn't even see the building from that side because of the damage, smoke and fire? Just askin.....

it is irrelevant little Ollie...NIST determined damage was not significant in the collapse
Then by that reasoning NIST and the whole damned governments investigation is just OPINION, as it is just a theory also, but one that can not stand up to scrutiny.


Huge Amounts Of Smoke Came From WTC 5 & 6 NOT WTC 7

Look at these pics and scroll down towards the bottom and see the post office and the Fiterman Hall building yourself.

Bullshit again look at the pics in the link above asswipe.

By the pics in the link I posted it is you that looks like the lying POS. :lol:

Gee, no pictures taken of the south side of building 7? Could it be that no one took pictures because of the heavy smoke pouring from that side of the building? Because you couldn't even see the building from that side because of the damage, smoke and fire? Just askin.....

it is irrelevant little Ollie...NIST determined damage was not significant in the collapse

It is very relevant. One of your fellow truthtards got caught in a blatant lie defending one of your "witnesses" who claimed there was only smoke from one corner of the south side. This has nothing to do with the NIST report or the damage to the south face, as I am sure you are aware. That is why you're trying to deflect the topic back there and off your lying "witnesses" who are only giving opinion and lying about what they saw.
Then by that reasoning NIST and the whole damned governments investigation is just OPINION, as it is just a theory also, but one that can not stand up to scrutiny.


Huge Amounts Of Smoke Came From WTC 5 & 6 NOT WTC 7

Look at these pics and scroll down towards the bottom and see the post office and the Fiterman Hall building yourself.

Bullshit again look at the pics in the link above asswipe.

By the pics in the link I posted it is you that looks like the lying POS. :lol:

Gee, no pictures taken of the south side of building 7? Could it be that no one took pictures because of the heavy smoke pouring from that side of the building? Because you couldn't even see the building from that side because of the damage, smoke and fire? Just askin.....

it is irrelevant little Ollie...NIST determined damage was not significant in the collapse

No eots, you are irrelevant.
Gee, no pictures taken of the south side of building 7? Could it be that no one took pictures because of the heavy smoke pouring from that side of the building? Because you couldn't even see the building from that side because of the damage, smoke and fire? Just askin.....

it is irrelevant little Ollie...NIST determined damage was not significant in the collapse

No eots, you are irrelevant.

Ollie and divecon do not even believe the conclusions of NIST which only supports the need for an independent investigation
No eots, you are irrelevant.

Ollie and divecon do not even believe the conclusions of NIST which only supports the need for an independent investigation
you lie again
we support the major findings

No you don't that is just a weasley cuntycorn line it uses in regard to the 9/11 commision...what major findings do you support ? are you saying that the conclusion that fire was the cause of the collapse and that even without damage a similar fire would of resulted in essentially the very same result is not a major you do not support that then you can not support computer simulation the which is the only evidence they offer ...this is not a major finding ??? So name the major findings you do support
Ollie and divecon do not even believe the conclusions of NIST which only supports the need for an independent investigation
you lie again
we support the major findings

No you don't that is just a weasley cuntycorn line it uses in regard to the 9/11 commision...what major findings do you support ? are you saying that the conclusion that fire was the cause of the collapse and that even without damage a similar fire would of resulted in essentially the very same result is not a major you do not support that then you can not support computer simulation the which is the only evidence they offer ...this is not a major finding ??? So name the major findings you do support
it wasnt an explosive demo, dipshit
you lie again
we support the major findings

No you don't that is just a weasley cuntycorn line it uses in regard to the 9/11 commision...what major findings do you support ? are you saying that the conclusion that fire was the cause of the collapse and that even without damage a similar fire would of resulted in essentially the very same result is not a major you do not support that then you can not support computer simulation the which is the only evidence they offer ...this is not a major finding ??? So name the major findings you do support
it wasnt an explosive demo, dipshit

That pretty much sums it up.
anybody find evidence of explosive demolitions being used yet?

i didnt think so.... :lol:

i'll check back in a while to see if these stupid fucking retards have come up with one shred of actual evidence.
anybody find evidence of explosive demolitions being used yet?

i didnt think so.... :lol:

i'll check back in a while to see if these stupid fucking retards have come up with one shred of actual evidence.
nope, still no evidence to support their bullshit claims
anybody find evidence of explosive demolitions being used yet?

i didnt think so.... :lol:

i'll check back in a while to see if these stupid fucking retards have come up with one shred of actual evidence.

How could they find it? It was encased in 17 feet of concrete. :lol:
So the one major point out all these years of NIST "science "you support is the findings on how the building did not collapse due to explosives ...but you take issue with all the a bunch of clowns
So the one major point out all these years of NIST "science "you support is the findings on how the building did not collapse due to explosives ...but you take issue with all the a bunch of clowns
no, dipshit
i'm not going to go through and list them all
you are a fucking moron and all you get is MOCKING

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