Chopin's Pickled Heart Reveals Cause of His Death


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Polish composer Frédéric Chopin has had a strange afterlife.

He died and was buried in Paris in 1849. But in a romantic gesture to his homeland, his heart was put in a glass jar and smuggled into Warsaw, then under the rule of Imperial Russia. Strangely enough, the Nazis allowed Chopin's heart to be put in safekeeping during the Warsaw Uprising. And since 1945, it has remained in a crypt at the Holy Cross Church in Warsaw like a holy relic.

After that, Chopin's pickled heart was mostly left to rest in peace until one night in 2014, when a group of scientists got permission to briefly inspect the jar in the crypt, in an effort to determine the musician's cause of death. They've finally released the results of their study, concluding that Chopin most likely died of complications from tuberculosis.
Chopin's Pickled Heart Reveals Cause of His Death

That is so odd.

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