Chris Christie Chooses to Drop Opposition to Marriage Equality

Christie had to do his show "against" homosexual marriages knowing the decision at the Supreme Court was already in the bag.

Christie will have no trouble dealing TeaP stupidity; he will tell them to fuck off.
This falls right into Christies lap. He gets to tell conservatives that he opposed gay marriage while liberals can't complain about his veto of gay marriage in NJ
Well - on THIS issue - the Dems are getting government OUT of the bedroom. Only the far right want to regulate relationships.

But did you just post that sarcastically?

Seriously? You are seriously going to argue that empowering the government to regulate same sex relationships is getting the government out of the bedroom?

You realize that same sex couples have absolutely nothing regulating their relationships right now except in the states that so called same sex marriage exists, right?

Or are you really so completely naive that you think regulating a relationship is getting government out of it?

If same sex couples don't want the government in their relationships, they wouldn't be pushing to change the laws to regulate those relationships. They would simply determine their own relationship status between each other.

We truly live in a messed up world where people think government regulation of a relationship is getting government out of it.

The government will now regulate gay marriages IDENTICALLY to how it regulates heterosexual marriages. They will have the same advantageous regulations that hetoros have demanded exclusively for themselves. Tax breaks, Social Security survivor benefits, etc., etc., etc., etc.

And that is all same sex married people want. The same advantages we gave ourselves.

You people are being deliberately obtuse.

Actually, ‘all marriages’ are regulated the same; there is no such thing as ‘gay marriage’ or ‘heterosexual marriage,’ there’s only marriage, in which same- and opposite-sex couples are equally entitled to participate.

One law, two types of couples.

Otherwise the point is well made.
“Although the governor strongly disagrees with the court substituting its judgment for the constitutional process of the elected branches or a vote of the people, the court has now spoken clearly as to their view of the New Jersey Constitution and, therefore, same-sex marriage is the law,” a spokesman for Mr. Christie said in a note to reporters on Monday morning. “The governor will do his constitutional duty and ensure his administration enforces the law as dictated by the New Jersey Supreme Court.”
The New Jersey Supreme Court has always had the authority to decide what the state constitution means, nothing was ‘substituted.’

The people are still at liberty to amend the state constitution should they decide to do so.
Marriage equality??? Is that what liberals call this? Pervert marriage is all about adopting kids so they can molest them!!!! Along with abortion it's part of the democrat war on children.
Marriage equality??? Is that what liberals call this? Pervert marriage is all about adopting kids so they can molest them!!!! Along with abortion it's part of the democrat war on children.

Yup, homosexuals molest children at the same per capita rate that home schooled kids are raped by the adults in the house.
Marriage equality??? Is that what liberals call this? Pervert marriage is all about adopting kids so they can molest them!!!! Along with abortion it's part of the democrat war on children.

Yup, homosexuals molest children at the same per capita rate that home schooled kids are raped by the adults in the house.

Most dangerous sexual predator to a child is a male RELATIVE or family friend.
Chris Christie Chooses to Drop Opposition to Marriage Equality

How Republicans celebrate.

Dear Liberals,

Equality is nothing but a figment of your imagination.

Gee, why didn't they tell that to the blacks in the 1960's

Because Democrats were the ones teaching inequality.

Funny, you want equality... for minorities

Equal pay... for minorities and women only

Freedom of Religion... for anyone who isn't a Christian

Freedom of speech... for anyone who doesn't disagree with you.

It's white guilt and black liberation theology for you.

And when anyone abridges any of these things, the first words out of a liberal's mouth are RACIST!

Like I said, equality is a figment of your imagination.
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Dear Liberals,

Equality is nothing but a figment of your imagination.

Gee, why didn't they tell that to the blacks in the 1960's

Because Democrats were the ones teaching inequality.

Funny, you want equality... for minorities

Equal pay... for minorities and women only

Freedom of Religion... for anyone who isn't a Christian

Freedom of speech... for anyone who doesn't disagree with you.

And when anyone abridges any of these things, the first words out of a liberal's mouth are RACIST!

Like I said, equality is a figment of your imagination.

You're right...Straight white christian males have it so tough here....poor little fellas. :-(
Dear Liberals,

Equality is nothing but a figment of your imagination.

Gee, why didn't they tell that to the blacks in the 1960's

Because Democrats were the ones teaching inequality.

Funny, you want equality... for minorities

Equal pay... for minorities and women only

Freedom of Religion... for anyone who isn't a Christian

Freedom of speech... for anyone who doesn't disagree with you.

And when anyone abridges any of these things, the first words out of a liberal's mouth are RACIST!

Like I said, equality is a figment of your imagination.

Care for some cheese with your whine?
Gee, why didn't they tell that to the blacks in the 1960's

Because Democrats were the ones teaching inequality.

Funny, you want equality... for minorities

Equal pay... for minorities and women only

Freedom of Religion... for anyone who isn't a Christian

Freedom of speech... for anyone who doesn't disagree with you.

And when anyone abridges any of these things, the first words out of a liberal's mouth are RACIST!

Like I said, equality is a figment of your imagination.

You're right...Straight white christian males have it so tough here....poor little fellas. :-(

Gee, Obama must have it so tough here, being black and all. Not.
Gee, why didn't they tell that to the blacks in the 1960's

Because Democrats were the ones teaching inequality.

Funny, you want equality... for minorities

Equal pay... for minorities and women only

Freedom of Religion... for anyone who isn't a Christian

Freedom of speech... for anyone who doesn't disagree with you.

And when anyone abridges any of these things, the first words out of a liberal's mouth are RACIST!

Like I said, equality is a figment of your imagination.

Care for some cheese with your whine?

I don't eat cheese on an empty stomach... besides I don't know where your hands have been.
Because Democrats were the ones teaching inequality.

Funny, you want equality... for minorities

Equal pay... for minorities and women only

Freedom of Religion... for anyone who isn't a Christian

Freedom of speech... for anyone who doesn't disagree with you.

And when anyone abridges any of these things, the first words out of a liberal's mouth are RACIST!

Like I said, equality is a figment of your imagination.

Care for some cheese with your whine?

I don't eat cheese on an empty stomach... besides I don't know where your hands have been.

Poor Christian white males......nobody loves them

Except for Republicans

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