Chris Christie for President!

I can respect Toro for that. Toro is a Republican.

Christie was not the world’s worse governor of New Jersey, either. Never liked him myself. But I never saw him as a threat to the nation or our democracy like Trump is. He was just a clever Republican politician and a bit of an arrogant fat bully … like Trump himself. But Christie never went completely overboard. He was not crazy.

I hated to see Christie support Trump early on, but back then lots of Republicans thought Trump would be redeemable and learn to work with others and act like a President and not a spoiled child.

“The Donald” had given financial support and worked closely with Democrats for years in NYC. Trump for decades was far closer to Democrats than Christie had been in New Jersey. Christie was actually harder on Dems than Trump for his whole career! And he had been that way even while having to fight to get legislation passed and administer a densely populated and historically Democratic state. That showed executive and political skill!

Trump just had the “acting ability” and the demagogic chops to tap deeply into all the disgruntled manias of unsung losers and the “left-out American Everyman.” He also had his own manic drive and lack of principles to change his position on most anything to get elected. So he overnight became a hero to Southern Christian Fundamentalists and anti-abortionist fanatics, and railed against Democrats he had praised a few years before and for decades.

Trump even said some good things early on that I agreed with. So far as I remember, Christie actually did some good things in New Jersey … though I can’t remember any details now. I suppose Toro can remind us … ?

You're so full of shit buddy...I remember when Democrats like you were eviscerating Christie over 'bridgegate'....and would do so again if this fat liar, MSNBC bff ever got close to being the nominee...

To think that died in the wool Democrat progressives would really believe that telling Republican's who they should nominate is laughable.....
You're so full of shit buddy...I remember when Democrats like you were eviscerating Christie over 'bridgegate'....and would do so again if this fat liar, MSNBC bff ever got close to being the nominee...

To think that dyed in the wool Democrat progressives would really believe that telling Republican's who they should nominate is laughable.....
I lived in NYC back when Christie fucked up by acting as a bully and closing lanes to the George Washington Bridge. He only succeeded in infuriating commuters and residents on both sides of the Hudson. He made a fool of himself. No need for any help from Democrats that time.

I certainly don’t tell Republicans (or Democrats) who to vote for. I just give my own opinion on how sick and dangerous the present leading Republican candidate Donald Trump is (and how old and in many ways inadequate the Democrats’ Joe Biden is).
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I lived in NYC back when Christie fucked up by acting as a bully and closing lanes to the George Washington Bridge. He only succeeded in infuriating commuters and residents on both sides of the Hudson. He made a fool of himself. No need for any help from Democrats that time.

I certainly don’t tell Republicans (or Democrats) who to vote for. I just give my own opinion on how sick and dangerous the present leading Republican candidate Donald Trump is (and how old and in many ways inadequate the Democrats’ leading candidate is).
Ok, explain why you see Trump as such a "Danger" to our country....And don't forget to back up claims with links to explain how you form your thinking on that....Thanks.
The only thing RINO Christie has is the ability to insult Dems like Trump. Few on the right agree with his policy positions, he's a NJ blue state RINO.
Ok, explain why you see Trump as such a "Danger" to our country....And don't forget to back up claims with links to explain how you form your thinking on that....Thanks.
Sorry. I have explained my thinking about why re-electing Trump would be a danger to the country clearly and at length many times already. No time now to go back over all that. Toro’s OP is about Chris Christie, and I’d rather the discussion get back on topic.
You are not one who can be convinced of anything

I’m not trying to convince you or anyone else, I just believe Christie is a better choice than an egomaniac or a guy that can’t find his way off a stage. I am still hoping we get better candidates on both sides, so far it is slim pickings.
Sorry. I have explained my thinking about why re-electing Trump would be a danger to the country clearly and at length many times already. No time now to go back over all that. Toro’s OP is about Chris Christie, and I’d rather the discussion get back on topic.
You’re the one that brought it up…What specific policies is Christie espousing?
The only thing RINO Christie has is the ability to insult Dems like Trump. Few on the right agree with his policy positions, he's a NJ blue state RINO.
He may be at this point the only type of republican that will get elected in New Jersey. However, the citizens are getting cranky there.
Good question. Did he support Biden’s initiatives on infrastructure, reshoring and rebuilding chip and high tech factories here? Guess we better ask Toro …. :)
Well, you said you’re supporting him…Why?
I never said I was supporting him! I thought I made that clear.
I only said I can respect traditional Republicans who choose to vote for him and against Trump.

I am not a Republican and don’t vote in Republican primaries.
Nor am I a registered Democrat.
Of course, he has no chance. He’s telling MAGA what they don’t want to hear. MAGA would rather live in an alternative reality echo chamber filled with grievance, whiny sell-pity and conspiracy theories.

What an embarrassment today’s conservative movement has become.

The DOJ head has promoted people who complain at school board meetings as terrorists. The leader has abused the rights of citizens like a knife cutting through soft butter. Some of the people complaining are soccer moms who over a few decades have helped to bring the hell whole we are living in. They deserve no help if they need it when the time comes just for what they caused.
Of course, he has no chance. He’s telling MAGA what they don’t want to hear. MAGA would rather live in an alternative reality echo chamber filled with grievance, whiny sell-pity and conspiracy theories.

What an embarrassment today’s conservative movement has become.

Christie being inconsistent doesn’t help his chances – he was once a Trump boot licker and sycophant and now he starts telling the truth about Trump.

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