Chris Christie Gleefully Mocks Marjorie Greene & Matt Gaetz: "2 of our brighter lights. Greene doesn't belong in Congress"

The media generally ignores any criticism between democrats within the democrat party but when a republican criticizes another republican the spin turns it into "gleefully mocks". That's the way the system works.
A 9/11 Twoofer who believes in QAnon, the Sandy Hook school massacre was staged by crisis actors, and that Jewish space lasers started forest fires is a perfect avatar for today’s batshit swamp of crazy Republican Party.
That bloated fuck sold out after Trump didn't give him the AG job....He's as petty and bitter an asshat as Mittens.
As much of a cowed piece of shit that Christie is (wouldn't vote for him as dog catcher), towards the end times of this ridiculous 'administration', it seems he likely swapped fluids and gave the Orange Lard and Savior Covid. Almost two birds taken out with one Covid.

Science saved both of these sacks of shit. Damn you science!!!
While I agree neither are fit they have done something Christie never could. Win a seat.
They are fit because they act like Progs. One way beat downs need to end. Repubs need to vote in more like them. Many more. Give the crap back. Become animated and use their time as a stage. The nasty jokes and sarcasm can be two way than.
I can never forgive Christie for killing all those people in that GW Bridge traffic tie up! What was the final death toll, more than Omicron, right?

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