Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

everybody has an opinion 'zoom' , I see Christy as a controller , a fat controller that can't even be accurately and politely described as a 'Big Man' . Just my opinion brought out by christys disgusting appearance and looks . I have no use for his politics and mrobama hugging on the beach either !!
New Jersey is 9 billion in debt. One billion for every year Crispie has been in office. True story.

Conservative economic policy at work. Look at what they did under Bush.
Just to see if I can follow your logic. NJ is 9 billion in debt and that's a failure, so far I agree. But obie has us in 19 TRILLION worth of debt and you think he's a success.
everybody has an opinion 'zoom' , I see Christy as a controller , a fat controller that can't even be accurately and politely described as a 'Big Man' . Just my opinion brought out by christys disgusting appearance and looks . I have no use for his politics and mrobama hugging on the beach either !!

I wouldn't vote for him in a heart beat. Just saying that losing weight is a tough road and I give him kudos for traveling it.
New Jersey is 9 billion in debt. One billion for every year Crispie has been in office. True story.

Conservative economic policy at work. Look at what they did under Bush.
Just to see if I can follow your logic. NJ is 9 billion in debt and that's a failure, so far I agree. But obie has us in 19 TRILLION worth of debt and you think he's a success.

Correct! Leftism logic is anything but.
You guys are amazing all this hoopla over Christie saying if he were to run against Hillary he would beat her . Exactly what is a politician thinking about running for President supposed to say if I run I'm going lose?
The state is going broke. Property values are in the toilet. The only house that has been up for sale on my street in the last few years sold for more than 35% less than the asking price. And he drag his fat ass on Hurricane Sandy where most homeowners either didn't get disaster relief or waited so long they went broke fixing their homes.

Yeah......I can see why the fat fuck is immensely popular........Lol....
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.
I wondered when we were going to hear from him.
I hope he runs. He's audacious and brash. He'll shake things up and make it very interesting.
New Jersey is 9 billion in debt. One billion for every year Crispie has been in office. True story.

Conservative economic policy at work. Look at what they did under Bush.
Just to see if I can follow your logic. NJ is 9 billion in debt and that's a failure, so far I agree. But obie has us in 19 TRILLION worth of debt and you think he's a success.
Thank God none of that came from the GOP tax cuts or the two unpaid for wars or the smashed economy or the tens of thousands of our young maimed in Iraq, well, where did that come from? I know what the Republicans spent. What did Obama spend? A policy that saved the auto industry, put Americans to work and was unfortunately half tax cuts for the wealthy? Otherwise Republicans never would have agreed to it. The fuckers would just let America suffer and die. And laugh and giggle the entire time.
still not slim and trim ehh !! He is happy to control others but can't control himself !!

Losing weight is a process and that he's doing it slowly is a good thing. He's lost a lot of weight, which is never an easy thing to do. I applaud him for taking charge of his health.
The fucker got his stomach stapled. What's wrong with you?

To me he looks like he has more Chins than a Chinese phone book.

TRENTON — Three-quarters of New Jersey residents believe Gov. Chris Christie has made minor or no real accomplishments to the state since first taking office, according to a new poll.

A majority of residents rate Christie average when stacked about against his predecessors and 75 percent indicated his accomplishments for the state have been minor or minimal, according to the Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind Poll released today. It found only about one-in-five residents, just 19 percent, said the Christie years have been good for the average Garden State citizen.

Chris Christie has accomplished little as governor most N.J. residents say in poll

They are the 7th worst in the nation.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.

If he runs? He could barely walk.
Fat boy will devour HiLIARy faster than a bakers dozen at Dunkin donuts. Nothing can stop this man. He has a huge appetite.
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:christie says he could beat Hillary!!! my stomach is aching from laughing at his as usual dumb statement. he better stick to eating.
Crispie's last confrontation was when he fell asleep on a NJ beach and he woke up while they were rolling him into the water thinking they were saving his life. He said get your damn dirty hands off me and they ran away screaming "it talks!".
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.

If he runs? He could barely walk.
Early in his term, he had a limo sent to his sons baseball game and took a helicopter to the limo which drove him the last 100 yards to the game. This is a true story. He rode the limo back to the helicopter at the end of the 5th inning and the limo drove back to his office empty. When the press found out, he angrily paid the cost of the helicopter flight but was very, very angry.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.

If he runs? He could barely walk.
Early in his term, he had a limo sent to his sons baseball game and took a helicopter to the limo which drove him the last 100 yards to the game. This is a true story. He rode the limo back to the helicopter at the end of the 5th inning and the limo drove back to his office empty. When the press found out, he angrily paid the cost of the helicopter flight but was very, very angry.

I didn't know about that, but... I wouldn't be surprised if he was carried from the game to the limo...
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.

If he runs? He could barely walk.
Early in his term, he had a limo sent to his sons baseball game and took a helicopter to the limo which drove him the last 100 yards to the game. This is a true story. He rode the limo back to the helicopter at the end of the 5th inning and the limo drove back to his office empty. When the press found out, he angrily paid the cost of the helicopter flight but was very, very angry.

Yep, I remember that on the news. Christie was pissed.

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