Chris Christie invokes the amnesty crowd’s talking point “secure the border first”.


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
A week or so ago while on Foxnews, “Greta on the Record”, Chris Christie was repeatedly asked, once the border is secure what does he proposes to do with the millions of illegal entrants who are here. But instead of laying out a point by point plan dealing with the tens of millions of illegal aliens who are here and by their very presence are causing devastating social, financial and political consequences, Chris Christie decided to use the amnesty crowd’s talking point and said, he will not discuss that issue until the border is secure. Of course, about 45 percent of illegals who are here have come in legally and overstayed their visas which has nothing to do with securing the border.

Christie’s refusal to lay out a plan dealing with the tens of millions of illegal entrants who are here is convincing evidence he intends, at the very least, to find a way to legalize them and give them work permits so they can remain in our country which is exactly what Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, and John Kasich intend to do, regardless of the devastating effects suffered by American citizens from the presence of illegal entrants and their children.

It is quite obvious that any thinking person concerned with the General Welfare of the United States and her citizens, would, at the very least, offer a point by point plan making it uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in the country and would encourage them to leave on their own. For example, a modest plan dealing with aliens who are in our country illegally could include:

Requiring business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

Stepping up the prosecution of business owners who hire illegal entrants;

Deny illegal entrants any tax payer financed medical care (excepting in a life death situation);

Deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public school system and all public assistance programs, i.e., any privileges created by a state for its citizens;

Direct the appropriate federal government agencies to identify aliens who have overstayed their visa and prioritized their expulsion from our country whenever their name comes up when applying for a driver’s license, stopped for a traffic infraction or other crime, etc.

Forbid and make it a crime for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

Evict section eight occupants and public housing occupants if caught harboring illegal aliens;

And making it a point to never allow a person who has entered our country illegally, or is here illegally and caught, to re-enter our country legally in the future __ giving existing illegals a two month period to leave on their own before implementing this rule.

But our beloved tough talking Governor from New Jersey, which is the armpit of New York City which has a love affair with illegal entrants, refuses to have an adult conversation about one of the most pressing issues of our times ___ how do we get rid of the tens of millions of aliens who are here illegally and by their very presence are causing social, financial and political consequences which are suffered by American citizens.


To support Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Liberals live to declare we do not have the money to DEPORT illegals. The truth is we don't have to spend a dime.

Enforce the laws and take away the freebies.

Without a dime illegals have flooded into this country. Without a dime they can leave the same way they came in...and they would if there were no jobs, no freebies, and the laws were actually enforced.

Arizona passed it's own law, declared it would strictly enforce it, and the illegals began to flood out of the state and into surrounding states. Instead of joining Az the surrounding states, drowning under the influx of large numbers of illegals, complained about what was going on. The law-ignoring, illegal-pandering/loving Obama administration then stepped in to quell the Pro-Constitution/Law Enforcing 'rebellion'. Az demonstrated, however, that if you actually ENFORCE the laws the illegals will leave on their own.

Securing the border, which has been a carrot-on-a-stick lie for decades, needs to be accomplished FIRST, before agreeing to ANOTHER demand / law that aids and abets illegal immigration / immigrants. There is not a lack of ability to do so, just a lack of political DESIRE to do so.
Just secure the fuckin border. Period.

I could even tolerate the idea of non-criminal and productive illegals from this hemisphere getting a legal status but never voting. There's no need to discuss it until the border is secure.

Anyone who illegally exists in the country after that should be deported via trebuchet.


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