Chris Christie is dead on about Obama and the super committee

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The governorsaurus needs a HUGE helping of STFU. Apparently he doesn't recall that the Republicans stated that they didn't want Obama involved with the (not so) Super Committee talks.

Cristie Kream also hasn't been paying attention to Obama's numerous statement to the SC.

President Obama on Friday prodded the chairs of the super committee "to get the job done," with less than two weeks left for congressional leaders to reach agreement on a $1.5-trillion deficit reduction panel.

Obama phoned Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) and Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) separately from Air Force One shortly after leaving Washington for a nine-day trip overseas, to get an update on the committee's progress. [Los Angeles Times, 11/11/11]


My hope is that over the next several days, the congressional leadership on the super committee go ahead and bite the bullet and do what needs to be done -- because the math won't change. There's no magic formula. There are no magic beans that you can toss on the ground and suddenly a bunch of money grows on trees. We got to just go ahead and do the responsible thing. And I'm prepared to sign legislation that is balanced, that solves this problem. [, 11/14/11]
It's hard to take a Obama's position serious that's chosen instead to laugh it up with the ladies on The View, or touring amonst the late night circuit while the economy is in need of recovery. If he spent more time doing his job, seeking from his advisors and Congress another approach for get Americans back to work, Nancy Pelosi might still have her job in the House. Instead all they came up with for 2009-2010 is ONE stimulus package, that failed to bring the unemployment numbers down, before moving onto his own liberal "check list".

I guess you missed where the UE numbers shot up to around 10% or so before the stimulus and went down to around 9.1% or so after the stimulus. Add in we've had Republican governors all over the place taking credit for rescuing their budgets by using Stimulus Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal.

What the Republicans won on in 2010 was advocating that the scary black President was going to introduce death panels, have FEMA camps that would be snatching up children in the middle of the night, would cut grandma's medicaid and they were the ones that were going to get everyone jobs.

What did they do?

Introduce bills banning abortion, ludicrious tax cuts, a zany amendment to the Constitution that set a limit to spending and regulation cuts. Add in Issa's complete waste of time looking for corruption and for the millionth time trying to drag implementation of clean air regulations.

That's not going to bode well.

Get your facts straight, unemployment was 6.7% before the stimulus passed then shot up to 10% after the stimulus. If you are looking at a 0.9% reduction in unemployment as a success that's pathetic!! You might also want to check out the Underemployment numbers as well before you start boasting the success of the stimulus:

Saturday, July 04, 2009
Underemployment Rate Soars To 16.5 Percent

Underemployment, where desperate workers take jobs that are not meeting their desired compensation, hours or level of skill and experience, increased to 16.5% in June from 16.4% in May. The underemployment rate last month was the highest since the Labor Department started tracking it in 1994.
David Drake: Underemployment Rate Soars To 16.5 Percent

Underemployment, where desperate workers take jobs that are not meeting their desired compensation, hours or level of skill and experience, increased to 16.5% in June from 16.4% in May. The underemployment rate last month was the highest since the Labor Department started tracking it in 1994.

"[16.5% is] the real amount if unemployed people out there. If anything you see wage growth is not there, hourly earnings and the workweek is lower. Now you have a recipe that is a mess here, because nothing is improving.
Unemployment Rises, Payroll Losses Far Exceed Analysts' Estimates - Money Morning

My facts are straight.

Add in the Bush team gave the Obama team incorrect numbers about how bad the deficit really was..and I am not so sure his UE numbers were right either.
Yeah, why can't Obama get the racist Nazis to vote against all the A-Holes who pay them off? Yeah! Pfffft!!!
Get your facts straight, unemployment was 6.7% before the stimulus passed then shot up to 10% after the stimulus. If you are looking at a 0.9% reduction in unemployment as a success that's pathetic!! You might also want to check out the Underemployment numbers as well before you start boasting the success of the stimulus:

Underemployment, where desperate workers take jobs that are not meeting their desired compensation, hours or level of skill and experience, increased to 16.5% in June from 16.4% in May. The underemployment rate last month was the highest since the Labor Department started tracking it in 1994.

"[16.5% is] the real amount if unemployed people out there. If anything you see wage growth is not there, hourly earnings and the workweek is lower. Now you have a recipe that is a mess here, because nothing is improving.
Unemployment Rises, Payroll Losses Far Exceed Analysts' Estimates - Money Morning

My facts are straight.

Add in the Bush team gave the Obama team incorrect numbers about how bad the deficit really was..and I am not so sure his UE numbers were right either.

Based on what? Your opinion? I've provided links to show how bad the economy got, and it DID NOT improve after the stimulus bill was passed. The unemployment numbers shot up to 10% only after the passage of the stimulus bill by Congress in 2009. Also my typing error should have had unemployment at 7.6% not 6.7% before the stimulus bill passage. 7.6% unemployment 9.4%unemployment 10.2% unemployment
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Someone needs to tell Christie that is the legislative branch's duty. It is the height of hypocrisy for any republican, who have been nothing more than roadblocks, to criticize Obama when they - the republicans - have done nothing. Nothing.

Did you see my thread about Romney asking Obama "the hard questions?" Wish he'd throw some of them at the Obstructionist Party.
Get your facts straight, unemployment was 6.7% before the stimulus passed then shot up to 10% after the stimulus. If you are looking at a 0.9% reduction in unemployment as a success that's pathetic!! You might also want to check out the Underemployment numbers as well before you start boasting the success of the stimulus:

Underemployment, where desperate workers take jobs that are not meeting their desired compensation, hours or level of skill and experience, increased to 16.5% in June from 16.4% in May. The underemployment rate last month was the highest since the Labor Department started tracking it in 1994.

"[16.5% is] the real amount if unemployed people out there. If anything you see wage growth is not there, hourly earnings and the workweek is lower. Now you have a recipe that is a mess here, because nothing is improving.
Unemployment Rises, Payroll Losses Far Exceed Analysts' Estimates - Money Morning

My facts are straight.

Add in the Bush team gave the Obama team incorrect numbers about how bad the deficit really was..and I am not so sure his UE numbers were right either.

Based on what? Your opinion? I've provided links to show how bad the economy got, and it DID NOT improve after the stimulus bill was passed. The unemployment numbers shot up to 10% only after the passage of the stimulus bill by Congress in 2009.

How quickly they forget...the rapid rise in unemployment started before Obama took office. When Bush left office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We've had steady job GAINS since the Stimulus.
Get your facts straight, unemployment was 6.7% before the stimulus passed then shot up to 10% after the stimulus. If you are looking at a 0.9% reduction in unemployment as a success that's pathetic!! You might also want to check out the Underemployment numbers as well before you start boasting the success of the stimulus:

Underemployment, where desperate workers take jobs that are not meeting their desired compensation, hours or level of skill and experience, increased to 16.5% in June from 16.4% in May. The underemployment rate last month was the highest since the Labor Department started tracking it in 1994.

"[16.5% is] the real amount if unemployed people out there. If anything you see wage growth is not there, hourly earnings and the workweek is lower. Now you have a recipe that is a mess here, because nothing is improving.
Unemployment Rises, Payroll Losses Far Exceed Analysts' Estimates - Money Morning

My facts are straight.

Add in the Bush team gave the Obama team incorrect numbers about how bad the deficit really was..and I am not so sure his UE numbers were right either.

Based on what? Your opinion? I've provided links to show how bad the economy got, and it DID NOT improve after the stimulus bill was passed. The unemployment numbers shot up to 10% only after the passage of the stimulus bill by Congress in 2009.

Don't expect a liberal to ever tell the truth if they did their entire ideology would collapse around them.. it's nothing more than propaganda and scare tactics.. the politics of division and personal destruction. No greater enemy does America face than the far left nutjobs who despise capitalism and apologize for this nation with every other word out of their mouths.
Get your facts straight, unemployment was 6.7% before the stimulus passed then shot up to 10% after the stimulus. If you are looking at a 0.9% reduction in unemployment as a success that's pathetic!! You might also want to check out the Underemployment numbers as well before you start boasting the success of the stimulus:

Underemployment, where desperate workers take jobs that are not meeting their desired compensation, hours or level of skill and experience, increased to 16.5% in June from 16.4% in May. The underemployment rate last month was the highest since the Labor Department started tracking it in 1994.

"[16.5% is] the real amount if unemployed people out there. If anything you see wage growth is not there, hourly earnings and the workweek is lower. Now you have a recipe that is a mess here, because nothing is improving.
Unemployment Rises, Payroll Losses Far Exceed Analysts' Estimates - Money Morning

My facts are straight.

Add in the Bush team gave the Obama team incorrect numbers about how bad the deficit really was..and I am not so sure his UE numbers were right either.

Based on what? Your opinion? I've provided links to show how bad the economy got, and it DID NOT improve after the stimulus bill was passed. The unemployment numbers shot up to 10% only after the passage of the stimulus bill by Congress in 2009. Also my typing error should have had unemployment at 7.6% not 6.7% before the stimulus bill passage.

Increase in unemployment rate in January 2009, The Editor's Desk 7.6% unemployment
Unemployment Hits 8.5% - 663,000 More Jobs Lost -
Jobless Rate Rises to 9.4%, but Pace of Losses Slows - 9.4%unemployment
Unemployment rate hits 10.2%, worst since 1983 - Nov. 6, 2009 10.2% unemployment

The stimulus wasn't implemented the very second the bill passed..or does that little nugget of information completely evade your reasoning.

It takes a good deal of time to get money to places..and much more time to spend it.

The fact remains..that UE numbers have been getting better since it was rolled out.
Get your facts straight, unemployment was 6.7% before the stimulus passed then shot up to 10% after the stimulus. If you are looking at a 0.9% reduction in unemployment as a success that's pathetic!! You might also want to check out the Underemployment numbers as well before you start boasting the success of the stimulus:

My facts are straight.

Add in the Bush team gave the Obama team incorrect numbers about how bad the deficit really was..and I am not so sure his UE numbers were right either.

Based on what? Your opinion? I've provided links to show how bad the economy got, and it DID NOT improve after the stimulus bill was passed. The unemployment numbers shot up to 10% only after the passage of the stimulus bill by Congress in 2009.

Don't expect a liberal to ever tell the truth if they did their entire ideology would collapse around them.. it's nothing more than propaganda and scare tactics.. the politics of division and personal destruction. No greater enemy does America face than the far left nutjobs who despise capitalism and apologize for this nation with every other word out of their mouths.

You guys lie all the time. Bush completely fucked up the economy. Completely and utterly.

And you guys want to blame all that on Obama.

Got it. :lol:
Get your facts straight, unemployment was 6.7% before the stimulus passed then shot up to 10% after the stimulus. If you are looking at a 0.9% reduction in unemployment as a success that's pathetic!! You might also want to check out the Underemployment numbers as well before you start boasting the success of the stimulus:

My facts are straight.

Add in the Bush team gave the Obama team incorrect numbers about how bad the deficit really was..and I am not so sure his UE numbers were right either.

Based on what? Your opinion? I've provided links to show how bad the economy got, and it DID NOT improve after the stimulus bill was passed. The unemployment numbers shot up to 10% only after the passage of the stimulus bill by Congress in 2009. Also my typing error should have had unemployment at 7.6% not 6.7% before the stimulus bill passage.

Increase in unemployment rate in January 2009, The Editor's Desk 7.6% unemployment
Unemployment Hits 8.5% - 663,000 More Jobs Lost -
Jobless Rate Rises to 9.4%, but Pace of Losses Slows - 9.4%unemployment
Unemployment rate hits 10.2%, worst since 1983 - Nov. 6, 2009 10.2% unemployment

The stimulus wasn't implemented the very second the bill passed..or does that little nugget of information completely evade your reasoning.

It takes a good deal of time to get money to places..and much more time to spend it.

The fact remains..that UE numbers have been getting better since it was rolled out.

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cuckoo: These moronic lefties actually expect NORMAL Americans to believe their propaganda.. NO ONE DOES Sallow because guess what?? IT'S ALL A DAMN LIE.. No longer are the days where you libs could sit and lie your asses off about everything and have the elite media cover for you.. Those days are over.
How quickly they forget...the rapid rise in unemployment started before Obama took office. When Bush left office, we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. We've had steady job GAINS since the Stimulus.

Liberal math is always more than a bit fuzzy, as well as lacking on any supported facts. I've already shown posted articles of these unemployment and underemployment increases (specificly the New York Times as well, as you libs like to use THEM as a source for information). You seem to be lacking in your "comprehension" of unemployment facts, as underemployment numbers are over 18% in November 2011.
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UE was 7.8% when Obama came in, and losing 700k/mo. The hemorraging ended 11/4/2009, thanks to the stimulus, brainwashed dittoheads. Unfortunately, Pubs have blocked all legislation since 2/2010,and the recovery stalled, with its nadir in August when GOP disfunction NO COMPROMISE
"un-AMERICAN" (TIME mag) caused a 3 month world stall. Worst party in the modern world- the 2 stupidest wars EVER AND a DEPRESSION! And then the silly brainwashed (Fox/Rush/Rev Moon/Kochbot...) dupes...change the channel.

Corzine: Failed Stimulus, stole at least $1 Billion from his clients
He makes great points, and he seems to get things done in his state so he walks his talk.

Democrats in his state are willing to work with Republicans. Republicans hate Obama's guts and will never work with him on anything. It's not like they haven't told us that over and over again.

The party of "Let him die" who applauds executions are showing their "values" fighting the (rolls eyes) Kenyan, Muslim, Mau Mau man-child.

Corzine: Failed Stimulus, stole at least $1 Billion from his clients

He didn't "steal" diddly.

He was employed by MF Global to steer the direction of their investments and like most CEOs he took a big risk with other people's money.

Don't like risk? Don't play the game.

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