Chris Christie removes all doubt that he is a RINO

Fascist ?
it’s hard to understand the posts of someone with little access to a dictionary. Fascism is right wing, pro Putin and No. Korean anti democracy ideology. You must have run out of your other “ isms”. Ha ha. Use correct vocabulary when you post.
By threatening NATO

by threatening to pull out if NATO ?
Trump rolled over for Putin every chance he had.

Who was the President went Putin invaded Georgia and Ukraine?

A) Trump
B) Low IQ Joe
C) the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief
Who was the President went Putin invaded Georgia and Ukraine?

A) Trump
B) Low IQ Joe
C) the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief
Who was president during 9/11, the war in Iraq and 10 of the last 11 recessions. Who unleasehed more terrorism in the Middle East then ever. Who was president when hostilities started in Vietnam ? All republican presidents.

It is Biden who is holding nato together and defending Ukrain from a brutal dictator that republicans under Trump cherished.
Who was the President went Putin invaded Georgia and Ukraine?

A) Trump
B) Low IQ Joe
C) the cowardly closeted compromised communist Kenyan Cocksucker in Chief
Joe, you mean the guy who beat Trump by 7 million votes ? What kind of an IQ does Trump have, when he suggested nuking Hurricaines, looking into swallowing industrial cleaner and writes love letters to a No Korean dictator ?

He claimed covid could be solved without a vaccine while he gets it regularly himself….do you want to see a complete list of Trump stupidity ? Oh, he’s a loser. He hasn’t stopped losing.
You still haven't. Protip Trump will run just long enough to suck as much money as he can, then quit, this causing chaos and a Democrat victory.
Hard-working Americans can’t fill their tanks or their kitchen pantries thanks to Bidenflation, hundreds of thousands of illegals are ready to swamp the border and burden us further thanks to Biden’s lifting of Title 42, Russia has flattened Ukraine thanks to Biden’s weakness, Progs are threatening SCOTUS justices to change their votes with Biden’s blessings, half of all voters have just been demonized on a level equal to the KKK thanks to Biden’s divisiveness….

….. and you’re complaining about the previous president?
Hard-working Americans can’t fill their tanks or their kitchen pantries thanks to Bidenflation, hundreds of thousands of illegals are ready to swamp the border and burden us further thanks to Biden’s lifting of Title 42, Russia has flattened Ukraine thanks to Biden’s weakness, Progs are threatening SCOTUS justices to change their votes with Biden’s blessings, half of all voters have just been demonized on a level equal to the KKK thanks to Biden’s divisiveness….

….. and you’re complaining about the previous president?
Hilarious. You must love recessions where people are actually out of work….like in every GOP president including Trump. Maybe, you like the thousands of unnecessary deaths Trump is responsible for. Maybe, you prefer active dictatorial attempts by the gop and Trump to control the electoral process. Maybe, you plan on installing Trump as president, a possession he’s proved he can never get elected to. That makes his supporters, unconstitutional, ignorant and gullible repugnants.
Hilarious. You must love recessions where people are actually out of work….like in every GOP president including Trump. Maybe, you like the thousands of unnecessary deaths Trump is responsible for. Maybe, you prefer active dictatorial attempts by the gop and Trump to control the electoral process. Maybe, you plan on installing Trump as president, a possession he’s proved he can never get elected to. That makes his supporters, unconstitutional, ignorant and gullible repugnants.
^^^ another deluded leftist, full of hate and name-calling for people who won’t vote the way he wants, and not worthy of my brain cells to formulate a response
^^^ another deluded leftist, full of hate and name-calling for people who won’t vote the way he wants, and not worthy of my brain cells to formulate a response
So you’re incapable. Figured.
Sure, when you count the fraudulent votes.
Hilarious. 7 million fraud votes. Amazing. That’s just made up shit. No evidence. But click your heels together three times the next time you believe Trump ‘s made up shit.
Who was president during 9/11,

Your hero W, the biggest spending Zionist Fascist worst traitor in American history, and you LOVE HIM, and all of the W 911 Zionist "Biden Republicans"

See the source image

See the source image

What is W thinking there???

This guy holding me and his wife Barack are HIDING IN THE CLOSET and hence will do the same for 911
Joe, you mean the guy who beat Trump by 7 million votes ? What kind of an IQ does Trump have, when he suggested nuking Hurricaines, looking into swallowing industrial cleaner and writes love letters to a No Korean dictator ?

He claimed covid could be solved without a vaccine while he gets it regularly himself….do you want to see a complete list of Trump stupidity ? Oh, he’s a loser. He hasn’t stopped losing.

It is pretty funny that all your side can do is whine about Trump and brag that your side is full of traitors with total contempt for America and free and fair elections.

You are not the "loyal opposition."

You are way way past that...
Hilarious. 7 million fraud votes. Amazing. That’s just made up shit. No evidence. But click your heels together three times the next time you believe Trump ‘s made up shit.

Actually about 20 million.

Low IQ Joe did in the general what he did in the primaries in Iowa and NH - he went OFF A CLIFF the more the voters observed him....
Hilarious. 7 million fraud votes. Amazing. That’s just made up shit. No evidence. But click your heels together three times the next time you believe Trump ‘s made up shit.
Did you watch the documentary that Dinesh made?

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