Chris Christie removes all doubt that he is a RINO

And your point is? Is he any different from any other politician? I know I and the rest of the world was better off and more secure during his admin than under the current vegetable.
He is different than other politicians. He tried to undermine the constitution and would not let go of the "presidency" when the voters declined to re-elect him. He lost. He was preaching voter fraud before the election took place because he knew he was going to be the loser. The man has the intellect of a meatball. He's a power hungry authoritarian who lost the election but couldn't let go. No other president put himself before the constitution and the peaceful transfer of power.

Russian intelligence summed him up quite nicely:

Trump is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.
This is more of the same old crap when your side bashed the Tea Party.
Tea party ? Wow, there’s a history to hang your hat on.
”The Tea Party does not have a single uniform agenda. The decentralized character of the Tea Party, with its lack of formal structure or hierarchy, allows each autonomous group to set its own priorities and goals. Goals may conflict, and priorities will often differ between groups.”
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Trump is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.
And rightfully so. He is inferior to everyone except his followers. Reminds me of the joke……”did you hear about the Oklahoma Sooner who moved to Texas and raised the IQ level of both states ? “
Most of us knew Christie was a RINO, now it's so very obvious.

---Trump Hammers Christie for Call to Move Past 2020 Election Claims---

---''Chris Christie, who just made a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) in Las Vegas, was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud. Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating — a record low---

Trump is also a RINO.
Trump is also a RINO.
Yup. Trump is whatever he needs to be to convince the next gullible sucker to give him a second thought.
When his first chief of staff was asked what Trump’s agenda would be the first year, he replied, “ we’ll just have to go through his campaign speeches to see what he promised. “ Needless to say, the only ones who had his ear were his large campaign donors. Where was that great healthcare and infrastructure, a wall and all that other shit he promised ?
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Trump is a conservative

Really ? So you admit republicans are racist, fascist anti constitutional no policy, power hungry, money grabbing, Putin loving criminals ? Cause Trump is all of the above.
Republicans care about our heritage, obviously Democrats don't.
Most of us knew Christie was a RINO, now it's so very obvious.

---Trump Hammers Christie for Call to Move Past 2020 Election Claims---

---''Chris Christie, who just made a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) in Las Vegas, was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud. Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating — a record low---

t hat guy is really fat
We DO have to move on from the 2020 election. This election a few days ago is proof of that. Republicans won many seats, including the most important one, Virginia. New Jersey was supposed to be a democrat landslide, no one even payed attention to New Jersey, because it was a lost cause. The fact that Citarreli was that close to a win and republicans took many other elections, should be hard core proof that we CAN win! We CAN win despite several right wing kooks saying that it is pointless to ever vote again. We CAN win! Get your stupid, cousin fucking asses out there and vote!
nowhere in this post do I find a reason to forget about ("move on" from) vote fraud/ vote theft / corruption.... of 2020
Trump the Putin ass kisser doesn’t even come a close second ?

There is a parallel in today's political reality.

The left wing TDS still has not figured out the entire "Russia" narrative against Trump came from a fraudulent "dossier" cooked up by the Hillary campaign....

Just like the SUBs are the only demographic on the planet unable to figure out 911 was a false flag fraud by the Zionist fascists....
There is a parallel in today's political reality.

The left wing TDS still has not figured out the entire "Russia" narrative against Trump came from a fraudulent "dossier" cooked up by the Hillary campaign....

Just like the SUBs are the only demographic on the planet unable to figure out 911 was a false flag fraud by the Zionist fascists....
Lots of babble. Really, you don’t even see a connection of Trump with his anti nato pro Russian stance and his fascist tendencies. Get real, Trump is just what the gop has prepped you guys for. Lots of rhetoric but no rational thinking at all.
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his fascist tendencies.


You are another form of SUB who uses words incorrectly, because you really do not understand the defintion.

A Fascist is a National Socialist who supports

Gun control/confiscation
state sponsored DNA discrimination
false flag attacks/hate hoaxes
using a biased/controlled media to lie to the people
Requiring "papers" to be allowed to move around
state sponsored abortions

Trump is not a fascist. You are....

You are another form of SUB who uses words incorrectly, because you really do not understand the defintion.

A Fascist is a National Socialist who supports

Gun control/confiscation
state sponsored DNA discrimination
false flag attacks/hate hoaxes
using a biased/controlled media to lie to the people
Requiring "papers" to be allowed to move around
state sponsored abortions

Trump is not a fascist. You are....
Sure, all that made up shit is in every dictionary. How about overthrowing the govt ? You’re fine with that too, cause that’s Trump’s story. You know, the guy who paraded around kissing Putin’s butt, the murderous thug. You’re on the wrong side if you love Putin, Trump and fascist dictators like Trump lover the No Korean bitch.
Trump is not a fascist. You are..
When was the last time you caught a liberal butt pumped by Putin. Trump is a Putin ally . The fking NRA are Putin Humpers. You have to be a crook and a thug just to get top position in the NRA.
When was the last time you caught a liberal butt pumped by Putin. Trump is a Putin ally . The fking NRA are Putin Humpers. You have to be a crook and a thug just to get top position in the NRA.

Good lord, your entire party is left of socialist.

Donald Trump kept Putin in check.

Your Zionist Fascist hero Low IQ Joe showed the weakness and incompetence to let the cat out of the bag....

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