Chris Christie removes all doubt that he is a RINO

His policies kept Putin in his office and out of Ukraine. Seems Obama had to gift his love interest Crimea to keep him quiet and now Biden is going to give him another half of the country that remains.
Putin thought Trump would dissolve NATO and then he could overtake Ukraine without resistance. He only attacked when he realized Trump was a loser and will most likely never be president again.
Most of us knew Christie was a RINO, now it's so very obvious.

---Trump Hammers Christie for Call to Move Past 2020 Election Claims---

---''Chris Christie, who just made a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) in Las Vegas, was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud. Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating — a record low---

He's dead right.

You MAGA morons are never going to get back in the White House until you drop the ridiculous bullshit about a 'stolen election'.
Most people think the whole thing is just ridiculous.
Do you think I really care ? You’re saying he never ran as a Republican ? What do you think it takes to be a real republican, a doing liar and BS artist like Trump ? Or a traitor like Trump ? Or a fascist worshiper like Trump.
Trump was trying to do what patriotic Americans wanted him to do.
Never let the cheat succeed
Hiding under the guise of religion, the so called morality of the right is a scam. Lie, cheat and steal elections under the pretense of voter integrity which the right never respected to begin with. The right is a joke.
Trump was trying to do what patriotic Americans wanted him to do.
Oh, the patriotic Americans wanted him to what ? Be incompetent start recessions and steal billions of their tax dollars for the donors, side with Putin and any dictator he could buy off ? There is no morality on the right, just bigotry, anti American scamming. Go sell your wares to all the gullible dufus traitor trash bigots who readily consume QAnon and the fake shit the right has spread for decades.
Chris Wray is one of America's worst traitors ever, surpassing J Edgar easily.

It is amusing to see complete morons like you buying all of his lies...

What Hunter Biden laptop???
Really ? Trump the Putin ass kisser doesn’t even come a close second ?
A true republican follows the money
Really ? The money that went from our paychecks into Trumps wealthy donors ? Really. Why don’t you follow the money…..
We DO have to move on from the 2020 election. This election a few days ago is proof of that. Republicans won many seats, including the most important one, Virginia. New Jersey was supposed to be a democrat landslide, no one even payed attention to New Jersey, because it was a lost cause. The fact that Citarreli was that close to a win and republicans took many other elections, should be hard core proof that we CAN win! We CAN win despite several right wing kooks saying that it is pointless to ever vote again. We CAN win! Get your stupid, cousin fucking asses out there and vote!
We shouldn't move on from it considering what they actually did and what has resulted from it. It's beyond treason and the fact is we move on from it then the water gets that much hotter. Whatever side the media is on and whatever they are pushing I am pushing against.

The 2022 election or 2024 election? No consequences for the OBVIOUS FRAUD.

More and more articles revealing it and then it all miraculously goes away.

Of course youtube has eradicated all reports about Eric Coomer who was recently arrested and created the Dominion Voting Systems.

Bottom line is we allow it and that is what we are doing, well it's going to happen again. Unless you actually believe the elections weren't stolen cause cnn and msnbc claim it is absurd to believe it.
Really ? Trump the Putin ass kisser doesn’t even come a close second ?

Really ? The money that went from our paychecks into Trumps wealthy donors ? Really. Why don’t you follow the money…..
That go for hunter and him being paid? No? About that clinton Russian oil thing? Nothing eh? Trump who was never into politics....

Nevermind. What's the point? All of the richest men in the world are dedicated New world order democrat globalists but you want to follow the money with Trump only.
Hiding under the guise of religion, the so called morality of the right is a scam. Lie, cheat and steal elections under the pretense of voter integrity which the right never respected to begin with. The right is a joke.
irony there bubba.
Look at what the cult did to Liz Cheney, easily one of the most conservative members of Congress.
Are you shitting me, nothing she says or does resembles and conservative in my neck of the woods. She reminds me of John McCain and huge RINO
Are you shitting me, nothing she says or does resembles and conservative in my neck of the woods. She reminds me of John McCain and huge RINO
Wow. Then in your neck of the woods, they don't give you very good information.

Wow. Then in your neck of the woods, they don't give you very good information.

our opinions matter more to us than paid hacks, thanks for admitting you are programmed
our opinions matter more to us than paid hacks, thanks for admitting you are programmed
Just pointing out the facts.

I realize you folks have been programmed to believe that disagreeing with your orange earthly deity is a sin, but that doesn't make it true.

Cheney is a solid conservative. She's just not a mindless, obedient Trumpster.
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Oh, the patriotic Americans wanted him to what ? Be incompetent start recessions and steal billions of their tax dollars for the donors, side with Putin and any dictator he could buy off ? There is no morality on the right, just bigotry, anti American scamming. Go sell your wares to all the gullible dufus traitor trash bigots who readily consume QAnon and the fake shit the right has spread for decades.
This is more of the same old crap when your side bashed the Tea Party.
Just pointing out the facts.

I realize you folks have been programmed to believe that disagreeing with your orange earthly deity is a sin, but that doesn't make it true.

Cheney is a solid conservative. She's just not a mindless, obedient Trumpster.
We agree with him because are disposable income stays at home, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out

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