Chris Christie removes all doubt that he is a RINO

Your hero W, the biggest spending Zionist Fascist worst traitor in American history, and you LOVE HIM, and all of the W 911 Zionist "Biden Republicans"

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What is W thinking there???

This guy holding me and his wife Barack are HIDING IN THE CLOSET and hence will do the same for 911
W was a Zionist lol Trump
Moved the Embassy W said he would move but did not ...
Did you watch the documentary that Dinesh made?
A documentary isn’t evidence. Where is your evidence ? If there were any, it would be in a judges hands for adjudication. Your ignorance and gullibility is stunning.

You loser guys buy any Conspiracy theory down the road that backs a loser…..
Actually about 20 million.

Low IQ Joe did in the general what he did in the primaries in Iowa and NH - he went OFF A CLIFF the more the voters observed him....
What happened to the three million Mexican aliens in 20k busses during the first elections ?

Now it’s up to 20 million that got by all the gop poll watchers.
How stupid and incompetent you guys are. You couldn’t even convince Trump appointed judges. Maybe, you just lost the evidence ? Hilarious.
Actually about 20 million.

Low IQ Joe did in the general what he did in the primaries in Iowa and NH - he went OFF A CLIFF the more the voters observed him....
Low IQ Joe stole the election and confused the entire republican appointed judiciary and the conservative Supreme Court ? Joe is one smart mother fker.
It is pretty funny that all your side can do is whine about Trump and brag that your side is full of traitors with total contempt for America and free and fair elections.

You are not the "loyal opposition."

You are way way past that...
Whaaaaa. Baby Boo boo.
He is a turnip
You’re speechless. Trump doesn’t have the mentality of a mature cucumber when as president with the FBI, CIA and the entire intel network at his disposal, by your own admission, he was confused by Joe. Hilarious. You’re claiming a low IQ person beat the shit out of all of you. How many dimwits on your side ?
I am no W fan, however, Obummer is the biggest spender in the history of the country.
Really ? You guys like to make up shit.
Obama cut the deficit from Bush who spent like a drunken sailor but didn’t pay for it. Conservatives confuse spending with tax cuts. They have never reduced spending. Arithmetic isn’t a conservative prerogative.
EVERY ADMIN increases spending. It seems Obama increased the lowest amount.
I am no W fan, however, Obummer is the biggest spender in the history of the country.

You may be right.

The period of American WO

The disaster that was the W/O total rejection of truth, fiscal conservatism, patriotism to America, and keeping homos off American kids

and keeping 911 truth IN THE CLOSET with homo Michael Robinson and his wife Barack....


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Most of us knew Christie was a RINO, now it's so very obvious.

---Trump Hammers Christie for Call to Move Past 2020 Election Claims---

---''Chris Christie, who just made a speech at the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) in Las Vegas, was just absolutely massacred by his statements that Republicans have to move on from the past, meaning the 2020 Election Fraud. Everybody remembers that Chris left New Jersey with a less than 9% approval rating — a record low---

I'm not exactly sure what a RINO is. It seems to me like the definition has changed over the last several years.
Interesting how being a "RINO" has nothing to do with the actual issues.

All that matters is that you kiss and defend the orange ring, no matter what.

If you don't, you're just an Evil Radical Hitler Chinese Socialist Nazi Venezuelan Soros Deep State Swamp Commie™.
It would be foolish for repubs to ignore cheating in 2020 lest it happen again in 2022 and 2024
You may be right.

The period of American WO

The disaster that was the W/O total rejection of truth, fiscal conservatism, patriotism to America, and keeping homos off American kids

and keeping 911 truth IN THE CLOSET with homo Michael Robinson and his wife Barack....


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Nope, he‘s wrong. Obama cut the deficit from Bush. He inherited the biggest recession since 1929 from republican Bush. 10 of the last 11 recessions were under repugnants. Nearly Every Dem president cut the deficit, every repugnant grew the deficit. Republucans want free stuff.

Any Republican still defending the worst traitor in US history, W

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Seriously ? Trump tried to overthrow an election, sided with Putin and any dictator over his own military and gov, intel, and Bush who lied about wmd is worse ? Not only is Trump a traitor he’s trying to get battle ground states to overturn election results he doesn’t like.

Seriously ? Trump tried to overthrow an election, sided with Putin and any dictator over his own military and gov, intel, and Bush who lied about wmd is worse ? Not only is Trump a traitor he’s trying to get battle ground states to overturn election results he doesn’t like.

Good lord....


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