We must restore constitutional government

The people tasked with enforcing our laws are the same people violating our most important laws....

Beyond the controversial ways stingray technology works, the secrecy and deception law enforcement agencies use to cloak their use of the devices is also troubling. Law enforcement agencies around the country have routinely used the devices without obtaining a warrant from judges. In cases where they did obtain a warrant, they often deceived judges about the nature of the technology they planned to use. Instead of telling judges that they intended to use a stingray or cell site simulator, they have often mischaracterized the technology, describing it as a pen register device instead.

Hacker Lexicon: Stingrays, the Spy Tool the Government Tried, and Failed, to Hide

Bet you wish you were back in 2016!

Without secession, you will lose all 50 states eventually to the commies. That's the score bub!

reps dems wolf.jpg
Yet you’re supporting someone who wants government to pay for IVF.

Yep...your “dream” is possibly being undone by your own voting.
Psst….CC…as I keep explaining to you over and over and over…the President of the United States sits in the Executive branch of government. Its the Legislative branch (ie Congress) that creates, alters, or abolishes laws (such as “the federal government is will now pay for IVF”) 🤦‍♂️

Is there a local community college near you that you could take a basic civics course so you understand how your own government operates? I will pay for the class for you. Seriously.
Yet you’re supporting someone who wants government to pay for IVF.

Yep...your “dream” is possibly being undone by your own voting.
Also, aside from the fact that it will never happen as the President has 0 power to do that, my choices are:

1. Elect a party that wants government to pay for IVF

2. Elect a party that wants totalitarian control over the entire U.S. A party that has trampled state’s rights. A party that literally eliminated the 1st Amendment in New York (making it an actual crime to call a man a man). A party that literally eliminated the 2nd Amendment in New York, Chicago, Washington D.C., and more. A party that literally eliminated the 4th Amendment recently when Joe Biden expanded warrantless surveillance against U.S. citizens. A party that has pissed away trillions of taxpayer’s dollars in waste, fraud, and abuse. A party that embraces an extremist ideology no matter how much it fails…then doubles down on the failure when it does fail.

Hmmm…gee….this is a tough one. A party committed to unconstitutional federal government wielding totalitarian power or a party that wants 1 unconstitutional item. What would you do, CC? This is really tough!
Also, aside from the fact that it will never happen as the President has 0 power to do that, my choices are:

1. Elect a party that wants government to pay for IVF

2. Elect a party that wants totalitarian control over the entire U.S. A party that has trampled state’s rights. A party that literally eliminated the 1st Amendment in New York (making it an actual crime to call a man a man). A party that literally eliminated the 2nd Amendment in New York, Chicago, Washington D.C., and more. A party that literally eliminated the 4th Amendment recently when Joe Biden expanded warrantless surveillance against U.S. citizens. A party that has pissed away trillions of taxpayer’s dollars in waste, fraud, and abuse. A party that embraces an extremist ideology no matter how much it fails…then doubles down on the failure when it does fail.

Hmmm…gee….this is a tough one. A party committed to unconstitutional federal government wielding totalitarian power or a party that wants 1 unconstitutional item. What would you do, CC? This is really tough!
Strange that he said he was going to fund IVFs. I guess he was lying again?

Perhaps you could brush up on what your idol has been saying lately

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