Nazis were Fascist not socialists

Fascism is Italian ... private enterprise fulfilling the functions of government ... because Italian government at the time was fucked up in the extreme ...

Bolsheviks were taking over Bavaria ... and Weimar Republic did nothing ... only the Nazis were fighting the Communists ... so Nazis got elected ... simple ...

Nazis were business friendly as long as the business was owned by Germans ... they killed the Poles in Poland and moved Germans onto the land ... the opposite of Democrats ...

The President H was boxed in my communist and Nazis and sided with the later as the huge SA was scary
They only used socialists in their party name because it was very popular at the time

They hated the working class , peasants and unions

Their pact with giant corporations and industries was only to benefit the elites of the party

Hitler hated communist and many Jews were also far leftist in Europe and communism members
Guffaw. The Nazis believed in total government control of the economy. They believed the government had the right to seize or run any business. They believed the government had the right to tell businesses whom they could and could not hire. They imposed a wide range of wage and price controls. Sound familiar?

For all of their many faults, the Nazis most certainly did not "hate the working class." The Nazis hated lots of groups, but they did not hate the working class. They even set up a program to pay for working-class families to take vacations. One of the reasons, if not the main reason, that Hitler enjoyed such enormous popularity during his first several years in power, before 1939, is that he greatly raised the standard of living for the average German (plus, he had not yet revealed what a despicable monster he was).

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