Chris Christie Signals He’ll Take on Trump


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020
The former New Jersey governor has launched what amounts to a de facto exploratory bid for president, and it’s already put him on a collision course with his longtime political ally.

While Christie’s criticism of the party’s focus on the 2020 election results and subtle knocks on other aspects of Trump’s term are designed to create a distinct lane for him in the 2024 primary, he’s also courting confrontation with a former president who still commands the loyalty of the Republican base.

The former New Jersey governor has launched what amounts to a de facto exploratory bid for president, and it’s already put him on a collision course with his longtime political ally.

While Christie’s criticism of the party’s focus on the 2020 election results and subtle knocks on other aspects of Trump’s term are designed to create a distinct lane for him in the 2024 primary, he’s also courting confrontation with a former president who still commands the loyalty of the Republican base.

The former New Jersey governor has launched what amounts to a de facto exploratory bid for president, and it’s already put him on a collision course with his longtime political ally.

While Christie’s criticism of the party’s focus on the 2020 election results and subtle knocks on other aspects of Trump’s term are designed to create a distinct lane for him in the 2024 primary, he’s also courting confrontation with a former president who still commands the loyalty of the Republican base.

Christie is setting himself up as the anti-Trump for 2024. Christie played a "large" role in Trump getting the nomination, so he will have some explaining or mea culpas to do.

Christie is in the mold of the old, dare I say it, moderate Republican faction. If Trump's sheen really starts to dim, Christie wants the anti-Trumpers or moderates, or what is left of them, to throw their weight behind him.

I would not count him out. He has a gigantic void he needs to fill.
The former New Jersey governor has launched what amounts to a de facto exploratory bid for president, and it’s already put him on a collision course with his longtime political ally.

While Christie’s criticism of the party’s focus on the 2020 election results and subtle knocks on other aspects of Trump’s term are designed to create a distinct lane for him in the 2024 primary, he’s also courting confrontation with a former president who still commands the loyalty of the Republican base.

An Establishment candidate who has little broad appeal and who was crushed in 2016 is going to beat a former president, outsider who already has a track record in government and attracts 30,000+ in rallies even when he is no longer president?

Good luck.
Christie is setting himself up as the anti-Trump for 2024. Christie played a "large" role in Trump getting the nomination, so he will have some explaining or mea culpas to do.

Christie is in the mold of the old, dare I say it, moderate Republican faction. If Trump's sheen really starts to dim, Christie wants the anti-Trumpers or moderates, or what is left of them, to throw their weight behind him.

I would not count him out. He has a gigantic void he needs to fill.

The Old Guard Establishment who oversaw the decline of America and the West over the last 30 years has been throwing darts out ever since Trump was elected to find the "next one".

No policies needed, no talent, no patriotism, just get rid of the thorn in the side of the failed Overlords. From Oprah to the CPL, Christie, Michelle Obama, The Rock, Howard Stern, on and on I could go. How many have they thrown out and ascended to greatness who will topple the mighty Trump Train?

It's all silly really. Why don't they try leading with policies. Oh yeah, that only works if Americans believe those policies make sense for them.
If this forum cult is any indication of the nationwide cult, no one can challenge Dear Leader. Trumpism is not about politics, it's about race, privilege, grievance and delusion, all things that no challenger can match.

For me, I am a realist. Trumps style isn't always sweet to the pallate, but he only has traction because of such a horrible job his competition has done. Not just a particular policy or even a Party, but decades of failed policies from various sources.

Trump is only in demand because he did what he said he would do and every policy from your border on out is a major loss for American sustainability and global influence.

Japans new Foreign Minister was part of a Japan/China friendship group and has stated he is going to create closer relations with China. Does that seem like a win for America and the West?

Wake up. Trump isn't the problem, he is the response to out of touch, career politicians.
The Old Guard Establishment who oversaw the decline of America and the West over the last 30 years has been throwing darts out ever since Trump was elected to find the "next one".

No policies needed, no talent, no patriotism, just get rid of the thorn in the side of the failed Overlords. From Oprah to the CPL, Christie, Michelle Obama, The Rock, Howard Stern, on and on I could go. How many have they thrown out and ascended to greatness who will topple the mighty Trump Train?

It's all silly really. Why don't they try leading with policies. Oh yeah, that only works if Americans believe those policies make sense for them.
Rump has policies? Really? The guy who kept claiming that he would push a great infrastructure bill costing trillions of dollars and then failed? The guy who now dings Biden and fellow Republicans for pushing through the very same infrastructure bill? That guy?

Let's face it, Rump has no principles. His only goal is to acquire power for the sake of power. In the pursuit of that goal, he will trample anyone who dares to challenge him - conservative principle, moral leadership be damned.
If this forum cult is any indication of the nationwide cult, no one can challenge Dear Leader. Trumpism is not about politics, it's about race, privilege, grievance and delusion, all things that no challenger can match.
Its about Progs like you saying that. To imagine a candidate like Trump winning an election when he came into it with negatives is incredible. It tells you what people think about the political class with all; of the lies.
The former New Jersey governor has launched what amounts to a de facto exploratory bid for president, and it’s already put him on a collision course with his longtime political ally.

While Christie’s criticism of the party’s focus on the 2020 election results and subtle knocks on other aspects of Trump’s term are designed to create a distinct lane for him in the 2024 primary, he’s also courting confrontation with a former president who still commands the loyalty of the Republican base.

For me, I am a realist. Trumps style isn't always sweet to the pallate, but he only has traction because of such a horrible job his competition has done. Not just a particular policy or even a Party, but decades of failed policies from various sources.

Trump is only in demand because he did what he said he would do and every policy from your border on out is a major loss for American sustainability and global influence.

What part of TRUMP IS FAR WORSE do you have trouble understanding?
What part of TRUMP IS FAR WORSE do you have trouble understanding?

You suggest far worse but don't provide any examples other than "race, privilege, grievance and delusion"? What does all of that even mean as a practical utility for the average American?

It's really simple. Either policies as a whole are good for a nations citizens or they are not good. There are degrees of "better, worse" etc. If so, compare the job Trump did to others.
You suggest far worse but don't provide any examples other than "race, privilege, grievance and delusion"? What does all of that even mean as a practical utility for the average American?

It's really simple. Either policies as a whole are good for a nations citizens or they are not good. There are degrees of "better, worse" etc. If so, compare the job Trump did to others.

You probably don't understand how either democracy, or elections, work, nor do you understand the sanctity of free and fair elections, all of which Trump has attacked, both verbally, and in actual practice on January 6th.

You see, you kinda got to start your argument about government right there, and if you can overlook the very foundation of the office of the President, and ignore over 250 years of history, you might have something worth considering. But one cannot overlook all that Trump is trying to destroy in order to regain power. At least thinking, patriotic Americans cannot ignore this.

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