Chris Cuomo is full of it

Buuuaaahahahahaha he must think we are all as dumb as he is....

"Ratings" huh?
Worked on you, dinnit.

If it had I would be watching his show....which I'm not nor ever have....are you taking your dummy pills again?....

Check who the OP is.

I know who the OP is...doesn't the red OP ribbon look nice on me?....

Beats the snot outta snot.
"Diagnosed" with COVID-19 on March 31, he had a run in with a bicyclist on April 12, who confronted him for being outside and not following quarantine rules. The bicyclist filed police report against him.
What a crock. When I saw him being interviewed he said he didn't have a fever but had weird tingles at night. WTF? He was probably having dreams that Obama was still President.

That doesn't sound bad. I have weird tingles every night. I cum into a sock, and fall asleep. :dunno:

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