Chris Hayes: I'm 'Uncomfortable' Calling Fallen Military 'Heroes'

Patriotic feelings produced by remembering our dead and wounded soldiers should always be divorced from the decision to fight or continue a war or any politcal decision for that matter, unfortunately this is not the case. How many times has some spending on veterans and their families been attached to some unpopular measure and then used as a lever to make politicians vote for it? Or opposition to a supplemental spending bill to fund the wars painted as "not supporting our troops"?

Very true; politicans (ie vote mongering whores) almost always piggy-back other items on their agenda when it comes to popular legislation.

But that does not reasonably tarnish the memory, glory, honor or heroism of those who have sacrificed life and limb for our nations freedom.

When we look at the big picture as you have done, we should always keep in mind that the more the shills gather to a cause the more righteous that cause must be to draw such an accumulation of parasites.
Patriotic feelings produced by remembering our dead and wounded soldiers should always be divorced from the decision to fight or continue a war or any politcal decision for that matter, unfortunately this is not the case. How many times has some spending on veterans and their families been attached to some unpopular measure and then used as a lever to make politicians vote for it? Or opposition to a supplemental spending bill to fund the wars painted as "not supporting our troops"?

[ame=]Durbin Compares U.S. Troops to Nazi's, Soviets, & Pol Pot - YouTube[/ame]
Nothing quite like manufactured outraged based on out-of-context quotes.

That just screams "truthiness" to me.

the people who work their little minds into a frenzy to hate others cant be bothered with any worry about trying to actually understand what people say. They have a postion to protect which is much more important to them any human beings lives and or facts and intelligent converstaion.

Their are ideas are right wether they have historically failed over and over and over or not.
Patriotic feelings produced by remembering our dead and wounded soldiers should always be divorced from the decision to fight or continue a war or any politcal decision for that matter, unfortunately this is not the case. How many times has some spending on veterans and their families been attached to some unpopular measure and then used as a lever to make politicians vote for it? Or opposition to a supplemental spending bill to fund the wars painted as "not supporting our troops"?

You must always remember that the conservatives have long rallied around the theme that if you don't support the war, you don't support the troops. At least when it has been in their partisan interest to do so.
Patriotic feelings produced by remembering our dead and wounded soldiers should always be divorced from the decision to fight or continue a war or any politcal decision for that matter, unfortunately this is not the case. How many times has some spending on veterans and their families been attached to some unpopular measure and then used as a lever to make politicians vote for it? Or opposition to a supplemental spending bill to fund the wars painted as "not supporting our troops"?

[ame=]Durbin Compares U.S. Troops to Nazi's, Soviets, & Pol Pot - YouTube[/ame]


There was a huge scandal about that.

Or did you forget Abu Ghraib?
Back in the eighties, many people criticized Ronald Reagan when he went to a Bitburg Germany ceremony,

and honored the fallen 'heroes' of the Nazi S. S. when he placed a wreath on the memorial there.

It's difficult to get this one exactly right.
Something about limp indoctrinated dweebs like Chris Hayes who sit down when they piss makes them admired by the left for some sick reason.
Patriotic feelings produced by remembering our dead and wounded soldiers should always be divorced from the decision to fight or continue a war or any politcal decision for that matter, unfortunately this is not the case. How many times has some spending on veterans and their families been attached to some unpopular measure and then used as a lever to make politicians vote for it? Or opposition to a supplemental spending bill to fund the wars painted as "not supporting our troops"?

You must always remember that the conservatives have long rallied around the theme that if you don't support the war, you don't support the troops. At least when it has been in their partisan interest to do so.

Dude, you knopw that has not one damned thing to do with the topic.

Chrissy said he feels uncomfortable refering to these war dead as heroes due to how the government exploits their memory.

He is wrong for that and a disgraceful ignoramus to boot.

Nothing the vote mongering bastards say or do changes one iota the heroism of those who have died for our nation and our freedoms.

You need to look past you ideological bias and take a fresh gander on the topic.

Yeah, why am I wasting my keystrokes? You ideologidcal fuckheads will never stop hating this nation for any reason you can find or make up out of thin air.

Even on a day like this when we are supposed to be paying our respects.
I know you like being too stupid to understand what he was saying but dont expect people with brains to join your sought out stupidity
Nothing quite like manufactured outraged based on out-of-context quotes.

That just screams "truthiness" to me.

the people who work their little minds into a frenzy to hate others cant be bothered with any worry about trying to actually understand what people say. They have a postion to protect which is much more important to them any human beings lives and or facts and intelligent converstaion.

Chrissy stepped on his dick and libtards just dont get it. So kiss off, asswipes.

Their are ideas are right wether they have historically failed over and over and over or not.

Freedom and liberty have NEVER failed except from the point of view of commies, idiots and ideological fools like you.
I know you like being too stupid to understand what he was saying but dont expect people with brains to join your sought out stupidity

He was saying he's embarassed by men and women who love their country enough to fight for it.
ARe there any viewers who still watch msnbc. Their shock tactics aren't shocking anymore. That comment section was hilarious...." I didn't know Maddow had a son"
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Patriotic feelings produced by remembering our dead and wounded soldiers should always be divorced from the decision to fight or continue a war or any politcal decision for that matter, unfortunately this is not the case. How many times has some spending on veterans and their families been attached to some unpopular measure and then used as a lever to make politicians vote for it? Or opposition to a supplemental spending bill to fund the wars painted as "not supporting our troops"?

You must always remember that the conservatives have long rallied around the theme that if you don't support the war, you don't support the troops. At least when it has been in their partisan interest to do so.

Dude, you knopw that has not one damned thing to do with the topic.

Chrissy said he feels uncomfortable refering to these war dead as heroes due to how the government exploits their memory.

He is wrong for that and a disgraceful ignoramus to boot.

Nothing the vote mongering bastards say or do changes one iota the heroism of those who have died for our nation and our freedoms.

You need to look past you ideological bias and take a fresh gander on the topic.

Yeah, why am I wasting my keystrokes? You ideologidcal fuckheads will never stop hating this nation for any reason you can find or make up out of thin air.

Even on a day like this when we are supposed to be paying our respects.

Let me ask you something.

Are all fallen soldiers heroes, to you? Or just 'your own', or those of our 'friends' in any given war?

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