Chris Mathews: Trump Was Right!

Rachel Maddow. They'll try to make anybody famous these days. Lesbians need their own channel so we don't have to hear or see them.
But I do agree with what politicians on both sides have not done in enforcing immigration laws..I lost my business to illegals in the era of the Bush jr. administration due to that very fact, and so called businessmen using illegals to work, instead of Americans...
Rachel Maddow. They'll try to make anybody famous these days. Lesbians need their own channel so we don't have to hear or see them.
They have Lifetime and we still have to see and hear women...
Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Holy Shit. That is the FIRST hard lefty I've seen with the balls to look at the Truth on this.

That is some impressive moral courage there.

I would never have thought that Chris Mathews had it in him.
Did anyone tell Chris that VHS rentals were gone years ago?

Fair point that, but he is right about the rust belt.

As an aside there is a surviving BlockBuster video in my city. I drive by it sometimes, and I wonder how the hell they are doing it.

I've toyed with the idea of interviewing the manager and trying to sell the story to a business publication.

Cause someone somewhere is doing something impressive.

Or they are mob front.
Did anyone tell Chris that VHS rentals were gone years ago?

Fair point that, but he is right about the rust belt.

As an aside there is a surviving BlockBuster video in my city. I drive by it sometimes, and I wonder how the hell they are doing it.

I've toyed with the idea of interviewing the manager and trying to sell the story to a business publication.

Cause someone somewhere is doing something impressive.

Or they are mob front.
They kept the name of Blockbuster in Rogers, Arkansas but it's a liquor store...
Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Holy Shit. That is the FIRST hard lefty I've seen with the balls to look at the Truth on this.

That is some impressive moral courage there.

I would never have thought that Chris Mathews had it in him.

And his tingle is gone.......
His brain has re-engaged.
Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Holy Shit. That is the FIRST hard lefty I've seen with the balls to look at the Truth on this.

That is some impressive moral courage there.

I would never have thought that Chris Mathews had it in him.

And his tingle is gone.......
His brain has re-engaged.

Nerve damage will do that sometimes...
Rachel Maddow. They'll try to make anybody famous these days. Lesbians need their own channel so we don't have to hear or see them.

" we don't have to hear or see them."

Possibly no one has appraised you of this fact: viewing of any cable show is purely voluntary.

I have always found Maddow to be an excellent proponent of her perspective.
Unlike the Left, we on the Right are always far more informed about the other side...and part of that is due to observing shows like Maddow's.

For me....a Maddow- Liz Cheney Show would be on my regular viewing schedule.

Let's never forget that a defining that separates us from the that we never intend to silence opposing voices.
Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Rachel Maddow is another emotionally astray liberal. She can't even do her job properly. She's only employed because so many are just like her.

And asshole liberals can stop saying Trump said Mexicans are rapists. That is a lie.
But I do agree with what politicians on both sides have not done in enforcing immigration laws..I lost my business to illegals in the era of the Bush jr. administration due to that very fact, and so called businessmen using illegals to work, instead of Americans...

I understand your point. I am getting a new roof on my house tomorrow.

I got bids from four different contractors. The one that I picked told me that he used illegals. He said that all his competitors also used illegals. He said that if any of them didn't use illegals they would never get a contract because their labor cost would be too high.

I don't like using illegals but somehow paying an extra $4-5K for my roof is less desirable.
But I do agree with what politicians on both sides have not done in enforcing immigration laws..I lost my business to illegals in the era of the Bush jr. administration due to that very fact, and so called businessmen using illegals to work, instead of Americans...

"...politicians on both sides..."

This phrase is far from accurate.

There are the Democrats...and the Democrats-Lite.....the establishment Republicans.

Both are enemies of Americans with the view you just stated.

Nowhere is that more evident than in their antipathy to President Trump:
"Top tax-writing Republican says TPP trade deal not dead in Congress

ReutersNovember 15, 2016

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady on Tuesday said Republicans should defend free trade and the party should defend the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the new Congress.

"Republicans are going to continue to support the freedom to trade," the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee said.

When it comes to the controversial TPP, which president-elect Donald Trump has opposed, Brady said the plan was defensible.

"Don't withdraw, renegotiate," he told a panel of the Wall Street Journal CEO Council. "There is plenty that levels the playing field. Renegotiate. Fix the problems that exist today. Let's find a way to move forward."
Top tax-writing Republican says TPP trade deal not dead in Congress

Hence...I have grave doubts about the success of America, Trump, and the individual.
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Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Rachel Maddow is another emotionally astray liberal. She can't even do her job properly. She's only employed because so many are just like her.

And asshole liberals can stop saying Trump said Mexicans are rapists. That is a lie.

Most of those commentators on MSNBC are batshit crazy.

It was most satisfying to see them freak out on election night.
Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Rachel Maddow is another emotionally astray liberal. She can't even do her job properly. She's only employed because so many are just like her.

And asshole liberals can stop saying Trump said Mexicans are rapists. That is a lie.

Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Full text: Donald Trump announces a presidential bid
Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Holy Shit. That is the FIRST hard lefty I've seen with the balls to look at the Truth on this.

That is some impressive moral courage there.

I would never have thought that Chris Mathews had it in him.

Yesterday I posted and article from a gay/Liberal/Democrat NYTimes columnist, Frank Bruni....

You'll find a similar perspective.....including this:

"I plan to use greater care in how I talk to and about Americans more culturally conservative than I am."

The thread:
A Liberal Democrat Lays Blame Where It Belongs
Rachel Maddow. They'll try to make anybody famous these days. Lesbians need their own channel so we don't have to hear or see them.

I thought that was what MSNBC was about?

What is the viewership these days, 30,35 people nation wide?
Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton

And the less inculcated, more intelligent, of Liberals/Democrats will come to the same conclusion.

Rachel Maddow is another emotionally astray liberal. She can't even do her job properly. She's only employed because so many are just like her.

And asshole liberals can stop saying Trump said Mexicans are rapists. That is a lie.

Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Full text: Donald Trump announces a presidential bid

"Tim Kaine falsely says Trump said 'all Mexicans are"
"The thing that amazes me is the depth of his trash talking with Latinos, saying all Mexicans are rapists and going after Latino immigrants," Kaine said.

No doubt, Trump has made controversial statements about the groups Kaine cited. But did Trump go as far as saying "all Mexicans are rapists?"

We asked the Clinton-Kaine campaign for evidence. It cited 16 instances since June 2015 when Trump said that some of the unauthorized immigrants crossing the Mexican border into the U.S. are hardened criminals and rapists.

...Trump, in none of the quotes, made the charge that "all Mexicans are rapists," as Kaine said. There’s nothing that even approached such a contention.

So we rate Kaine’s statement False." Trump didn't say 'all' Mexicans are rapists

That's from the waayyyyy Left PolitiFact.

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