Chris Matthews calls conservatives "wild-eyed creatures"

If that's Matthew's being "honest", Paint...then he's showed his honest self to be a colossal asshole.
So? Free country right?

Hey, everyone has the right to be an idiot...not sure why you would WANT to be one...but it's still your right.

I wonder at times if Matthews even realizes that he's become the punch line to a bad joke during the Obama Presidency? He'll never be viewed as a serious pundit at this point...he's just the "tingly leg guy".
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist. In november 2012, Matthews said he was glad hurricane sandy hit because it helped obama win re-election. !!!

Chris Matthews on Conservatives: 'Wild-Eyed Creatures,' 'Full Mooners' | CNS News

March 7, 2014 - 7:35 AM

( - "Do you remember the bar scene in 'Star Wars,' with all those wild-eyed creatures from every part of the solar system?" MSNBC's Chris Matthews asked at the beginning of Thursday's "Hardball."

"Well, today here in Washington, the whole tapestry of weirdness was reenacted at the annual convention of something called CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee.

"Well, actually, 'conservative' doesn't quite capture this out-of-this-world jamboree," Matthews continued. "At CPAC, it's the far-out sharing space with the even further out, a place for the crazy car to fill up with the usual suspects -- Cruz and Paul and Rubio and Bobby Jindal -- while gassing up with the craziest bunch of ideas since Rick 'Oops' Perry couldn't remember that list of government agencies he wanted to kill..."
I am not a big fan of Matthews but for all your bitching and crying I have never seen one of you blow-hards show him up to be a liar.
And as far as CPAC is concerned, HE IS RIGHT ON TARGET. So far all I have seen from this group of gop clowns is finger pointing, crying, false claims, outright lies and damn few solutions to ANY problems. I should mention that I have been greatly impressed by the large hall where a panel discussion was supposed to be held regarding bringing minorities into the party which was almost completely deserted. It showed how important it was for the gop to become an inclusive party rather than the party of old white men.
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This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist.

You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

What's wrong with Chris Matthews calling himself a journalist?
You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

What's wrong with Chris Matthews calling himself a journalist?

The claim Yurt was rebutting is that Chris Matthews never called himself a journalist.

And thanks to Yurt for pulling up that example.

I was going to search for the example where Matthews said it was his job as a journalist to help Obama have a successful presidency.
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist.

You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups
Newsbusters??? You really want us to accept your source, NEWSBUSTERS???? Newsbuster is an ultra right wing sewer site that appeals to the dim bulbs in America. Any similarity between Newsbusters and an honest journalism source is purely coincidental.
I am not surprised you are a fan.
You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups
Newsbusters??? You really want us to accept your source, NEWSBUSTERS???? Newsbuster is an ultra right wing sewer site that appeals to the dim bulbs in America. Any similarity between Newsbusters and an honest journalism source is purely coincidental.
I am not surprised you are a fan.

And they altered the video? :cuckoo:

Sir Knight, I have just pissed in my pants and there is NOHING anyone can do about it!!!!!!
You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

What's wrong with Chris Matthews calling himself a journalist?

Well lets would equate to you claiming to be intelligent...there is just no evidence to support the claim.
Chris Matthews is inevitably and not so slowly any more, turning into another Keith Olbermann.

Irrelevant, mocked, disrespected, laughed at and ridiculed by normal people, but he can take solace in the fact that he still has a few followers on this board, and of course the 5-6 permanent guests on Hardball.
You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

What's wrong with Chris Matthews calling himself a journalist?

try reading....:eusa_whistle:

and i never said there was anything wrong with it...again, learn to read
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist. In november 2012, Matthews said he was glad hurricane sandy hit because it helped obama win re-election. !!!

Chris Matthews on Conservatives: 'Wild-Eyed Creatures,' 'Full Mooners' | CNS News

March 7, 2014 - 7:35 AM

( - "Do you remember the bar scene in 'Star Wars,' with all those wild-eyed creatures from every part of the solar system?" MSNBC's Chris Matthews asked at the beginning of Thursday's "Hardball."

"Well, today here in Washington, the whole tapestry of weirdness was reenacted at the annual convention of something called CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee.

"Well, actually, 'conservative' doesn't quite capture this out-of-this-world jamboree," Matthews continued. "At CPAC, it's the far-out sharing space with the even further out, a place for the crazy car to fill up with the usual suspects -- Cruz and Paul and Rubio and Bobby Jindal -- while gassing up with the craziest bunch of ideas since Rick 'Oops' Perry couldn't remember that list of government agencies he wanted to kill..."

LOL. That's the pot calling the kettle black:
you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

What's wrong with Chris Matthews calling himself a journalist?

try reading....:eusa_whistle:

and i never said there was anything wrong with it...again, learn to read

Try reading. I never said you said it.
Tweety is the rush limbaugh of the left but at least rush admits he's an entertainer not a jouirnalist.

It looks like Chris Mathews has toned it down a little---:lol: Now if we could get Rush Limpass to do the same what a wonderful world it would be.

These two cough-cough and I mean it when I say morons--are responsible for a lot of division in this country. Rush--along with a couple of other Knuckle dragging Neanderthols are responsible for losing the women vote in this country.

Just turn them off and do your own homework.
you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

What's wrong with Chris Matthews calling himself a journalist?

try reading....:eusa_whistle:

and i never said there was anything wrong with it...again, learn to read
He's not a 'journalist', he's a Statist talking points reader and shill that gets paid big money to be a fraud.
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist.

You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

If he said that, he's taking liberties with the definition of journalist, because he's never been one.

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