Chris Matthews calls conservatives "wild-eyed creatures"

You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

you're wrong so often i wonder if you're actually just a liarstarkey

Chris Matthews isn't even trying anymore. The liberal anchor on Wednesday went into full Democratic adviser mode. Talking to Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, he turned an interview into a strategy session, saying of the campaign against Republican Scott Brown: "Let me help you on this, to the extent that I, as a journalist, can help you."

Read more: Chris Matthews to Elizabeth Warren: 'Let Me Help You' as Much as 'I, as a Journalist, Can Help' | NewsBusters

i know synthy will claim this is false because of the source, however, if you watch the video, at around 34 seconds, you can see for yourself that chris actually called himself a journalist.

go back under your rock synthy and leave politics to the grown ups

If he said that, he's taking liberties with the definition of journalist, because he's never been one.

You're all wrong about this. Matthews is a journalist; he is in the sub-category of journalists referred to as 'opinion journalists'

Learn something here (for those of you who are educable, which pretty excludes all the conservatives on this site)

Here, for example, is the Daily Beast's list of the top 25 conservative opinion journalists:

The Right's Top 25 Journalists - The Daily Beast
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist. In november 2012, Matthews said he was glad hurricane sandy hit because it helped obama win re-election. !!!

Chris Matthews on Conservatives: 'Wild-Eyed Creatures,' 'Full Mooners' | CNS News

March 7, 2014 - 7:35 AM

( - "Do you remember the bar scene in 'Star Wars,' with all those wild-eyed creatures from every part of the solar system?" MSNBC's Chris Matthews asked at the beginning of Thursday's "Hardball."

"Well, today here in Washington, the whole tapestry of weirdness was reenacted at the annual convention of something called CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Committee.

"Well, actually, 'conservative' doesn't quite capture this out-of-this-world jamboree," Matthews continued. "At CPAC, it's the far-out sharing space with the even further out, a place for the crazy car to fill up with the usual suspects -- Cruz and Paul and Rubio and Bobby Jindal -- while gassing up with the craziest bunch of ideas since Rick 'Oops' Perry couldn't remember that list of government agencies he wanted to kill..."

After all of the bitter and downright disgusting comments you and Fox news make about the president and you're upset because Chris Matthews says you are wild eyed?

CaféAuLait;8743560 said:

Matthews used to claim to be independent -- always good for a giggle, of course -- until MSNBC made the decision to go balls-out left wing a few years ago.

Now he's free to be himself, especially since the tingle ran up his leg.


yea i love "Independents" who only dislike one of the 2 parties.....the other is ok,so they vote for that one....but they are still...."Independents.....

I still miss your Enzyte guy avatar! :lol:

maybe next week....Bob wants back in the rotation....
You're such a moron.

He's never called himself a journalist. Not once.

Even the far left does not know about Chris Mathews other than his far left cheerleading.
Well, at least I know he's never been a journalist, or claimed to be one.

He proudly talks - all the time - about how he was a staffer for Tip O'Neil, in the House. He's never worked for a newspaper. He started Hardball as a left wing pundit.

Same with Lawrence O'Donnell, only from the Senate side. Has never been a journalist.

So the OP is flawed, like the OP author - just another retard who thinks he can talk about politics intelligently, yet can't even get the simple basics correct.

and....., you or any other liberscum can ???? :lmao:
So in response to being called wild-eyed, the ODSers all go off on wild-eyed hate rants.

Way to prove Matthews right, ODSers.
So in response to being called wild-eyed, the ODSers all go off on wild-eyed hate rants.

Way to prove Matthews right, ODSers.

This is simply the "narrative" that the far left pushes about conservatives in general...that they are "wild-eyed" crazy extremists. Yet when you look at who these crazy extremists actually nominate as their candidate for's always the most moderate Republican in the group. Now you would expect that when the GOP runs people like Mitt Romney...a moderate from Massachusetts...or John McCain...who was considered as a running mate for a Democratic nominee...that the far left would be too embarrassed to keep pushing such an obviously incorrect narrative but you would be oh so wrong!!! They simply accuse Romney of being "far right" and label John McCain as "McBush".

In the meantime...who do the Democrats nominate? The people judged by their performances in Congress or the Senate of being among the MOST far left of their party...Barack Obama...John Kerry...Al Gore. Yet do you see Democrats being castigated in the Main Stream Media for being crazy extremists? Yeah, right...don't hold your breath waiting to see that...:lol::lol::lol:
In the meantime...who do the Democrats nominate? The people judged by their performances in Congress or the Senate of being among the MOST far left of their party...Barack Obama...John Kerry...Al Gore. Yet do you see Democrats being castigated in the Main Stream Media for being crazy extremists? Yeah, right...don't hold your breath waiting to see that...:lol::lol::lol:
...and when is the last time anyone heard from the American MSM the words:
leftwing extremist
liberal extremist
Democrat sex scandal
moderate Democrat
This guy is so biased and yet he calls himself a journalist. In november 2012, Matthews said he was glad hurricane sandy hit because it helped obama win re-election. !!!

he's talking about wing nuts… not conservatives.

what's your problem with his characterization. stop being wild-eyed mouth breathing creatures and no problem.

The problem is that the wing-nuts call themselves conservatives. In that respect they are half right and half wrong. Genuine conservatives don't try to destroy the economy, block job growth and demonize Obama.
The republicans want their party back, and I hope they get it very soon.
The republicans want their party back, and I hope they get it very soon.

I suspect that it won't happen this year. It the Dems lose the Senate, which is highly likely, then the Republicans will have to wait until 2017 before they get another chance to retake their party.
Why is the left wing media so hysterical about the minority party? Democrats control 2/3 of the federal government so left wing media types should be bragging about what a great job their guy is doing but instead they act like bitter sore losers and become nearly hysterical about some faction that doesn't even control the republican party while Obama's foreign policy is falling apart. Maybe attacking conservatives is an excuse for not talking about real issues.
Would you want to talk about reality if you were a Democratic supporter of this Administration? Let's be honest here, folks...Barack Obama has been an unmitigated disaster as far as job creation, bringing down the health care costs of the Middle Class, foreign affairs, privacy rights, corruption of the IRS, and general truthfulness is concerned.

The truth of the matter is that we COULD have had a moderate with extensive experience at business, the rebuilding of troubled organizations and a long history of working across party lines to pass bi-partisan legislation. Instead we got another four years of Barry...who is essentially lots of promises and very little follow through.
Less is more, Yurt.

Synth was incorrect. We all know it. No need to rub it in.
You're correct, Amelia. Although the opening line of the OP still reads like he's making the assumption that Matthews is a journalist.

And I think it's extremely presumptuous of Matthews to call himself a journalist, despite any new definitions of the word from Tina Brown's Daily Beast.

Chris Matthews is no different from any other fact-based pundit, giving you their opinion.

Now, that may seem a contradiction but it's not. His opinion is formed by the facts, like countless other pundits on the Left and the Right. But there is no equivalency between Matthews and people like Rush, Sean, LEVin, who have no obligation to use any facts in their programming.

Matthews used to claim to be independent -- always good for a giggle, of course -- until MSNBC made the decision to go balls-out left wing a few years ago.

Now he's free to be himself, especially since the tingle ran up his leg.


He's a foamy-mouthed, liberal sycophant. I don't think he even knows what he believes. As long as it somehow opposes common sense, conservative thinking then he's all for it. I don't even waste my time listening to him or the Rachel Maddows of the world. I'd rather poke my eye with a straight pin.

I see USMB has picked up another retard. There must be a sale on.

Matthews was very much an enabler of Bush's Quagmire, never throwing any Hardballs during the lead-up to the illegal invasion.

He's also a social conservative, due to his very heavy (almost fanatical) Catholicism. I believe he is personally anti-abortion, but understands that it's not government's business to interfere in a woman's personal liberty.

Matthews used to claim to be independent -- always good for a giggle, of course -- until MSNBC made the decision to go balls-out left wing a few years ago.

Now he's free to be himself, especially since the tingle ran up his leg.


He's a foamy-mouthed, liberal sycophant. I don't think he even knows what he believes. As long as it somehow opposes common sense, conservative thinking then he's all for it. I don't even waste my time listening to him or the Rachel Maddows of the world. I'd rather poke my eye with a straight pin.

I see USMB has picked up another retard. There must be a sale on.

Matthews was very much an enabler of Bush's Quagmire, never throwing any Hardballs during the lead-up to the illegal invasion.

He's also a social conservative, due to his very heavy (almost fanatical) Catholicism. I believe he is personally anti-abortion, but understands that it's not government's business to interfere in a woman's personal liberty.

LOL...what Matthews "understands" is that being anti-abortion on a network like MSNBC is printing your own pink slip.

And if Chris Matthews is a "social conservative" then Barack Obama is a "fiscal conservative"! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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