Chris Rock Attacks Reporter

Ah, so you're one of those who gets off on the humiliation?

No, I don't like being humiliated. I hate it actually. I'm trying to understand what PC was getting at, but nobody, including her, can tell me. Instead, she insults me. That's really immature, and so are you backing her up.

Why do I get stuck teaching summer school??

OK...take notes: post #77

Liberals believe they can make allowances for behavior such as Chris Rock's, because of some history that he never went through.

The should read in believing that this burst of good intentions supersedes the lessons that history has taught mankind, that you no doubt learned at mommy's knee: 'Two wrongs don't make a right.'

We will not be a successful society when big government has the power to have protected groups- not race, not religion, not sexual orientation- and forms de facto classes.

This is the final insult to our Founders, who propounded equality before the law.

Get it?
How sad is it that some people want to see the world through a narrow template of politics?

Some folks don't like being ambushed with a political agenda. Some folks might be having a bad day. Some folks might find themselves being used as puppets by others to sell books.

And when genuine human emotions come to the forefront, there are some idiots who want to exploit those emotions and natural human reactions to make a silly, inept and totally unconvincing political points.

If I stub my toe on the coffee table and then writhe in pain, does that make me a Liberal or a Conservative?
How sad is it that some people want to see the world through a narrow template of politics?

Some folks don't like being ambushed with a political agenda. Some folks might be having a bad day. Some folks might find themselves being used as puppets by others to sell books.

And when genuine human emotions come to the forefront, there are some idiots who want to exploit those emotions and natural human reactions to make a silly, inept and totally unconvincing political points.

If I stub my toe on the coffee table and then writhe in pain, does that make me a Liberal or a Conservative?

So..."Can't we all just get along...?"

1. Charles Murray, in "Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010," states the following:
One change in societal attitude has been the “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental.

His point it that it is more important for the future of our nation to stand up for what one believes.

2. Then, there is David Mamet:
Central to Liberalism is the assertion that evil does not exist, all conflict being attributed to a lack of understanding between the opposed.

a. Sadly, this does not square with the experience of anyone. The notion that an honest exchange of views will solve all problems is an ‘article of faith,’ i.e. ‘war never solved anything.’

3. The view “The truth must lie somewhere in between…” is one of those unexamined dogmas. Who on the left says that of abortion?

a. The Israelis want peace within their borders; the Arabs would like to kill them. Where is the middle ground.

b. There are times when one side is right, and one is wrong. I try to spotlight same, and make my point as to who is right.

4. There is a reason that I try to project an extreme right wing prospective....
....I feel the left wing has hurt this great nation in every possible way. Perhaps with good intentions...but with deleterious effect.

I hope that toe feels better.
If I stub my toe on the coffee table and then writhe in pain, does that make me a Liberal or a Conservative?

It depends. If you walk it off and learn to be more careful in the future, you are a conservative. If you sue the coffee table maker and immediately call for federal regulation of all coffee tables so as to protect you from your own behavior and codify in law that you are not responsible for yourself if you do it again, then you are a liberal.
Ah, so you're one of those who gets off on the humiliation?

No, I don't like being humiliated. I hate it actually. I'm trying to understand what PC was getting at, but nobody, including her, can tell me. Instead, she insults me. That's really immature, and so are you backing her up.

Why do I get stuck teaching summer school??

OK...take notes: post #77

Liberals believe they can make allowances for behavior such as Chris Rock's, because of some history that he never went through.

The should read in believing that this burst of good intentions supersedes the lessons that history has taught mankind, that you no doubt learned at mommy's knee: 'Two wrongs don't make a right.'

We will not be a successful society when big government has the power to have protected groups- not race, not religion, not sexual orientation- and forms de facto classes.

This is the final insult to our Founders, who propounded equality before the law.

Get it?

You are generalizing egregiously. You make unfounded claims that "Liberals believe they can make allowance for such behavior," and the propose a reason for this unfounded claim, which is a double whammy. Where did you read this? This is true for all liberals? No. It's not. It is a false statement, that can be said the same for conservatives because it has nothing to do with political orientation, but it simply a human characteristic that some possess.

I don't think hitting anybody is right, but when you hit a deep emotional chord with someone, you are likely to get stung, and the reporter should not have been so careless and arrogant. We are creatures of emotion, and that is the source of this incident, not political orientation. A celebrity is entitled to respect and privacy. It was really the ego of these reporters who were hurt by the words that Chris Rock said, and felt the need to bother him when he was just hanging out. Maybe Chris had a bad day, and couldn't control himself. You don't know, yet you apply them sweeping generalizations through the eyes of political orientation which does not touch on reality really. You can see the world however you like PC, and you will find evidence to back up your worldview whether you are a neo-nazi or a buddhist. It doesn't make everything you think you see reality.

Last, stop telling me this "this is the mistake I make." I never said anything about intentions and you are assuming things you have no right to assume. I don't think good intentions mean shit. It is the action that is important. Period.
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The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.

I don't disagree that yes, he pretended to be an admirer in order to get CR to stop and turn towards camera, but the second CR realized it was an interview not a fan photo he tried to walk away and then the interviewer pursued him. I'd probably be a bit pissed too. Still doesn't mean it's right for Chris to grab the camera and throw it though.

Has the issue of what comedians say about politics always been a political football? Seems to me I can remember times when a comedian could say stuff and people would take it as a joke rather than having a loaded political agenda. Wonder when that changed or whether it has always been thus.

Interesting to see this was filmed at Sundance. I was there with my wife, who Exec Produced one of the shorts in the festival. Great fun but utterly exhausting. On the other hand the skiing was great. No snowboarders allowed at Deer Valley - bliss.
No, I don't like being humiliated. I hate it actually. I'm trying to understand what PC was getting at, but nobody, including her, can tell me. Instead, she insults me. That's really immature, and so are you backing her up.

Why do I get stuck teaching summer school??

OK...take notes: post #77

Liberals believe they can make allowances for behavior such as Chris Rock's, because of some history that he never went through.

The should read in believing that this burst of good intentions supersedes the lessons that history has taught mankind, that you no doubt learned at mommy's knee: 'Two wrongs don't make a right.'

We will not be a successful society when big government has the power to have protected groups- not race, not religion, not sexual orientation- and forms de facto classes.

This is the final insult to our Founders, who propounded equality before the law.

Get it?

You are generalizing egregiously. You make unfounded claims that "Liberals believe they can make allowance for such behavior," and the propose a reason for this unfounded claim, which is a double whammy. Where did you read this? This is true for all liberals? No. It's not. It is a false statement, that can be said the same for conservatives because it has nothing to do with political orientation, but it simply a human characteristic that some possess.

I don't think hitting anybody is right, but when you hit a deep emotional chord with someone, you are likely to get stung, and the reporter should not have been so careless and arrogant. We are creatures of emotion, and that is the source of this incident, not political orientation. A celebrity is entitled to respect and privacy. It was really the ego of these reporters who were hurt by the words that Chris Rock said, and felt the need to bother him when he was just hanging out. Maybe Chris had a bad day, and couldn't control himself. You don't know, yet you apply them sweeping generalizations through the eyes of political orientation which does not touch on reality really. You can see the world however you like PC, and you will find evidence to back up your worldview whether you are a neo-nazi or a buddhist. It doesn't make everything you think you see reality.

Last, stop telling me this "this is the mistake I make." I never said anything about intentions and you are assuming things you have no right to assume. I don't think good intentions mean shit. It is the action that is important. Period.

'You make unfounded claims that "Liberals believe they can make allowance for such behavior,"'

You did.

What size shoe does your mouth take?
New Politics...

You'll learn soon enough that PC usually does the propaganda thing with paragraphs of big words and assumptions. Dont let the paragraphs fool you. She just does enlongated bumper sticker slogans.
New Politics...

You'll learn soon enough that PC usually does the propaganda thing with paragraphs of big words and assumptions. Dont let the paragraphs fool you. She just does enlongated bumper sticker slogans.

I’ll slow down…I didn’t realize it was an ‘idiot x-ing.’'re giving another dolt advice, how he shouldn't be afraid of big words or big paragraphs???

Talk about the blind leading the blind.

Don't you want to suggest he not be concerned about big thoughts or big ideas, as know, the way you do?

Hey, leave the kid alone...the only thing he can learn from you is 'You're never too old to learn something stupid.'
New Politics...

You'll learn soon enough that PC usually does the propaganda thing with paragraphs of big words and assumptions. Dont let the paragraphs fool you. She just does enlongated bumper sticker slogans.

I’ll slow down…I didn’t realize it was an ‘idiot x-ing.’'re giving another dolt advice, how he shouldn't be afraid of big words or big paragraphs???

Talk about the blind leading the blind.

Don't you want to suggest he not be concerned about big thoughts or big ideas, as know, the way you do?

Hey, leave the kid alone...the only thing he can learn from you is 'You're never too old to learn something stupid.'

See? just made another assumption because fear or ignorance is no where in my post or implied. See my first post. PC comments follow those rules without fail.
New Politics...

You'll learn soon enough that PC usually does the propaganda thing with paragraphs of big words and assumptions. Dont let the paragraphs fool you. She just does enlongated bumper sticker slogans.

I’ll slow down…I didn’t realize it was an ‘idiot x-ing.’'re giving another dolt advice, how he shouldn't be afraid of big words or big paragraphs???

Talk about the blind leading the blind.

Don't you want to suggest he not be concerned about big thoughts or big ideas, as know, the way you do?

Hey, leave the kid alone...the only thing he can learn from you is 'You're never too old to learn something stupid.'

See? just made another assumption because fear or ignorance is no where in my post or implied. See my first post. PC comments follow those rules without fail.

OMG...You're right, cappy.....I don't know why I didn't see it before!
That’s an event that usually accompanies a parting sea or a stone tablet!!!

You're a genius!!


Brilliant! Brilliant, I say!

I follow your rules, Master!!!!
I keed, I keed.

First time you've ever heard those adjectives associated with your name, huh?
See....I believe in charity.

Now for the usual:
I’m going to enroll you in the Federal Wit-less Relocation Program.
OK...Why don’t you go back to the motel and check your traps.
How sad is it that some people want to see the world through a narrow template of politics?

Some folks don't like being ambushed with a political agenda. Some folks might be having a bad day. Some folks might find themselves being used as puppets by others to sell books.

And when genuine human emotions come to the forefront, there are some idiots who want to exploit those emotions and natural human reactions to make a silly, inept and totally unconvincing political points.

If I stub my toe on the coffee table and then writhe in pain, does that make me a Liberal or a Conservative?

So..."Can't we all just get along...?"

1. Charles Murray, in "Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010," states the following:
One change in societal attitude has been the “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental.

His point it that it is more important for the future of our nation to stand up for what one believes.

2. Then, there is David Mamet:
Central to Liberalism is the assertion that evil does not exist, all conflict being attributed to a lack of understanding between the opposed.

a. Sadly, this does not square with the experience of anyone. The notion that an honest exchange of views will solve all problems is an ‘article of faith,’ i.e. ‘war never solved anything.’

3. The view “The truth must lie somewhere in between…” is one of those unexamined dogmas. Who on the left says that of abortion?

a. The Israelis want peace within their borders; the Arabs would like to kill them. Where is the middle ground.

b. There are times when one side is right, and one is wrong. I try to spotlight same, and make my point as to who is right.

4. There is a reason that I try to project an extreme right wing prospective....
....I feel the left wing has hurt this great nation in every possible way. Perhaps with good intentions...but with deleterious effect.

I hope that toe feels better.
And sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. Conservatism doesn't teach one how to behave, societal mores do. The Free market, the Constitution and the Bible are all wonderful institutions, but they do not comprise all the guidelines on how to comport ones self. If someone stuck to these three ideals for all things social and personal, I'm afraid that free will will be the ultimate victim.
Why do I get stuck teaching summer school??

OK...take notes: post #77

Liberals believe they can make allowances for behavior such as Chris Rock's, because of some history that he never went through.

The should read in believing that this burst of good intentions supersedes the lessons that history has taught mankind, that you no doubt learned at mommy's knee: 'Two wrongs don't make a right.'

We will not be a successful society when big government has the power to have protected groups- not race, not religion, not sexual orientation- and forms de facto classes.

This is the final insult to our Founders, who propounded equality before the law.

Get it?

You are generalizing egregiously. You make unfounded claims that "Liberals believe they can make allowance for such behavior," and the propose a reason for this unfounded claim, which is a double whammy. Where did you read this? This is true for all liberals? No. It's not. It is a false statement, that can be said the same for conservatives because it has nothing to do with political orientation, but it simply a human characteristic that some possess.

I don't think hitting anybody is right, but when you hit a deep emotional chord with someone, you are likely to get stung, and the reporter should not have been so careless and arrogant. We are creatures of emotion, and that is the source of this incident, not political orientation. A celebrity is entitled to respect and privacy. It was really the ego of these reporters who were hurt by the words that Chris Rock said, and felt the need to bother him when he was just hanging out. Maybe Chris had a bad day, and couldn't control himself. You don't know, yet you apply them sweeping generalizations through the eyes of political orientation which does not touch on reality really. You can see the world however you like PC, and you will find evidence to back up your worldview whether you are a neo-nazi or a buddhist. It doesn't make everything you think you see reality.

Last, stop telling me this "this is the mistake I make." I never said anything about intentions and you are assuming things you have no right to assume. I don't think good intentions mean shit. It is the action that is important. Period.

'You make unfounded claims that "Liberals believe they can make allowance for such behavior,"'

You did.

What size shoe does your mouth take?

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He was going after Chris like somebody from Howard Stern would. BabaBooey

Brietbart.. :cuckoo:

what's hilarious is that Poli-Chic thinks it's a left-right issue.

a celebrity goes after a camera set up to make them look bad. D'Oh!

Asking him why he called the tea party racist is trying to make him look bad?

Well then his ass shouldntve said it in the first place.
He was going after Chris like somebody from Howard Stern would. BabaBooey

Brietbart.. :cuckoo:

what's hilarious is that Poli-Chic thinks it's a left-right issue.

a celebrity goes after a camera set up to make them look bad. D'Oh!

Asking him why he called the tea party racist is trying to make him look bad?

Well then his ass shouldntve said it in the first place.

The Tea party is racist, so he most definitely should have said it.
what's hilarious is that Poli-Chic thinks it's a left-right issue.

a celebrity goes after a camera set up to make them look bad. D'Oh!

Asking him why he called the tea party racist is trying to make him look bad?

Well then his ass shouldntve said it in the first place.

The Tea party is racist, so he most definitely should have said it.

I'm a black man, I attended a few of their rallies. There were other black people at those rallies. No, not as many as there were whites and Hispanics, but there were a decent number of us in attendance. Never sensed any racism, never was called a name or told I did not belong there. Infact everyone got along and enjoyed being there to discuss and support the cause.

So explain to me how the tea party is racist?
Asking him why he called the tea party racist is trying to make him look bad?

Well then his ass shouldntve said it in the first place.

The Tea party is racist, so he most definitely should have said it.

I'm a black man, I attended a few of their rallies. There were other black people at those rallies. No, not as many as there were whites and Hispanics, but there were a decent number of us in attendance. Never sensed any racism, never was called a name or told I did not belong there. Infact everyone got along and enjoyed being there to discuss and support the cause.

So explain to me how the tea party is racist?

If you are on their side, and showing it, by being at their rally, they are not going to treat you badly. However, if you are not on their side, and are part of a group of society they see as problematic, they will have no problem speaking up, and doing so along racial lines. Of, course I can't faithfully generalize all tea-partiers and say with confidence that they are allracist, and I don't believe that to be true either, but the truth of the matter is that the general demographic of what makes up the tea party contains ideologies that can include racist sentiment: white, older, southern, christian, conservatives. I bet you will find a higher statistical average of racist sentiment among this demographic than among any other. Also, of course there are tea-partiers of every race and creed, as it is simply an ideology that anyone can subscribe to, but on the whole, it attracts a specific demographic as was just stated.
The Tea party is racist, so he most definitely should have said it.

I'm a black man, I attended a few of their rallies. There were other black people at those rallies. No, not as many as there were whites and Hispanics, but there were a decent number of us in attendance. Never sensed any racism, never was called a name or told I did not belong there. Infact everyone got along and enjoyed being there to discuss and support the cause.

So explain to me how the tea party is racist?

If you are on their side, and showing it, by being at their rally, they are not going to treat you badly. However, if you are not on their side, and are part of a group of society they see as problematic, they will have no problem speaking up, and doing so along racial lines. Of, course I can't faithfully generalize all tea-partiers and say with confidence that they are allracist, and I don't believe that to be true either, but the truth of the matter is that the general demographic of what makes up the tea party contains ideologies that can include racist sentiment: white, older, southern, christian, conservatives. I bet you will find a higher statistical average of racist sentiment among this demographic than among any other. Also, of course there are tea-partiers of every race and creed, as it is simply an ideology that anyone can subscribe to, but on the whole, it attracts a specific demographic as was just stated.

The tea party is not racist then, some people are racist in it no doubt as there are racist in all movements my friend. But the majority of those white Christian conservatives seemed a lot less racist than some of the white liberal atheists I've had the pleasure of having a disagreement with and revealed myself to be more to the right than left, I can tell you that. Having a scrawny latte sipping girl pants wearing white liberal call me a sell out is a regular occurrence to me. Almost a regular as it is for a fellow brother to do the same.

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