Christ, the press is hostile as hell. Watching Spicer

False reporting? LOL You mean pointing out that Spicer and the orange clown lie with every other sentence? LOL
Funny how liberals call Trump a liar, and think nothing of trying to get Hillary Clinton elected president, with all the lie baggage she carries. Wow!
I think the GOP and the orange clown will eventually be held accountable for their actions that harm US Citizens.
They already have BEEN held accountable for all their actions and positions that PROTECT US citizens. That happened on November 3, 2016. :biggrin:
False reporting? LOL You mean pointing out that Spicer and the orange clown lie with every other sentence? LOL
Funny how liberals call Trump a liar, and think nothing of trying to get Hillary Clinton elected president, with all the lie baggage she carries. Wow!

The delusions continue with you people! How you can compare Hillary to ANYTHING SAID and done by Trump is laughable! He still hasn't gotten over the election; making excuses for 3 M+ votes more to her, that his Inaugural wasn't as attended as he would have hoped, and that the job would be easy and all kinds of changes will occur "DAY One!" SO far that's been BS on all fronts! He's a liar, knew it, and suckers fell for it "hook, line, & sinker!" The Bill for "Repeal & Replace" of Obamacare is going down in flames again; what's that 3 times now? What makes these losses even more HUGE is how a spotlight's on it and promises are made that is known, can't be kept! Republicans LOVE being lied to; going back decades with "we will not negotiate with terrorists, No NEW TAXES, and day 1 a BILL for ACA repeal will be signed along with the biggest tax cut in US history!"

The Dems not only kept the ACA and fully funded it through this fiscal year; nothing else was cut, including Planned Parenthood, Arts, and Expansion Medicare payment for PR which is over $250 M! The Republicans got no budget cuts, increased defense spending by $21 B, no money for the border wall, and the status quo continues! So much for Republicans owning it; they're as weak as ever with a nimrod like Trump in the POTUS chair! How lame and pathetic to try and deflect by slamming Hillary who's never been in real power, but has accomplished more than Trump ever will in world wide affairs and he's President! :9: :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah:
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The delusions continue with you people! How you can compare Hillary to ANYTHING SAID and done by Trump is laughable! He still hasn't gotten over the election; making excuses for 3 M+ votes more to her, that his Inaugural wasn't as attended as he would have hoped, and that the job would be easy and all kinds of changes will occur "DAY One!" SO far that's been BS on all fronts! He's a liar, knew it, and suckers fell for it "hook, line, & sinker!" The Bill for "Repeal & Replace" of Obamacare is going down in flames again; what's that 3 times now? What makes these losses even more HUGE is how a spotlight's on it and promises are made that is known, can't be kept! Republicans LOVE being lied to; going back decades with "we will not negotiate with terrorists, No NEW TAXES, and day 1 a BILL for ACA repeal will be signed along with the biggest tax cut in US history!" :9: :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah:
How you can compare Trump to Hillary's 50 year history of consistent lying, is laughable!

1. The Marines.

2. Sir Edmund Hillary.

3. The women's soccer team.

4. Sniper fire in Bosnia.

5. Her alleged "immigrant" grandparents.

6. Lying to Chris Wallace about what James Comey said (even after Wallace showed the video)

7. The infamous video lie to cover up her Benghazi guilt.

Then there's her Lying TV ads during the campaign.

8. John McCain

9. the disabled reporter

10. outsourcing

11. Khizir Khan

I could go on and on, buy I'm on limited time here right now, - I'll add details later.,
The delusions continue with you people! How you can compare Hillary to ANYTHING SAID and done by Trump is laughable! He still hasn't gotten over the election; making excuses for 3 M+ votes more to her, that his Inaugural wasn't as attended as he would have hoped, and that the job would be easy and all kinds of changes will occur "DAY One!" SO far that's been BS on all fronts! He's a liar, knew it, and suckers fell for it "hook, line, & sinker!" The Bill for "Repeal & Replace" of Obamacare is going down in flames again; what's that 3 times now? What makes these losses even more HUGE is how a spotlight's on it and promises are made that is known, can't be kept! Republicans LOVE being lied to; going back decades with "we will not negotiate with terrorists, No NEW TAXES, and day 1 a BILL for ACA repeal will be signed along with the biggest tax cut in US history!" :9: :anj_stfu: :argue: :blahblah:
How you can compare Trump to Hillary's 50 year history of consistent lying, is laughable!

1. The Marines.

2. Sir Edmund Hillary.

3. The women's soccer team.

4. Sniper fire in Bosnia.

5. Her alleged "immigrant" grandparents.

6. Lying to Chris Wallace about what James Comey said (even after Wallace showed the video)

7. The infamous video lie to cover up her Benghazi guilt.

Then there's her Lying TV ads during the campaign.

8. John McCain

9. the disabled reporter

10. outsourcing

11. Khizir Khan

I could go on and on, buy I'm on limited time here right now, - I'll add details later.,

Don't bother; alternative FACTS propagated by you and FNC can't save the record of this pathetic person heading the country! Slamming her and dredging up history won't make him GREAT! Try making suggestions to turn this miserable administration around rather than whining about past history! You won; you have to live with it! I'm old and gave up! If the country wants a creature like that in charge, I hope not to be around when it all blows up in our faces! :argue: :asshole: :banana2:
'Christ, the press is hostile as hell.'

Nothing compared to Colbert, who went on a disgraceful, profanity-laced, disgusting attack on the President of the United States during his monologue the other night. He was certainly playing to the Liberal snowflake extremists in the Democratic Party. What a POS.
'Christ, the press is hostile as hell.'

Nothing compared to Colbert, who went on a disgraceful, profanity-laced, disgusting attack on the President of the United States during his monologue the other night. He was certainly playing to the Liberal snowflake extremists in the Democratic Party. What a POS.

The same can be said of Sean Hannity & Tucker Carlson! They are D!Cks personified and seem to have no shame! :bang3:
Don't bother; alternative FACTS propagated by you and FNC can't save the record of this pathetic person heading the country! Slamming her and dredging up history won't make him GREAT! Try making suggestions to turn this miserable administration around rather than whining about past history! You won; you have to live with it! I'm old and gave up! If the country wants a creature like that in charge, I hope not to be around when it all blows up in our faces! :argue: :asshole: :banana2:
I wasn't trying to build up Trump by bashing Hillary. I was responding to you doing just that, against Trump.

As for Trump's accomplishments as president, I'd like to see him doing more, but his first 3 months have already been impressive, especially when compared with the past 8 years of neglect, weakness, and destruction.
Combative & not backing down from false reporting despite being proven wrong.

Of course they are hostile. Trump couldn't give three shits about them and Hillary lost even though they all campaigned for her.

Kinda tough when you realize you're prediction was oh so wrong and the guy you all thought was a joke won. LOL
Don't bother; alternative FACTS propagated by you and FNC can't save the record of this pathetic person heading the country! Slamming her and dredging up history won't make him GREAT! Try making suggestions to turn this miserable administration around rather than whining about past history! You won; you have to live with it! I'm old and gave up! If the country wants a creature like that in charge, I hope not to be around when it all blows up in our faces! :argue: :asshole: :banana2:
I wasn't trying to build up Trump by bashing Hillary. I was responding to you doing just that, against Trump.

As for Trump's accomplishments as president, I'd like to see him doing more, but his first 3 months have already been impressive, especially when compared with the past 8 years of neglect, weakness, and destruction.

I think Trump's delusions have to be rubbing off on his supporters! I'm not trying to be a troll; just spillin' the "T" on this fraud! You guys used to criticize Obama for running the Presidency through Executive Order, but that's all Trump's really done; & several have been nixed by the courts! As for taking credit for the theft of a Supreme Court seat; SO WHAT? Legislation passed? I'm still thinking; maybe passing a CR where Republicans got rolled by the Dems? I don't need to go down that long list of programs which include funding of the ACA, PP, NIH, EPA, etc! We can all agree it's unseemly to gloat and "spike the football" as FNC loves to repeat over and over, but it was the bloviating of Trump talking about how easy this was going to be which makes it apropos! :9: :badgrin: :beer:
I think Trump's delusions have to be rubbing off on his supporters! I'm not trying to be a troll; just spillin' the "T" on this fraud! You guys used to criticize Obama for running the Presidency through Executive Order, but that's all Trump's really done; & several have been nixed by the courts! As for taking credit for the theft of a Supreme Court seat; SO WHAT? Legislation passed? I'm still thinking; maybe passing a CR where Republicans got rolled by the Dems? I don't need to go down that long list of programs which include funding of the ACA, PP, NIH, EPA, etc! We can all agree it's unseemly to gloat and "spike the football" as FNC loves to repeat over and over, but it was the bloviating of Trump talking about how easy this was going to be which makes it apropos! :9: :badgrin: :beer:
I don't care if Trump get things accomplished by EO or legis. as long as they get done, and quite a bit has gotten done already.

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.

Plus + on immigration >>

  • Increases in Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents,

  • Increase in immigration judges,

  • Withholding visas from countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens,

  • An end to catch-and-release,

  • The construction of more detention facilities for detained illegal aliens along the border,

  • Granting Border Patrol access to federal lands,

  • Ending Pres. Obama's Priority Enforcement Program (PEP),

  • Reinstating Secure Communities and encouraging increased participation from local police in immigration enforcement, and

  • Creation of an office for victims of illegal-alien crimes.
I think Trump's delusions have to be rubbing off on his supporters! I'm not trying to be a troll; just spillin' the "T" on this fraud! You guys used to criticize Obama for running the Presidency through Executive Order, but that's all Trump's really done; & several have been nixed by the courts! As for taking credit for the theft of a Supreme Court seat; SO WHAT? Legislation passed? I'm still thinking; maybe passing a CR where Republicans got rolled by the Dems? I don't need to go down that long list of programs which include funding of the ACA, PP, NIH, EPA, etc! We can all agree it's unseemly to gloat and "spike the football" as FNC loves to repeat over and over, but it was the bloviating of Trump talking about how easy this was going to be which makes it apropos! :9: :badgrin: :beer:
I don't care if Trump get things accomplished by EO or legis. as long as they get done, and quite a bit has gotten done already.

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.

Plus + on immigration >>

  • Increases in Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents,

  • Increase in immigration judges,

  • Withholding visas from countries that refuse to repatriate deported aliens,

  • An end to catch-and-release,

  • The construction of more detention facilities for detained illegal aliens along the border,

  • Granting Border Patrol access to federal lands,

  • Ending Pres. Obama's Priority Enforcement Program (PEP),

  • Reinstating Secure Communities and encouraging increased participation from local police in immigration enforcement, and

  • Creation of an office for victims of illegal-alien crimes.
You weren't supposed to notice all that.

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