Christ, the press is hostile as hell. Watching Spicer

yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan
Take your Dramamine, kiddies! The spin is furious!

Sec. Clinton's "lies" were actual recordings of actual words coming from the actual mouth of Donald JH. Trump.
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan

What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan

What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
No he didn't blah blah blah.....
2018 is looking bad. The libstain press does NOTHING but lie about Trump and play little games everyday.
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan

What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
No he didn't blah blah blah.....
Alternative facts. Trump supporters will tell you it's a sunny day from under their umbrellas. Up is down, black is white, truth is lies. Anything to further burnish the image of the huckster buffoon.
What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
I have only 9 minutes left on a public library computer , but i'll try to squeeze this in requires a LONG answer.
What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
I have only 9 minutes left on a public library computer , but i'll try to squeeze this in requires a LONG answer.


Say no more. You're a 75-year-old homeless person. Everything is explained.
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan

What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
You are NAIVE in the extreme. All this Hillary TV ad lies have long been refuted (but not on liberal media)

They were proven wrong on these attacks against Trump >> Outsourcing, the disabled reporter, John McCain, Khizir Khan

1. Trump ties made in China, were not outsourcing They were merely brand licensing. The Chinese pay Trump for the use of his name. The ties were never made in America, weren't moved anywhere, and no American workers were ever involved. They are Chinese ties that just have Trump's name stamped on them.
In contrast, Hillary supported NAFTA for years, supported TPP (right up until the election), and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relation (both prime outsourcing orgs) She's the biggest Globalist (outsourcer) in America, and Bernie is a hypocrite idiot for supporting her.

2. John McCain - He was NOT a war hero - he was a COLLABERATOR with the North Vietnamese (according to his fellow POWs) His nickname was "Songbird" (for all the military secrets he gave to the NV. He wasn't tortured. His fellow POWs were. In contrast, McCain got wine, women, and song. He keeps "serving" in the Senate despite advanced age, so he can keep his military secret record sealed. Trump was right on McCain.

3. Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill masquerading as only a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY. The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him. He is also an immigration lawyer who specializes working with Muslims immigratns. When this was exposed he deleted his website.

4. Serge Kovaleski - Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember Ah, I don't know what I said" It had nothing to do with any disability. Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.

OMG, the doofus didn't read the damn thing to the end? IT'S ONLY 140 CHARACTERS! Spicer is perfect for Trump: Arrogant, illiterate and impulsive.
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan

What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
You are NAIVE in the extreme. All this Hillary TV ad lies have long been refuted (but not on liberal media)

They were proven wrong on these attacks against Trump >> Outsourcing, the disabled reporter, John McCain, Khizir Khan

1. Trump ties made in China, were not outsourcing They were merely brand licensing. The Chinese pay Trump for the use of his name. The ties were never made in America, weren't moved anywhere, and no American workers were ever involved. They are Chinese ties that just have Trump's name stamped on them.
In contrast, Hillary supported NAFTA for years, supported TPP (right up until the election), and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relation (both prime outsourcing orgs) She's the biggest Globalist (outsourcer) in America, and Bernie is a hypocrite idiot for supporting her.

2. John McCain - He was NOT a war hero - he was a COLLABERATOR with the North Vietnamese (according to his fellow POWs) His nickname was "Songbird" (for all the military secrets he gave to the NV. He wasn't tortured. His fellow POWs were. In contrast, McCain got wine, women, and song. He keeps "serving" in the Senate despite advanced age, so he can keep his military secret record sealed. Trump was right on McCain.

3. Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill masquerading as only a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY. The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him. He is also an immigration lawyer who specializes working with Muslims immigratns. When this was exposed he deleted his website.

4. Serge Kovaleski - Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember Ah, I don't know what I said" It had nothing to do with any disability. Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.

Jesus fucking Christ. Lemme guess, you're a Christian who believes in Christ's resurrection...but you won't buy 9/11 without modern video?

Also, nothing you wrote disputes a thing in those ads. You're merely whining that it didn't include enough right-wing misinformation and a hit-piece on a gold-star family.


Say no more. You're a 75-year-old homeless person. Everything is explained.[/QUOTE]
You just commited a FELONY >> Florida Statute 825.102 You could get 5 years in a state prison.
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan

What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
You are NAIVE in the extreme. All this Hillary TV ad lies have long been refuted (but not on liberal media)

They were proven wrong on these attacks against Trump >> Outsourcing, the disabled reporter, John McCain, Khizir Khan

1. Trump ties made in China, were not outsourcing They were merely brand licensing. The Chinese pay Trump for the use of his name. The ties were never made in America, weren't moved anywhere, and no American workers were ever involved. They are Chinese ties that just have Trump's name stamped on them.
In contrast, Hillary supported NAFTA for years, supported TPP (right up until the election), and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relation (both prime outsourcing orgs) She's the biggest Globalist (outsourcer) in America, and Bernie is a hypocrite idiot for supporting her.

2. John McCain - He was NOT a war hero - he was a COLLABERATOR with the North Vietnamese (according to his fellow POWs) His nickname was "Songbird" (for all the military secrets he gave to the NV. He wasn't tortured. His fellow POWs were. In contrast, McCain got wine, women, and song. He keeps "serving" in the Senate despite advanced age, so he can keep his military secret record sealed. Trump was right on McCain.

3. Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill masquerading as only a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY. The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him. He is also an immigration lawyer who specializes working with Muslims immigratns. When this was exposed he deleted his website.

4. Serge Kovaleski - Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember Ah, I don't know what I said" It had nothing to do with any disability. Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.

Jesus fucking Christ. Lemme guess, you're a Christian who believes in Christ's resurrection...but you won't buy 9/11 without modern video?

Also, nothing you wrote disputes a thing in those ads. You're merely whining that it didn't include enough right-wing misinformation and a hit-piece on a gold-star family.
Denial is a powerful drug. The press is extremely hostile to those against the puppet agenda the pursue.
2018 is looking bad. The libstain press does NOTHING but lie about Trump and play little games everyday.
They reported his words and the facts and Trump is sinking himself. The lazy assholes who didn't bother to go to the polls in November have been woken. You better believe the Repubs are going to take a shellacking, especially if they don't pass a budget this week.
The main stream media and the left are going to run out of steam with this can only foam at the mouth for so long before people lock you away somewhere or put you to sleep. In case you hadn't noticed...Trump doesn't CARE what you think! He's going to do what he promised to do before he got elected.

The rest of the WORLD is watching, and what they're seeing is Trump telling lie after lie, after lie, and you idiots lapping it up with a fork and spoon. Saying that we didn't see or hear what we all saw and heard is getting old.

Other than you Trumpbots, no one is fooled. No one.

And you know they are lies because...CNN tells you they are? I hate to tell you this, Dragonlady but the reason that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump was that someone pulled back the curtain and showed the American people just how sleazy Hillary Clinton WAS and just how far the liberal media was willing to go to get her elected.

There were a lot of reasons why Hillary lost, but the liberal media wasn't one of them. They were initially willing to promote Donald Trump for ratings, and when they finally got around to pointing out how unqualified he is, it was too late.

I don't watch CNN, I watch CBC, Global and the BBC. CNN is opinion, and while they don't lie, it is more opinion than news.

Actually in a way they were. Some votes for Trump were votes against the lying media.


Say no more. You're a 75-year-old homeless person. Everything is explained.
You just commited a FELONY >> Florida Statute 825.102 You could get 5 years in a state prison.[/QUOTE]

Good grief, here you POS fuck-up, here's your "abuse". Now call the police. LMAO, your stupid statute doesn't cover third-party internet websites that have a waiver in place stating they are not responsible for what is posted here. Damn, you're dumb.
Chapter 825 Section 102 - 2012 Florida Statutes - The Florida Senate
yes, how dare people quote the orange sociopath.
So, you're claiming these were not lies from Hillary's TV ads ? >>>

1.the disabled reporter,

2. John McCain,

3. Outsourcing,

4. Khizir Khan

What was dishonest about them?

Yes, he mocked a disabled reporter. Yes, he insulted McCain (and all POWs). Yes, he insulted a gold-star family. Yes, he outsources almost all of his sales items, like ties, hats, etc.
You are NAIVE in the extreme. All this Hillary TV ad lies have long been refuted (but not on liberal media)

They were proven wrong on these attacks against Trump >> Outsourcing, the disabled reporter, John McCain, Khizir Khan

1. Trump ties made in China, were not outsourcing They were merely brand licensing. The Chinese pay Trump for the use of his name. The ties were never made in America, weren't moved anywhere, and no American workers were ever involved. They are Chinese ties that just have Trump's name stamped on them.
In contrast, Hillary supported NAFTA for years, supported TPP (right up until the election), and is a member of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relation (both prime outsourcing orgs) She's the biggest Globalist (outsourcer) in America, and Bernie is a hypocrite idiot for supporting her.

2. John McCain - He was NOT a war hero - he was a COLLABERATOR with the North Vietnamese (according to his fellow POWs) His nickname was "Songbird" (for all the military secrets he gave to the NV. He wasn't tortured. His fellow POWs were. In contrast, McCain got wine, women, and song. He keeps "serving" in the Senate despite advanced age, so he can keep his military secret record sealed. Trump was right on McCain.

3. Khizir Khan - Muslim Brotherhood author, immigration lawyer, Clinton Foundation connection, paid by DNC $50K. Handpicked by Obama. Pure Hillary/DNC shill masquerading as only a poor father who lost a son in a war. Grade A PHONY. The press knew it, and never exposed the truth about him. He is also an immigration lawyer who specializes working with Muslims immigratns. When this was exposed he deleted his website.

4. Serge Kovaleski - Trump was referring to Kovaleski's denial and recant of his September 2001 Washington Post article, in which he reported Muslims cheering on rooftops and holding tailgate-style parties shortly after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Play back the video. Trump says "Ah, I can't remember Ah, I don't know what I said" It had nothing to do with any disability. Trump's flailing his arms around, has no connection to Kovaleski. Kovaleski isn't even able to move his arms in the that manner, and Trump has mocked other people the same way, none of whom had any disability. The attack on Trump was PURE DISHONEST FABRICATION, perpetrated by Hillary and the MSM.

Jesus fucking Christ. Lemme guess, you're a Christian who believes in Christ's resurrection...but you won't buy 9/11 without modern video?

Also, nothing you wrote disputes a thing in those ads. You're merely whining that it didn't include enough right-wing misinformation and a hit-piece on a gold-star family.
Denial is a powerful drug. The press is extremely hostile to those against the puppet agenda the pursue.
"Denial is a powerful drug."
That's what they were passing out to the crowd at Trump's rallies.
The main stream media and the left are going to run out of steam with this can only foam at the mouth for so long before people lock you away somewhere or put you to sleep. In case you hadn't noticed...Trump doesn't CARE what you think! He's going to do what he promised to do before he got elected.

The rest of the WORLD is watching, and what they're seeing is Trump telling lie after lie, after lie, and you idiots lapping it up with a fork and spoon. Saying that we didn't see or hear what we all saw and heard is getting old.

Other than you Trumpbots, no one is fooled. No one.

And you know they are lies because...CNN tells you they are? I hate to tell you this, Dragonlady but the reason that Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump was that someone pulled back the curtain and showed the American people just how sleazy Hillary Clinton WAS and just how far the liberal media was willing to go to get her elected.

There were a lot of reasons why Hillary lost, but the liberal media wasn't one of them. They were initially willing to promote Donald Trump for ratings, and when they finally got around to pointing out how unqualified he is, it was too late.

I don't watch CNN, I watch CBC, Global and the BBC. CNN is opinion, and while they don't lie, it is more opinion than news.

Actually in a way they were. Some votes for Trump were votes against the lying media.

How were they lying? Maybe it was talk radio and fox that were lying???

Being critical to a full blown asshole isn't lying...dick for a brain.

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